Godammed SDN

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12026 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:spend that time making some tight leather gothic manwhore regalia rather than wasting it on typing loveletters to those fatties
Our apartment's too small to do proper crafting. We're waiting to get another place with a spare room to hold all our arsty-fartsy crap. But until then I'm occupying myself with drawing and more novelwriting (complete with bleeding breast stabbings... only incidentally cause they were aiming for the heart and breastbags got in the way).

I can't remember if I spammed my stuff here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007E7M9UG

Book 1's up for sale, Book 2's a little under 3/4's done.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12027 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

starku wrote:ariloulaleelay
For a second i thought this was just your iPad being a goon again

But then I remembered Star Control
Losonti Tokash wrote:man i never understood why "la li lu le lo" was a nickname for the patriots in mgs
It's a language thing. Because there's no real 'l' sound in Japanese as such, 'la li lu le lo' is basically a set of sounds which don't exist.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12028 Post by Jung »

Djinnkitty83 wrote:Yet... who cares? It's just a sad little web-board that was entertaining for a bit, but is probably never going to top that little admin-temper-tantrum. It's just not important enough to merit worry over the theoretically totalitarian mindsets of impotent board owners.
Eh, I'm not really invested in SDN or anything, it was just an observation. Well, that and the apparent "big fish in a tiny pond" dynamic is kind of amusing. Congradulations, you have safeguarded your power over ... a web forum.
evilsoup wrote:the only way to improve this is for more people to drink the kool-aid
see if we can get double-digit banning in that thread
I've been contemplating it. Like maybe posting something like "hey DW, good job validating all the bad stuff people have been saying about you, that you're a petty tyrant (with emphasis on the petty, it's a web forum FFS) who uses his authority as a silencing tool against people who disagree with you."

Mainly just because the idea of just making a clean break with the place is sort of appealing, not because of any particular burning resentment.

But I don't like to be yelled at. :(

Besides, I'm not really that attracted to the idea of going out with a splash, I think I might prefer to just PM somebody to ban me if I wanted to go that route.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12029 Post by Darksi4190 »

No, they're just a bunch of people who became disillusioned with the U.S. in the 1960s and used a ridiculous amount of money to secretly seize control of the world and place it under the control of an A.I.

It's actually rather disappointing

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12030 Post by evilsoup »

Oxymoron wrote:
evilsoup wrote:the only way to improve this is for more people to drink the kool-aid
see if we can get double-digit banning in that thread
Sorry, but I'm too pretty to get banned. :sun:
typical french attitude :v

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12031 Post by Losonti Tokash »

F.J. Prefect, Esq wrote:It's a language thing. Because there's no real 'l' sound in Japanese as such, 'la li lu le lo' is basically a set of sounds which don't exist.
well no i got that

it's just weird
starku wrote:Aren't they aliens
no they're the main characters from mgs3

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12032 Post by evilsoup »

aliens would have been better

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12033 Post by Aaron »

Aren't they in 4 as welll?

From what I could make out of it anyways. Tarmac wedding, good god.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12034 Post by Bakustra »

I probably could have phrased things in such a way as to avoid getting banned, but on the other hand, if Wong can't take my riff on his posting (I think I'll call "argument by being so fucking punchable people lose all control" a riff on Wong's "argument by being a smug dickhead", that makes it sound better and more intentional), then why should I be humoring him? It may be ~HIS BOARD~, but oddly enough that doesn't imply any sort of responsibility to baby him along and avoid aiming for the glass jaw. This sounds kinda arrogant here, but fuck it.

Hey, by the way, Mike or whoever's feeding this to him, I hope you realize that you're actively killing off the board when you take actions that disgust people like this. All that will be left in the end will be your personal friends, sycophants, and people swimming under the radar. I mean, you've actually said you'd rather have a dead board full of people that post in the way you like than a live board where people sometimes let their hair down, all the way back when Testingstan split, so this probably doesn't bother you, but you should acknowledge it to achieve closure and move forward with the death of Stardestroyer.net.

Zabs, I'm not convinced about ethical or political anarchism as such, I mainly adopted it to give it some time in the light apart from left-wing boards where they spend most of their time complaining this person or that isn't Maoist enough. Give it walkies, that sort of thing.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12035 Post by Phantasee »

it's kinda funny tho right

bakustra got banned for doing something

adr got taken down in the same swipe, but he'd earned it in a sense over a long time

evil soup was just a tryhard

almost as bad as khorne flakes

(who has such a corny name i can't make fun of it)

same with jsf

kinda funny
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Re: Godammed SDN

#12036 Post by Jung »

Incidentally, how can you say that "We know from experience that anarchist ethics don't work"? Have they ever been tried?

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12037 Post by Phantasee »


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Re: Godammed SDN

#12038 Post by Zablorg »

they probably have on some freaky island somewhere

i'd have to imagine any sort of idealistic system just devolves into animal farm bullshit anyway

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12039 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

Losonti Tokash wrote:well no i got that

it's just weird
If you got that

Why did you ask???? :v

I mean the reason why people say it is that they literally have no choice. Like Scott Dolph tries to say 'the Patriots' but it comes out 'La Li Lu Le Lo'. Like I guess in universe the reason is to hamper discussion of the Patriots, though the actual narrative reason is to demonstrate how the Patriots control and suppress information to the point of making an idea inexpressible already. Emma has a conversation with Raiden about this idea, but her example isn't very elegantly translated lol
Aaron wrote:Aren't they in 4 as welll?
Major Zero and Big Boss appear in Guns, but neither of them really represent 'the Patriots' as an entity at the time.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12040 Post by Veef »


sry i finished mgs1 over a week ago

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12041 Post by Bakustra »

Jung wrote:Incidentally, how can you say that "We know from experience that anarchist ethics don't work"? Have they ever been tried?
Catalonia, 1936-1939. Where they "failed" because the Stalinists and Nationalists worked ceaselessly to destroy the Anarchist society forming. While they lived, under conditions of civil war, they managed to quintuple agricultural production in upland Catalonia and parts of Aragon, and worked on building an equal and democratic society.

Similarly, we have Ukraine from 1918-1921, which I know a lot less about. But basically, we don't have any sort of field trials apart from nascent anarchist societies which have generally proved to be less efficient at killing and oppression than more authoritarian movements. Clearly a ringing condemnation. :v

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12042 Post by Jung »

Baks-kun wrote:All that will be left in the end will be your personal friends, sycophants, and people swimming under the radar.
In a sense I suspect this is what they want, though they do not think about it in such terms; they have a strong sense of their being right answers to life's questions and said right answers being the stuff that they think, and every other perspective is inferior. They would think of it as getting rid of the idiots and conservatards and trolls so they can have a good discussion forum full of rational and enlightened people talking about things in a rational and enlightened way. The fact that everybody agrees with each other, well, rational people would converge on objectively right opinions, right?
Last edited by Jung on Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12043 Post by Losonti Tokash »

hey baks do you like your new title

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12044 Post by adr-admin »

evilsoup wrote:the only way to improve this is for more people to drink the kool-aid
see if we can get double-digit banning in that thread
omg i'd lol

one time i took it as a challenge to get banned from a particular web board in 24 hours in my typical style

i succeeded in hour 23

so anywho i just was changing the door knob on my back door so i have a new lock

and i tried to change that thing in the door jamb too

the metal thing the whatchamcall it slides into

and the wood behind it was all like really shitty

and now the door doesn't close at all

i went from a functioning door that i didn't have the keys to

to a door that doesn't stay shut at all

god damn it

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12045 Post by Bakustra »

Losonti Tokash wrote:hey baks do you like your new title
they should have sent a poet

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12046 Post by Bakustra »

remembering buck utsra
Maybe thats why he has a grudge against utilitarianism and "outcome based ethics". Seriously in those ethical debates he would rant against it, but refuse to actually state his ethical principles. Instead he would go on that utilitarianism can be constructed to justify torture rar rar. At which point I accused him of dodging my point since I wasn't advocating torture, and it seemed like a variation of the Creationist trick to attack evolution, but not put up his own position for analysis. After a while I realised he was actually arguing that I was advocating torture, and the strawman was so "out there" I didn't even see it.
i come here to bury the buck, not to praise him

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12047 Post by xon »

adr wrote:
Aaron wrote:Hey adr, how much did the sites traffic go up?
idk xon has access to that now
sudo cp ./testingstan_bandwidth.sh /home/adr/

testingstan was just a total of 500mb or so since it transfered to my box(aka fuckall). At some stage I'll throw some bandwidth monitoring stuff up.
the who's online list seems longer than usual tho
At worst, I've got an SSD to put the database on if too many queries start taking longer than a second. Just a few minutes downtime to move to ~40mb database to a different location, and kick the database a bit.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12048 Post by adr-admin »

eh there the door shuts

i chiseled away a bit of the good wood so i could reposition it and bite at least one screw


so now i have these key caps. it was a 4 pack

i figure i'll use red for the back door

green for the front door

but i still have yellow and blue. what will i use them for??????

i kinda want yellow to be garage and blue to be bike or something. the bike one will surely be (i don't have a bike lock at all right now) a diff looking key anyway so i don't really need it but i want to use them all

the garage door is currently a big car style one but i want to put a man sized door in there too and can lock it with the same style key

problem solved

....sometimes i think there's something wrong with me that i have to find a use for all four colors but meh

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12049 Post by Jung »

Baks-kun wrote:remembering buck utsra
It's kind of funny that the SDN crowd uses influence of religion as a implicit way of implying something is wrong and bad.

Cause I see the fingerprints of Christianity all over their preferred brands of atheism.

This is more-or-less an inevitable thing, I suspect; ideologies don't just emerge spontaneously in isolation from 2000 years of cultural context.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#12050 Post by xon »

Gands wrote:Whatever happened to the policy of "stuff said on other boards is irrelevant"?
That's only for the small people.
