Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1851 Post by joviwan »

We're just some doofi on the internet.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1852 Post by Crazedwraith »

or is it doofuses?
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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1853 Post by Infinity Biscuit »


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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1854 Post by The Spartan »

Definitely not the third one.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1855 Post by Oxymoron »


It's daffodils.

Even I know it.


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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1856 Post by The Spartan »


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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1857 Post by evilsoup »

so right now there'sa political argument going on
apparently a union recruited too many people into a local Labour party, and this is corruption somehow :psyduck:

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1858 Post by RyanThunder »

Djinnkitty83 wrote:WWZ thread went up in TEO, didn't even make it past the OP before the dismissive statements of "stoopid writers din't have military bomb 'dem all" came out.

This is the standard solution to zombie movie scenarios where the government/military still exist. Which is why I don't enjoy zombie movie plots where the government/military still exist, and greatly prefer them to skip over all that because I guarantee that any explanation they conjure will sound ridiculous and contrived.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1859 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

RyanThunder wrote:
Djinnkitty83 wrote:WWZ thread went up in TEO, didn't even make it past the OP before the dismissive statements of "stoopid writers din't have military bomb 'dem all" came out.

This is the standard solution to zombie movie scenarios where the government/military still exist. Which is why I don't enjoy zombie movie plots where the government/military still exist, and greatly prefer them to skip over all that because I guarantee that any explanation they conjure will sound ridiculous and contrived.
I think the mistake a lot of 'lol military blows everything up' people make is forgetting that zombie-movies have a very strong element of dramatic irony about them. We, the audience, know it's a zombie movie, know that the zombies are mindless eating and killing machines who, if we just shelve our empathy for their somewhat human appearance, can be defeated rather easily.

The characters, however, don't know they're in a zombie movie. If they pay as much attention to international news as the average person, until the zombies are spreading across the US (from an American perspective, substitute your home country where applicable), most people would be hard pressed to say what's going on other than, "Oh I heard about some war or disease or something in Austro... Mozam... I think it's somewhere in Africa, anyways." And when it's spreading across the US, there's going to be thousands of conflicting reports of sickness, riots, protests about (x) issues, chemtrails, government crackdowns, all either understating or overstating the problem, telling people to ignore it completely, or that it's a liberal/conservative conspiracy, or that the government/opposing group is trying to dehumanize the ill out of racism, sexism, insurance company bottom lines, and that they should try and care for the ill rather than mindlessly killing them.

Those in charge of studying and coming up with ways to combat the zombiebug don't have the audience advantage of immediately knowing it's a zombiebug. Dramatic irony again. Studies have to be run, subjects have to be acquired. Weeks or months could pass before research shows that the zombies are in fact mindless automatons, and that it is safe to blow them up en-masse. Then there's the additional time involved with getting this word out to a populace so that the military can start their blow-everything-up campaigns without sparking massive revolt as people see family and friends strafed and carpet bombed. Even then resistance will come in the form of people who simply refuse to accept that message due to religion, political opposition using it to score points with their base, the simple psychological refusal to accept their wife, husband, daughter, friend, whatever is now a mindless monster.

Even the military can have the same issue. Militaries are largely run by the government, and governments are just as susceptible to misinformation and people following personal agendas at the expense of rationally examining the problem. Not to mention the issue of having to sort through thousands of accounts and claims, trying to sift fact from hysteria, religious or political bias. One thing the book did well is show how mobilization against the threat can slowed to a crawl as people try to subvert the information, or sit on it, or oppose it for religious ends, or to make a profit, or because they have an incomplete story and don't think it's as important as some other problem.

Add to this the fact that, no matter how bad-ass a military may be, it is still ultimately dependent on the society it protects for people and supplies. If action is delayed long enough, if enough of the population falls to the disease and enough infrastructure is destroyed, it doesn't matter how awesome the military is, that awesomeness is a limited resource and the wellspring, the population and infrastructure that supports the military, has dried up.

Now in terms of this specific movie, with how fast the zombies spread, take all the above problems and compress your deadline for finding solutions to everything to about a week. I have no issue with suspending my disbelief in that regard.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1860 Post by RyanThunder »

Alright, sure. Where have they actually done that, like ever?

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1861 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

RyanThunder wrote:Alright, sure. Where have they actually done that, like ever?
The book.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1862 Post by Big Orangutan »

And arguably more millions of people died in the near total breakdown of civil order and from becoming refugees (ie dying from hunger/thirst/cold/exposure/infighting) than falling to the actual zombie hordes. And you had Pakistan and Iran turn against each other then fight a "small" nuclear war, with at least one nuke used when different branches of the fractured People's Republic of China turned against each other.
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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1863 Post by Oxymoron »

I still can't help but laugh at the idea of Iran being portrayed as having nuclear weapons in a film that's supposed to be happening in the "current day".

Even worse when the events of the book were supposed to take place in the late 2000's / early 2010's.

Did Max Brooks also believe that Irak had WMD ?...

(note : the US president who led America in the war against the undead hordes in the book is supposed to be a stand-in for Colin Powell)
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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1864 Post by adr »

so have you guys ever noticed how different ppl can be on forums and on chats

the diff between irl and not irl is well known but i find there is a similar diff between forum/email and chat too, which is slightly closer to irl

perhaps it is the real time aspect letting more little quirks show thru

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1865 Post by adr »

Oxymoron wrote:Even worse when the events of the book were supposed to take place in the late 2000's / early 2010's
According to the Israeli government, Iran has been definitely rushing toward a nuclear weapon which they'll have within one year for at least ten years now.
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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1866 Post by Oxymoron »

Isn't / wasn't Max Brooks a well-known member of the pro-Israeli lobby ?

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1867 Post by RyanThunder »

Djinnkitty83 wrote:
RyanThunder wrote:Alright, sure. Where have they actually done that, like ever?
The book.
Oh, then it's contrived and poorly written as anything else, so never mind.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1868 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

RyanThunder wrote:
Djinnkitty83 wrote:
RyanThunder wrote:Alright, sure. Where have they actually done that, like ever?
The book.
Oh, then it's contrived and poorly written as anything else, so never mind.
Do you need some oxygen? Your smug dismissal was so lofty I'm worried the atmosphere's a little thin up there.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1869 Post by RyanThunder »

Thanks, man, but I inflated my ego before heading up here, so it should be a few more months before I need head back down for more. :v

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1870 Post by timmy »

It's a good book. And the reason I'm offended by the film is that when they acquired the rights for the source material, they had a chance to bring a different kind of zombie apocalypse story to the screen. Then they realised it couldn't be done in their format, or was too hard so fuck it. See Super Mario Brothers(1993) for another example. Instead, it became an expensive Brad Pitt vanity project. This might be why I'm begrudging it. As I've already said, I'm not usually a movie snob.
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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1871 Post by Veef »

Super Mario Brothers is the triumph of a man who turned an abandoned cement factory into a Dinotopia.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1872 Post by timmy »

Don't you start.

Also I will enjoy Pacific Rim no matter what.
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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1873 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

timmy wrote:It's a good book. And the reason I'm offended by the film is that when they acquired the rights for the source material, they had a chance to bring a different kind of zombie apocalypse story to the screen. Then they realised it couldn't be done in their format, or was too hard so fuck it. See Super Mario Brothers(1993) for another example. Instead, it became an expensive Brad Pitt vanity project. This might be why I'm begrudging it. As I've already said, I'm not usually a movie snob.
I can't object to that. I can pretend the source IP isn't connected and being used as a cheap cash grab, but everyone has a different line.

One thing the movie did do that I've never seen before is capture the worldwide destruction of a zombie apocalypse, which I enjoyed.

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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1874 Post by adr »

i gots a question for you bilingual folks

i can more or less read spanish (at least simpler stuff like newspapers), but when i do, my eyes see spanish words, but the voice in my head is still english.

is that the same for those of you who are actually /good/ with a second language? or do you just read it and understand it directly, bypassing your other language?
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Re: Testing Chat IV: A New Hope

#1875 Post by Veef »

timmy wrote:Don't you start.

Also I will enjoy Pacific Rim no matter what.
hey what happens in robits stays in robits
