Godammed SDN

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10176 Post by Akhlut »

uraniun235 wrote:we should solely hire comedians as powerless heads of state

then we can call them court jesters and the cycle is complete (??????)
I disagree, on the off chance Carlos Mencia is put into that position.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10177 Post by Losonti Tokash »

he clearly said comedians though

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10178 Post by Count Chocula »

kathy griffin for president. mencia for veep.
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"...he's adopted." - The Avengers

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10179 Post by Count Chocula »

man that's a primo ticket like obama-biden amirite

or mccain-feingold oops wrong branch of gov't
"We've already had this discussion before. I treated you of barbaric caveman then." - Oxymoron

"He killed 80 people in 2 days"
"...he's adopted." - The Avengers

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10180 Post by Akhlut »

Losonti Tokash wrote:he clearly said comedians though
what if someone mistakes him for a comedian? Comedy Central did that

oh shit, what if they think Dane Cook is a comedian

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10181 Post by adr-admin »

lol i've been martyred from libarc permanently now, unanimous administrator decision for "trolling"

...except this time i actually did log in specifically to troll - i was temp banned before after posting in a thread about "US navy rescues Iranian sailors".

I saw an article a couple days ago headlined "Iranian navy rescues American sailors" and i couldn't resist posting it for the laughs. Then since I was there anyway...

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10182 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

That forum is still up and running?

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10183 Post by starku »

How much do they talk about giant robots over there?

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10184 Post by Losonti Tokash »

lol they posted this where he can't see it
Dark Silver wrote:Adam decided to "speak" to me concerning his recent banning
Destructionator4: at least SDN has the decency to let people read the thread they got banned for!

darksilver: . . . . You really want to go there? YOU POSTED IN THE THREAD you ended up getting banned for! you were the second to last person to post in the thread BEFORE I split it to Down Below in a effort to save the thread (which FAILED).

Destructionator4: I want to read any replies

darksilver: Cynical Cat
Post subject: Re: Iran fails at photoshopPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:05 pm

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Press fucking TV Destructionator? Really? I can tell why you didn't post the whole article, despite the fact we have rules requiring it.

Here's a few gems from the article:

As I have previously reported it is the west that is inciting unrest in Syria by openly arming and funding undisciplined militia with the added fact that the US, UK, Israel and France have their own special forces operating within Syria who are backed up by Intel Operatives from the CIA, MI5/6 and Mossad etc…..not forgetting security companies such as Blackwater.

What we are likely to see here is yet another western testing ground for advanced illegal weaponry which will include extensive use of Depleted Uranium weaponry and Neutron Bombs etc with the same ability of destroying the genetics of not only Syria but neighboring Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and the entire Middle East.

I have reported before that when the Israelis attacked Lebanon in 2006 they also nuked themselves and again in 2008/9 when they hit Gaza………when will these maniacs understand that when they use the same weapons as were used in Libya the entire region becomes consumed in millions of radioactive nano particles that directly attack the human DNA.

What is so interesting about this current NATO push into taking action against Syria is the fact that Turkey is one of the member states and should they comply or assist in such an operation they will in actual fact be carrying out an act of genocide against their own people!!

You're either trolling or not competent to post in this thread. In either case, your ass should be gone.

darksilver: That was the only reply to your last post
darksilver: if you didn't read any of the others, that's you're own damn fault.

Destructionator4: soooo what exactly is the ban for?

darksilver: SDnet has the same policy as we do on the Down Below analogue

Destructionator4: they have Parting Shots tho too

darksilver: We don't
darksilver: we're not SDnet

Destructionator4: since the HoS/DB isn't readable by the accused
Destructionator4: but seriously, what's the ban for? not agreeing with the regular users in every thread?

darksilver: No. That wasn't the reason for the ban. Do you honestly think we're so fickle?

Destructionator4: yes
Destructionator4: seeing how I provided several links of evidence proving my case and you banned it anyway

darksilver: I didn't ban solely on myself, the ban was a unanimous decision by all three Administrators. One of your primary links was to a state run media that has lied and perpitrates bigotry and conspiracy
darksilver: PressTV being the link
darksilver: Iranian State Run - they claim Isreal used Nukes in the Strip for christs sakes

Destructionator4: LOL, so posting a link to an international news source is "trolling"?
Destructionator4: nice ad hominem btw

darksilver: Seriously? This isn't a fucking debate here Dude

Destructionator4: really just proves what I suspected: you're all racist, and if anyone posts facts that question that, you respond with heavy handed tactics. GOTTA KILL SOME MOSLEMS

darksilver: Really? That's what you're gonna go with?

Destructionator4: that's what you went with

darksilver: How the fuck am I racist? I don't want to see ANYONE Fucking killed, much less muslims.

Destructionator4: I question the US war on Iran before, and you ban me
Destructionator4: I say Iran doesn't have nukes (an UNDISUPTED FACT) and you ban me

darksilver: *I* question the fucking war in Iraq, I don't want the US engaging in a War on Iran or anyone else...yet I'm a fucking racist?

darksilver: Sorry dude.
darksilver: no
darksilver: At this point, no.
darksilver: fuck you

Destructionator4: you did just dismiss a source because it came from anther country
Destructionator4: step back and look at yourself honestly

darksilver: I dismissed it because it came from a source which perpetuates outright and provable LIES

Destructionator4: simply not true
Destructionator4: (09:14:06) darksteele: Iranian State Run -
Destructionator4: you said that FIRST

darksilver: Yes, if you put it without the rest of the sentence, you know, CONTEXT
darksilver: If I said it was a North Korean State Run
darksilver: or Isreali State Run

Destructionator4: of course, the British state funded source, that used a dishonest image... not important

darksilver: or fuck, French State Run!
darksilver: If the source perpetuates lies on such a grand scale, it's useless as a trustworthy source!

Destructionator4: i haven't seen a lie from them for the whole time i've been watching
Destructionator4: sometimes they have commentators giving crazy opinions
Destructionator4: but if you can't tell the difference between an opinion and a fact, that's a problem with you (like rhoenix's inability to search the web)

darksilver: Yes, well, I'm done. It's not up for discussion anymore. Because obviously the problem is with everyone else being a racist fuck who just wants to kill the dirty brown people. -rolls eyes-

Destructionator4: contrast to something liek Fox News that actually makes things up and passes it as facts sometimes

darksilver: and I do not consider Fox News a Trustworthy News Soruce either
darksilver: *Source

Destructionator4: would you ban someone for pointing to a Fox News article that was about the truth?

darksilver: Hell, I don't even consider MSNBC a fucking trustworthy news source unless I can verify it's material twice over.

Destructionator4: the BBC mistake actually fucking happened, you know

darksilver: Yes, I'm well aware of it.
darksilver: Now stop fucking harping on this Adam. Shit is done. I'm not arguing or discussing this topic with you any further.
darksilver: Actually, I'm pretty pissed off since you called me a fucking racist.

Destructionator4: you are one

darksilver: Whatever man.

Destructionator4: you haven't banned anyone for telling lies about Iran
Destructionator4: but you have banned me TWICE for telling verified facts about them
Destructionator4: it is clear that you have a bias

darksilver: Let me clarify: You called me a fucking racist who wants to kill muslims
darksilver: farthest thing from the fucking truth.

Destructionator4: now it it was a personal issue and you banned me just because you don't like me, fine
Destructionator4: but it is because I "went stupid" by proving they dont have nuclear weapons, and "trolled" by linking to Iranian media

darksilver: . . . I just called you my friend. I consider you a friend
darksilver: HOW the fuck is this a personal issue that I don;t like you?!
darksilver: Fuck man, I tried DEFENDING you many times to others. If I had been running interference other times with people on IM, this would have happened even longer ago!

Destructionator4: sorry "if it was", not "it it"!

darksilver: Fuck, I tried to stop Shep from SDnet from using the LA stuff against you on SDnet! but someone did a endrun around me and approved him so he could see the thread!
darksilver: So yes
darksilver: I fucking hate you

Destructionator4: LOL

darksilver: I'm against you
darksilver: fuck you dude
user has been blocked
I'm fucking done with him. If he wouldn't be perma-banned already, I'd do it myself now.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10185 Post by Flagg »

I'm still surprised he's not banned at sdn.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#10186 Post by Aaron »

I imagine Nitram pushes for it in modtown.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10187 Post by adr-admin »

Like I said to him from my other account right after that: "now you have an idea what it feels like to be called antisemitic." (the ban notice called me both a troll and an antisemite, and the former is meh, but the latter was very annoying to me right now, so I stooped low and struck back in kind.)

I wonder what Shep's plan was though. That's what the last LOL was about: Shep's bringing of shit from other boards to SDN is always a bit of a laugh.

And I can't think of anything I've said there that's any more offensive than what I've said here or on SDN. The animus between Nitram and I is evident on LibArc, but it is equally so on sdn.... and my political opinion re Iran is no secret, so I have no idea what he was planning with the libarc stuff.

Maybe I'll ask Shep next time he IMs me.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10188 Post by Phantasee »

It should be a dart thrown at the map, and then SAS parachute in to that spot. First man down tags the first person they see. That person is king or queen for the next five years.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#10189 Post by evilsoup »

on a slightly more serious note, I do think demarchy (randomly selecting lawmakers from the population) is an interesting concept
it's genuinely the direction I'd like house of lords reform to go in, say we have 500 members and each has a 5-year term, a fifth of the house would be changed every year for people picked at random out of the electoral roll

and akhlut, I don't really pay attention to who's who over there, apart from a few posters, I tend to think of SDN as an amorphous blob (of iron)

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10190 Post by starku »

You mean utterly stupid

Or maybe you're a 60s scifi author

I hear the answer to politicians bad is can't get worse be random lol

This will not be abused ever and will totally do away with politics while retaining effective functioning of ...

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10191 Post by Veef »

nice Hidolfr pic

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10192 Post by evilsoup »

well I'd keep the house of commons, ie the bit that is currently elected and makes all the decisions, as it is (well OK maybe proportional representation but that's another argument for another time)

as it stands, the house of lords has been reformed so that there are very few hereditary peers left (which is good), but now it's made up mostly of political appointees of the main political parties plus the lib dems (which is bad). Now, I happen to think this is extreme bullshit, but making it democratic would lead to both houses being infested with professional politicians and it would end up something like the septic system

this way, you get a proper cross-section of the population having an input on laws (the house of lords can't actually reject a law - only send it back to the Commons with suggestions, and even then if the government really wants to it can force the lords to let decisions through using the parliament act). The main downside to this is that some people would get dominated by the civil service, and I can't think of a way to get around that at the moment, but I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10193 Post by adr-admin »

the idea makes me think of jury duty. which is something i want btw, to be on a jury

never done it before. wonder what it's like.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10194 Post by Phantasee »

i think wanting to be on a jury disqualifies you from being on a jury
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Re: Godammed SDN

#10195 Post by Zod »

adr wrote:the idea makes me think of jury duty. which is something i want btw, to be on a jury

never done it before. wonder what it's like.
i'm ethically opposed to jury duty

i dislike the thought of facts being decided by popular vote by people with no expertise in the subject matter they're dealing with

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10196 Post by evilsoup »

I used to be very pro-jury (and I still think jury nullification is a useful part of the system), but then my granddad told me about the time he was on a jury and there was a black guy on trial, so he assumed the guy was guilty

would still like to go on a jury though, I think it would be interesting

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10197 Post by Oxymoron »

I consider myself a convinced believer in Democracy. But I believe Democracy does not belong in a courtroom. I am opposed to the idea of popular Jury.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10198 Post by Akhlut »

Hey, it works just fine! I mean, it's not like black people get disproportionate numbers of death sentences for killing white people, as opposed to white people killing black people or something...

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10199 Post by evilsoup »

I've never heard of a racist judge, nope that could never happen

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Re: Godammed SDN

#10200 Post by Phantasee »

i don't think i really believe in democracy

but it's kinda like how i don't really believe in capitalism

they're both great tools for dealing with their respective problems

but you have to change so much to make sure they work right

which is why it's a good thing we don't live in a free market democracy

i'd be fucked
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