HPCA does the election!

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#101 Post by evilsoup »

Historically, in the UK (probably America too), our housing estates were built with the cheapest legal materials by the lowest bidder - and often, those contractors actually used unsafe-standard materials to pocket larger profits. We have better oversight now, and different priorities (better build quality == less gas bills, less repair bills, and so on), and the worst offenders have been pulled down... but a lot of the older housing estates are still not very nice. Plus all that stuff you wrote, oxy.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#102 Post by Count Chocula »

Quacker, are you an American? I'm curious. I'm also amused at your black/white fallacy mode of thought; I'll remember it when I'm in the serving line at St. Vincent de Paul this Thanksgiving serving meals to homeless people. I'm also amused at you using the exception, adults who are not whole in body and mind, as the rule. You are one funny quacker.

Explain how there are multiple generations of people living in housing projects, who do not work, yet have been there with paid rent for 40 years. Good luck. Also, TANF is not WIC, so again you're using an exception to prove the rule. Stop trying to assert that I want poor people to die, asshole.
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#103 Post by Bakustra »

Count Chocula wrote:Quacker, are you an American? I'm curious. I'm also amused at your black/white fallacy mode of thought; I'll remember it when I'm in the serving line at St. Vincent de Paul this Thanksgiving serving meals to homeless people. I'm also amused at you using the exception, adults who are not whole in body and mind, as the rule. You are one funny quacker.

Explain how there are multiple generations of people living in housing projects, who do not work, yet have been there with paid rent for 40 years. Good luck. Also, TANF is not WIC, so again you're using an exception to prove the rule. Stop trying to assert that I want poor people to die, asshole.
i'm a fucking space alien

I'm glad that you can retreat into platitudes to avoid admitting that giving out free money is essential for a humane society. I'm glad, for-real, that you give food to the hungry, but wish that your political stances were more in line with how you act on a personal level.

The first part of your second paragraph is basically you punching yourself in the face, which is always uneasy to look on. The second is hilarious because you're taking a program that provides food and education to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a child under the age of five and assuming that it is enough to allow people to "depend on a govermnent stipend" indefinitely.

Finally, I'm actually saying that you're functionally brain-dead, because you're upset that more people are using food stamps when there is a recession. The only other reason you could be upset is if you want people to die, because that is the only way to avoid more people using social welfare when there is an economic downturn.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#104 Post by Count Chocula »

So you're not American and are observing all at a distance? If so, good to know.

Secondly, stop trying to say I want people to die, ASSHOLE. Capitalized this time so that you will perhaps read it.

Finally, screw you for your continuing attempt at argument by offering me personal insults with every post. If this is your normal posting style, this is our last interaction.
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#105 Post by Bakustra »

Count Chocula wrote:So you're not American and are observing all at a distance? If so, good to know.

Secondly, stop trying to say I want people to die, ASSHOLE. Capitalized this time so that you will perhaps read it.

Finally, screw you for your continuing attempt at argument by offering me personal insults with every post. If this is your normal posting style, this is our last interaction.


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Re: HPCA does the election!

#106 Post by Count Chocula »

I love that song, and goodbye.
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#107 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

You voted for Romney, Chocula. You don't care about poor people, just like he doesn't. I think you are only feeding the hungry to save your image. You aren't doing it with altruism in mind.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#108 Post by Count Chocula »

Knubs, I could give two shits about your opinion about my image or what you think about it. I'd say nice try on your part, but it's not.
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#109 Post by Bakustra »

Count Chocula wrote:Knubs, I could give two shits about your opinion about my image or what you think about it. I'd say nice try on your part, but it's not.
apparently you care so much about my opinion of your image that you're trying to figure out how to ignore me

and you're insulting me and then complaining when i insult you

you're a real winner dude

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#110 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Count Chocula wrote:Knubs, I could give two shits about your opinion about my image or what you think about it. I'd say nice try on your part, but it's not.
Protip: It's "couldn't give two shits." This is your English lesson of the day.

To be honest, I don't think Romney or Obama care about those in poverty. They are always talking about the middle class. Middle class this, middle class that. This just shows they care more about votes than anything else.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#111 Post by evilsoup »

Don't all Americans think of themselves as middle-class though? I mean, I've talked to Americans online who call themselves middle-class while working in car factories.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#112 Post by Count Chocula »

Knubs, I could give two shits about your opinion, but I don't. If you cannot distinguish between me writing I could care less and I could not care less, that is your problem. They are synonymous in American idiom.
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#113 Post by evilsoup »

'Please stop butchering my language'
- Elizabeth Rex II

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#114 Post by Losonti Tokash »

look this shit is funny as hell but baks is definitely american bro

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#115 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Count Chocula wrote:Knubs, I could give two shits about your opinion, but I don't. If you cannot distinguish between me writing I could care less and I could not care less, that is your problem. They are synonymous in American idiom.
Nice attempt to cover up your ignorance. Don't you have a kid to infect with second hand smoke?

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#116 Post by Count Chocula »

Yes, no, and knub you.
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#117 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

evilsoup wrote:Don't all Americans think of themselves as middle-class though? I mean, I've talked to Americans online who call themselves middle-class while working in car factories.
Do you think that person with a family of four making $20k a year thinks he's middle class? If he does, then he's as delusional as conservatives voting for rich fucks in the hopes that they too will become prosperous.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#118 Post by evilsoup »

I don't know how widespread the delusion is (it may be more of a devaluation of the term 'middle class', probably to do with 'working class=COMMUNISM' or something), but yeah I've definitely talked to people in really dire situations who call themselves middle-class.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#119 Post by Dooey Jo »

probly not so much "communism" as "poor, unrefined, pathetic, racist, white trash, etc., etc."

pretty funny too, that the term "working class", a term originally meant to describe people's means of getting access to the products of society, is contrasted to the "middle class", a "class" mainly delineated by being in some income percentile range. as if they do not have to work

obviously a less misleading term when talking income is "lower class", but euphemisms
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#120 Post by evilsoup »

The SWP defines 'working-class' as 'anyone who has to work for a living', which basically includes everyone except factory/business/land owners.

Middle class definitely had a strong meaning in the past - it was people who could go on holidays, and whose life wasn't completely dedicated to drudgery, but who couldn't live on inherited wealth. In the UK it has become a cultural thing, but then we're nearly as obsessed by class as the Americans are with race.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#121 Post by adr »

evilsoup wrote:Providing cheap state-owned housing is solid social democratic policy, the American housing projects thingy was probably just implemented badly.
Landlords and other bourgeois interests manipulated the government to ensure that they didn't really have to compete: it was written in the law that public housing must not add to the overall stock of housing, must be austere and cheap, and a bunch of other things, so it doesn't compete on equal footing with private housing.

Now some of this stuff was added after the initial bill in 1937, some repealed after that, there's implementation problems on top of it, but public housing in America was poisoned since the beginning to protect the owner class.
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#122 Post by Bakustra »

General Petraeus resigned over an affair. Now to HPCA for commentary:
Bart Blade wrote:Except that Petraeus is not a foolish general; he's probably the brightest intellectual we've had wearing stars in decades. (At this point note that the link between having intelligence and committing adultery is direct not inverse). That doesn't change the impresion that the timing here is extremely convenient for the Obama regime.
Rob Herrick wrote:Anybody care to bet King Barry the Dirty and his Mendacious Minions were holding this over his head to keep CIA quiet until the Election was over on Benghazi and how the Administration left them out to dry?
Nightwatch2 wrote:I wouldn't touch that bet for all the tea in China.

Matches up nicely with them keeping the Iranian fighter attack on our surveillance aircraft hushed up until after the election.

an interesting bit about that

"Petraeus was slated to testify before Congress next week on the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi."

the interesting part of that is that resigning does not let one off the hook testifying before Congress. It will be interesting to see hoe this plays out.
Poohbah wrote:I wonder how Barry will cover up an Iranian nuclear initiation in New York City?
Rob Herrick wrote:Why would they nuke NYC, when the guy in DC will let them be the Gulf hegemon? Nuking NYC would just make us mad, and even Noam Chomsky would demand we make Tehran a self-lighting glass parking lot.

Now, Tel Aviv is a different question.
edgeplay_cgo wrote:Another possibility is that they offered him a fat sinecure in exchange for throwing himself under the bus. That's a trick that was old when Menes was a precinct captain.

Probably a bit of carrot and stick, here.

His memory has been said to be deteriorating by the hour.

Perhaps "Betray Us" was not an inappropriate sobriquet, although I'm not ready to use it yet.
New Testingstan: perhaps "Betray Us" was not an inappropriate sobriquet.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#123 Post by evilsoup »

why on Earth would he have to resign over an affair?

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#124 Post by adr »

apparently he was telling her gov't secrets too
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Re: HPCA does the election!

#125 Post by Flagg »

evilsoup wrote:why on Earth would he have to resign over an affair?
Because if Russia or China had found out and he wasn't wanting anyone else to he could have been blackmailed. That shit just isn't acceptable in the intelligence community.
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