The Return of Testing Chat Thread

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2076 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

I've always gotten a "women shouldn't be in science" vibe from Curtis. The idea that students being graded on positive factors like attentiveness, organization, and behavior is wrong confuses me. Somehow that translates into women fucking to get ahead.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2077 Post by Darksi4190 »

RogueIce wrote:On a Star Wars related subject:

Your thoughts?
ROTJ has my favorite music of the entire franchise. ESB has some really cool stuff during some of the more emotional moments, (the carbon freezing scene for example) but for ROTJ Williams expertly blended the themes from the previous movies together with some new stuff at exactly the right moments. It really gave the film the feel of being an epic conclusion like it should be.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2078 Post by Aaron »

Negative Knub wrote:I've always gotten a "women shouldn't be in science" vibe from Curtis. The idea that students being graded on positive factors like attentiveness, organization, and behavior is wrong confuses me. Somehow that translates into women fucking to get ahead.
Conner could fill you in but Saxton is a pretty conservative guy.

Hey apparently there is a study indicating that male teachers are more "fair" as compared to females, who tend to mark boys harsher. Figured it might interest you given your choice of profession.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2079 Post by Stofsk »

Everything I've ever seen Curtis write on Facebook has made me feel it's better to not know the guy.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2080 Post by Flagg »

Darksi4190 wrote:
RogueIce wrote:On a Star Wars related subject:

Your thoughts?
ROTJ has my favorite music of the entire franchise. ESB has some really cool stuff during some of the more emotional moments, (the carbon freezing scene for example) but for ROTJ Williams expertly blended the themes from the previous movies together with some new stuff at exactly the right moments. It really gave the film the feel of being an epic conclusion like it should be.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2081 Post by Aaron »

Stofsk wrote:Everything I've ever seen Curtis write on Facebook has made me feel it's better to not know the guy.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2082 Post by RyanThunder »

What happened to the book club thread?

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2083 Post by Straha »

When I get off my plane in Dallas I'm reviving it.

I've been traveling pretty nonstop for the past two weeks.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2084 Post by RyanThunder »

So my PM lined her cube with those christmas lights that poke out off a power cable

except i just realized that the bulbs are all dildos


EDIT: tiny dildos

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2085 Post by Losonti Tokash »


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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2086 Post by Oxymoron »

Beg your pardon ? I'm not quite sure I'm understanding the meaning of what you just said, Ryan.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2087 Post by RyanThunder »

It's just bizarre. So you have this green cable that strings together a bunch of little light bulbs. It's pretty common christmas decor around here, nothing out of the ordinary in and of itself, except that the bulbs are shaped like penises.

I just thought it was funny.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2088 Post by Oxymoron »

What's a "PM" ?

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2089 Post by RogueIce »

Aaron wrote:
Stofsk wrote:Everything I've ever seen Curtis write on Facebook has made me feel it's better to not know the guy.
Any highlights? :v

I do remember from his personal webpage thingy that apparently he's in favor of the monarchy taking back control of things. Not much else though.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2090 Post by RogueIce »

Darksi4190 wrote:ROTJ has my favorite music of the entire franchise. ESB has some really cool stuff during some of the more emotional moments, (the carbon freezing scene for example) but for ROTJ Williams expertly blended the themes from the previous movies together with some new stuff at exactly the right moments. It really gave the film the feel of being an epic conclusion like it should be.
I do agree. My favorite lightsaber fight music would have to be "The Final Duel" as short as it is, it's very epic. Sure "Duel of the Fates" and "Battle of the Heroes" are also epic, and longer and more complex, but "The Final Duel" just has that extra bit of oomph to it. Maybe because it's also Luke just snapping and wailing on his own father, the man he's trying to redeem, that lends it the extra weight.

"Into the Trap" is also pretty badass for battle music. "Luke and Leia" is just plain beautiful to listen to.

Overal ROTJ is probably my second favorite of the soundtracks. ROTS is probably my favorite, but I have to admit that most of that is my bias toward "tragic/emotional" music and Ep3 had that in spades. Honorable mention does go to Shmi's theme from TPM though. That flutey Celtic vibe is awesome, and what I dub "Anakin's Destiny" from The Ultimate Edition TPM soundtrack is just plain awesomesauce.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2091 Post by Stofsk »

RogueIce wrote:
Aaron wrote:
Stofsk wrote:Everything I've ever seen Curtis write on Facebook has made me feel it's better to not know the guy.
Any highlights? :v

I do remember from his personal webpage thingy that apparently he's in favor of the monarchy taking back control of things. Not much else though.
He just occasionally says some stuff that seem to indicate a conservative bent. I don't want to rubbish the man since I don't know him personally, but for example the stuff Knubs was talking about doesn't sit well with me.
RogueIce wrote:
Darksi4190 wrote:ROTJ has my favorite music of the entire franchise. ESB has some really cool stuff during some of the more emotional moments, (the carbon freezing scene for example) but for ROTJ Williams expertly blended the themes from the previous movies together with some new stuff at exactly the right moments. It really gave the film the feel of being an epic conclusion like it should be.
I do agree. My favorite lightsaber fight music would have to be "The Final Duel" as short as it is, it's very epic. Sure "Duel of the Fates" and "Battle of the Heroes" are also epic, and longer and more complex, but "The Final Duel" just has that extra bit of oomph to it. Maybe because it's also Luke just snapping and wailing on his own father, the man he's trying to redeem, that lends it the extra weight.

"Into the Trap" is also pretty badass for battle music. "Luke and Leia" is just plain beautiful to listen to.

Overal ROTJ is probably my second favorite of the soundtracks. ROTS is probably my favorite, but I have to admit that most of that is my bias toward "tragic/emotional" music and Ep3 had that in spades. Honorable mention does go to Shmi's theme from TPM though. That flutey Celtic vibe is awesome, and what I dub "Anakin's Destiny" from The Ultimate Edition TPM soundtrack is just plain awesomesauce.
Very few of the prequel music really appealed to me, but I have to say I prefer Battle of the Heroes to Duel of the Fates. The latter just seemed somewhat pretentious.

I still prefer the OT in almost all ways, including the music. It may also be that I find John Williams has lost his touch when compared to his older stuff. The period in which he worked on Star Wars also included movies like Jaws, ET, Raiders, and Superman.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2092 Post by Jung »

Negative Knub wrote:I just saw this on Facebook.

Curtis Saxton wrote:

Study shows that teachers are slightly biased to grant girls higher marks, as a reward for attitude. Docile or sycophantic or charming?
My little theory on that whole "boy crisis" thing?

See, by traditional gender roles boys are encouraged to be aggressive and dominant and MANLY and seek to impose their will and desire on others, while girls are encouraged to submit to authority and the wills and desires of others

This reflects that ZE PATRIARCHY evolved in a society where the highest status people were warriors; patriarchal male virtues are warrior virtues

Flash forward to an industrial society though and it turns out they're horribly maladaptive, while the feminine virtues of submission and docility and cooperativeness make for better workers. I mean, I remember reading somewhere that really the modern school system is set up to turn people into good industrial drones: it's the place where you learn to sit down, shut up, and do boring tedious stuff you hate for hours on end at the command of an authority figure. Guess who sounds like they'd do better in that kind of environment, people who've been socialized to be aggressive and dominant and MANLY and seek to impose their will and desire on others or people who've been socialized to submit to authority and the wills and desires of others.

So basically the whole thing is a cultural standard set up to benefit men turning back and shooting them in the foot when the environment changes so that stuff is no longer adaptive. OOPS.

Which makes men complaining about TEH WIMMINS HAVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGES in this context pretty ironic, especially when they're conservative/MRA types who seem to have little real problem with traditional gender roles ... except when their unintended consequences bite them in the back, which they then blame TEH WIMMINS and TEH FEMINAZIS for.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2093 Post by RogueIce »

Stofsk wrote:Very few of the prequel music really appealed to me, but I have to say I prefer Battle of the Heroes to Duel of the Fates. The latter just seemed somewhat pretentious.

I still prefer the OT in almost all ways, including the music. It may also be that I find John Williams has lost his touch when compared to his older stuff. The period in which he worked on Star Wars also included movies like Jaws, ET, Raiders, and Superman.
I would agree with Duel of the Fates vs Battle of the Heroes.

I don't know if I'd say John Williams has lost his touch though. To be fair however, outside of the PT and Indy 4 the most recent stuff I can think of him doing was the first three Harry Potter movies. So I dunno. I'd have to dig into his discography I guess.

All that said, as mentioned above the "Anakin is Free" track from Episode 1 is quite possibly my favorite piece of Star Wars music. Especially the part that starts at around 2:11. It's very, very beautiful and sad at the same time.

I like all of the PT music though. Sure there's nothing to match The Imperial March in it but I guess that's what happens when you revisit a franchise with iconic music already; I mean it was going to get reused. That said I did enjoy what was added to it. "Across the Stars" (aka the AOTC Love Theme) is pretty awesome in my book. I like the soundtrack version as well as all the variations of it that existed in different scenes and moments. Pretty much all of the music surrounding Order 66 in ROTS was great as well. The Droid Invasion theme from TPM and reused elsewhere was also very nice, albeit part of that is because of how much it sounds like the Nazi Theme from The Last Crusade which I loved and am annoyed it never seemed to be released anywhere. I also greatly enjoyed "The Flag Parade" or whatever the proper name for it is (from the podracing scene in TPM).

TBH the only one I didn't much like from the PT was "Anakin's Theme" and that's not because it's bad per se, it's just not very memorable.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2094 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Jung wrote:My little theory on that whole "boy crisis" thing?

See, by traditional gender roles boys are encouraged to be aggressive and dominant and MANLY and seek to impose their will and desire on others, while girls are encouraged to submit to authority and the wills and desires of others

This reflects that ZE PATRIARCHY evolved in a society where the highest status people were warriors; patriarchal male virtues are warrior virtues

Flash forward to an industrial society though and it turns out they're horribly maladaptive, while the feminine virtues of submission and docility and cooperativeness make for better workers. I mean, I remember reading somewhere that really the modern school system is set up to turn people into good industrial drones: it's the place where you learn to sit down, shut up, and do boring tedious stuff you hate for hours on end at the command of an authority figure. Guess who sounds like they'd do better in that kind of environment, people who've been socialized to be aggressive and dominant and MANLY and seek to impose their will and desire on others or people who've been socialized to submit to authority and the wills and desires of others.

So basically the whole thing is a cultural standard set up to benefit men turning back and shooting them in the foot when the environment changes so that stuff is no longer adaptive. OOPS.

Which makes men complaining about TEH WIMMINS HAVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGES in this context pretty ironic, especially when they're conservative/MRA types who seem to have little real problem with traditional gender roles ... except when their unintended consequences bite them in the back, which they then blame TEH WIMMINS and TEH FEMINAZIS for.
Curtis: Women who "sleep their way to the top" in science? Let me count. I recognised at least six in the last two years. They're only a minority of the women who succeed in science, but they're more common than left-handed men, or black people who survive in science. Part of the problem is that corrupt old male lecturers would groom and protect a mistress (and sabotage male and female competitors) and then cite "affirmative action" or "private choices" when the misconduct is exposed. The beneficiary rarely reaches the absolute top of the field, because her patron can't elevate her above his own station. Eventually, she loses the advantage of youth.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2095 Post by RyanThunder »

Oxymoron wrote:What's a "PM" ?
Project manager.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2096 Post by Aaron »

There's a sexual harassment complaint waiting to happen.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2097 Post by Oxymoron »

Thanks. And yeah, Aaron, that's what I was thinking.

I just wonder how people would react if it was shaped like vaginas instead.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2098 Post by Phantasee »

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2099 Post by Gands »

I'm trying to find a good Thor costume.

Does anyone know of a good costume shop online? None of the shots I find online are from up close, which seems worrying.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#2100 Post by RyanThunder »

Aaron wrote:There's a sexual harassment complaint waiting to happen.
Well it took me a month to notice and I sit facing her from behind a cubicle divider, so she's probably safe :lol:
