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by The Spartan
Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:35 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

If I had to deal with customers on a regular basis (in something as stupifying to customers as IT) I'd probably end up climbing a clock tower. As it is I find myself contemplating hidden, automated shotguns and flamethrowers to deal with some of the geniuses I encounter on my commute. Edit: Of cours...
by The Spartan
Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:12 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

Sorry, I was thinking of Batman.
by The Spartan
Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:10 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

Well, maybe if he were getting laid periodically...
by The Spartan
Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:27 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

I dunno man, it's the disconnect that gets me. "We stomp around the world fucking countries at will, but how dare you dislike us!" Their apparently the only nation that is permitted to act in its interests. I'm glad I live in a country that was formed out of a corporation, and generally m...
by The Spartan
Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:01 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

RogueIce wrote:I just think it's funny that guy actually got an action figure. Unless it was a joke product somebody made and posted on the Internet.
It's not a joke; I've actually seen it.
by The Spartan
Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:39 pm
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

I don't own a goddamn thing that's made by Apple, I don't give a fuck one way or the other that Steve Jobs is dead and I'm sick and fucking tired of people gushing like infatuated little girls who're heartbroken that their favorite boy band broke up. That's something I just can't do, 3inch buckshot ...
by The Spartan
Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:04 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

Well when the shell you're firing is 27% longer than a standard one. It was a turkey load and... damn.
by The Spartan
Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:26 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Godammed SDN
Replies: 12193
Views: 1162424

Re: Godammed SDN

I hear good things about .270 but I've not tried it. Bit of a traditionalist when it comes to calibres. That's what my rifle is. The only problem I ever had with it was when I bought a box soft-nosed bullets. Problem went away as soon as I switched back. Anyway, here's what I've fired: Single shot ...
by The Spartan
Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:45 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Tabula Rasa?
Replies: 76
Views: 39950

Re: Tabula Rasa?

It's actually up-up-left-a-down-b-b-a-up-up-right
by The Spartan
Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:29 am
Forum: New Testing
Topic: Tabula Rasa?
Replies: 76
Views: 39950

Re: Tabula Rasa?

Stofsk wrote:i am curious to see how i would fare given the responsibility of command

would i become a paragon of virtue

or would absolute power corrupt me

it sounds like an intriguing experiment
I think you should go the corruption route.

It's what I would do.