Godammed SDN

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Shroom Man 777
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11701 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

otoh talking about how fucked up parts of your life were because of repressive religulous psycho environment at your youth with bitter asshole friends is fun too

like all things, it depends on the company you keep, on whether its enjoyable or not

like in nuersing school, we had to give each other enemas to learn how to, well, administer enemas

but since we were all friends, giving each other enemas and running into the bathroom to shit was a laugh

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11702 Post by Oxymoron »

Djinnkitty83 wrote:I believe that it really doesn't matter whether or not the universe is deterministic. If it is, we'll never be able to properly verify it or make reliable predictions on it thanks to things like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the observer effect.

So: Live like you have self-determination. If you're wrong about it, not only can it never be proven, but you were predetermined to act that way anyways. And if you're right, you're acting as responsibly as you reasonably can in regards to your own capabilities and consequences of your actions.

I guess it's kind of a deterministic modification of Pascal's Wager.
That's pretty much my take on the subject.

I don't know how to put that into word, but in my opinion, for all intent and purpose people are the one making choices ; they aren't puppets of some mysterious transcendental force. And so even IF the choices were to be predetermined by whatever, people would still be responsible for these choices.
Denying people responsibility for their acts because of the idea that they were predestined to do it anyway... does not seem to me to be a sane way to construct a morale system.

So for any practical purpose, even in a predestined universe we are as well served assuming "free will".

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11703 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

also, yeah

discourses on stuff can be interesting and expand and exercise the mind

but the rah rah I'm right QED handfucker stuff is, otoh, uninteresting and contracts and fats the brain

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11704 Post by Big Orangutan »

Baks-kun wrote: Spain had surpluses prior to the crash in 2007, and France is still economically afloat and doing fine
A surplus or a bubble, not unlike Gordon Brown's "no boom or bust" gambit in the UK that also failed miserably? Spain had a ridiculous housing/property/construction bubble:


Spain has gotten into serious trouble with private debt, despite having authorities that ostensibly behaved better than Greece's previous governments and maintaining public debt lower than mother fugging Germany.

Britain has problems with having its economy and people being enslaved to that fetid nexus of total corruption, greed, and incompetence that is the City of London.

America has problems with local municipals running low on dough (partially through lolbetarianism) and it's had visibly bad effects in recent years (see that ugly Colorado brushfire).
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11705 Post by Oxymoron »

Shroom : What annoy me is how people, on a discourse over morale and philosophy, think they can be RIGHT. Absolutely, definitevely RIGHT.

God fucking gdammit. People have been discussing that kind of things for literally as long as we were Humans, and the answers never really were the same each time. Do you really have the vainness to think YOU, in the whole expanse of human history, have found THE DEFINITE ANSWER to these age-old questions ?!

Man... Such Hubris in these people. They should learn humility someday.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11706 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Oxymoron wrote:Man... Such Hubris in these people. They should learn humility someday.
in a community designed specifically for rah rah I'm right QED handfucker bullshit (over pedantic shit like works of fiction), and with a populace mostly from the greatest superpower leader of the free world?


humility is anathema to their thema

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11707 Post by adr-admin »

mang the more i read of wongian "morality" the moar it lol a bit

then throw up a bit

i betcha he considers all of philosophy anywhere to be "religion" and thus evil and useless and stupid

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11708 Post by evilsoup »

I like the backpaddling in his latest post
bakustra keep up the good work

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11709 Post by Aaron »

Some people dwell in a world of absolutes. Sometimes I envy them, it must be wonderful to know your right all the time.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11710 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Oxymoron wrote:They should learn humility someday.

the arrogant and the unhumble are the ones most prone to displays of, well, being like a TEO fatso

and because they are unhumble, they react to any perceived threats or question to their might or stance or whatever in insecure aggressive fashion

hence the tardfuck donkeypalmer QEDs to any different opinions

hence the pedantic bullshit

hence the zomg testingstani curtain click brad hobbit bullshit from the fatsoests of them

hence the blargh liberal arts degree haw haw haw crap



smartest intellectulocrubloid of the intertubules

man, what a big joke

Aaron wrote:Some people dwell in a world of absolutes. Sometimes I envy them, it must be wonderful to know your right all the time.
i guess their worlds have to be absolutes (that cater to whatever they in particular want)

for the world to be unabsolute and uncomforming to their engineering architectural plan schematic diagram or whatever would be to, like, acknowledge that other people could be also-right, or that other ideas and shit could be not-wrong

and then what would happen to their ego compensatory crutch mechanisms?

how then could they rattle on about their boring shit and feel so great about themselves like hot shit?

what about the great flamewarriorenkampfkrieg crucibloids?

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11711 Post by Darksi4190 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:well, imo, america deserves all the anti it can get, and maybe a couple of anti supplement prescriptions, and a free subscription to an anti-channel

and a goatee-wearing anti-matter america continent can fall from an interdimensional portal in the sky too
You know some of us actually have to live here...........................

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11712 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

tbh, dealing with an un-absolute un-certain world that doesn't conform to what one wants to be right and correct, and what one thinks is wrong and incorrect, fraught with uncertainties and differences and possibilities and things that don't fit into any safe preconceived notions of stern rigid conformity to one's concepts, because the things out there in the world are actually pretty huge and unknowable and dwarf us and our ideas and for all our hubris and shit, there's so much stuff out there that's just bigger than us...

its pretty scary and i can get why some people would have none of that and shut themselves to their preordained concept of right/wrong/world/whatever

but its also pretty exciting and mysterious and strange and fun, and i'd liek to see more of this strange world of things

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11713 Post by Questor »

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11714 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Darksi4190 wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:well, imo, america deserves all the anti it can get, and maybe a couple of anti supplement prescriptions, and a free subscription to an anti-channel

and a goatee-wearing anti-matter america continent can fall from an interdimensional portal in the sky too
You know some of us actually have to live here...........................

an anti-matter exploderizing continent would be pretty bad

or at least harder to deal with than getting shit on in the internet by some smarmy fatso foreigners hurling mean words because of a decade ruining other nations and peoples and stuff

less gigatons to deal with, would require durasteel epidermis reinforcements with cryonic cooling systems rather than neutronium ingrained pellets with neutrino heatsink radiators

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11715 Post by evilsoup »

man shroom, I've missed you

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11716 Post by Phantasee »

RogueIce wrote:
evilsoup wrote:hey what happened to the trollface smiley
I think Phant was finally butthurt about it enough and deleted it.
it's still there if you can remember the bbcode for it
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11717 Post by Phantasee »

evilsoup wrote:and also
it's all europeans and canadians and other first worlders doing it
and they're so fucking smug
I'll try to put this in your terms shroom

it's like
laughing at a morbidly obese land-whale being carried out of a hole in the wall of their house by a construction crane
while ignoring that you yourself have just had a triple heart bypass
and in fact you're using that laughter to cover up your own insecurities & ingratiate yourself with some other fat (but not quite land-whales... man-elephants?) fatsos
when you say canadians you mean torontonians right

or eastern canadians on the board
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11718 Post by Aaron »

I admit that confronting things you once thought true is scary, its also fascinating and I'm a lot happier since I started. Learning how the world and people actually work and trying to see how people you don't agree with see things.

Man, now I sound like an ad for stoners.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11719 Post by evilsoup »

Phantasee wrote:
evilsoup wrote:and also
it's all europeans and canadians and other first worlders doing it
and they're so fucking smug
I'll try to put this in your terms shroom

it's like
laughing at a morbidly obese land-whale being carried out of a hole in the wall of their house by a construction crane
while ignoring that you yourself have just had a triple heart bypass
and in fact you're using that laughter to cover up your own insecurities & ingratiate yourself with some other fat (but not quite land-whales... man-elephants?) fatsos
when you say canadians you mean torontonians right

or eastern canadians on the board
i honestly wouldn't know
you all look the same to me

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11720 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Aaron wrote:I admit that confronting things you once thought true is scary, its also fascinating and I'm a lot happier since I started. Learning how the world and people actually work and trying to see how people you don't agree with see things.

Man, now I sound like an ad for stoners.
I'm also getting out of my shell of sheltered fatso living through incremental self-improvements. Eskrima is great help in this.

up-armor our self-esteem humvees with m&mraps to be impervious against Internet Enema Dialogues and Eloquent Fuck Pronunciations from the fattywa

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11721 Post by Crazedwraith »

eurgh. DW. Here is a thread about british politics. What does he post? 'this is what is so bad about americans. rar, i hate those americans so much'
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11722 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Crazedwraith wrote:rar, i hate those americans so much'
that sounds like:


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Re: Godammed SDN

#11723 Post by adr-admin »

Darksi4190 wrote:You know some of us actually have to live here...........................
and some of us actually have to DIE here

mua ha ha ha ha ha ah

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11724 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11725 Post by adr-admin »

the 1979 mobile suit gundam tv series

watch the english dub

open narration

"a new home for mankind where people are born and raised"

"...AND DIE" *explosion*

it kicks ass
