I'm not afraid of the Brony "title" (well, obviously, since I have a MLP avatar) though I kinda consider myself "Brony-lite".Oxymoron wrote:PS : yes, I watch the show, read some of the fanfics and appreciate most of the fan-arts ; but call me a brony and I'm going to punch you in the face. I do not associate myself with this fandom : I just appreciate shitty entertainment on a general basis.
Inasmuch as I do not and have no desire to create fan-art, -fiction, -music or anything like that. I just like to watch and discuss the show, and of course I appreciate the various fan-made things because many of them are of rather high quality.
Of course, I don't really do my own fan-made stuff for any of the other things I am a fan of, except for an aborted attempt at a GTA fanfic and unrelated GTA webcomic. But that's the closest I've ever come. So it's not like I especially exclude (or include) MLP in that regard.
And sure, I'll discuss the show if/when it gets brought up (like it has been now) but I don't go out of my way to preach the Gospel of Ponies or anything like that. And in all fairness, I don't see any of the bronies/pegasisters on SDN do that either. They will when someone mentions it or in the threads dedicated to it, but that's about it.
I can hardly speak for the rest of the Internet, of course. But honestly, fanboys of all sorts of shows, movies, games and so on will often try to 'preach' and 'convert' people into liking what it is they like. I really don't think the "Bronies" are any worse in that regard (same with some of the more...questionable elements of the fandom, like clopfics and shit; it ain't just MLP that generates that sort of thing, Rule 34 and slash/ship fics existed long before this show) yet people seem to go after the MLP fans with extra venom.
Maybe it's just because MLP is still relatively "new" and all, and maybe if there'd been an Internet in the 60s and 70s, Trekkies and Warsies would have gotten the same amount of shit when their shows came out. I like to think that, anyway.
Better than closet sexism/misogyny because "OMG guys like a GIRL'S show???"