Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1026 Post by RogueIce »

So my laptop gives me a message, saying my battery capacitor rating or whatever is now "Poor". I don't remember what it called the thing, but basically it says my battery won't hold a charge as well anymore, this is a normal thing for batteries...and oh by the way here's the website to buy a new one.

Granted I've had this one since 2007, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's legit, though a part of me suggests it's like the 100,000 mile Check Engine light in my car that keeps coming back on no matter how many times the mechanics reset the stupid thing and find no issues.

But I never take it anywhere I can't plug it in so I don't much care either way. Though it amuses me so I thought I'd share.

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1027 Post by The Spartan »

adr wrote:omg it is so fucking cold now

i miss the summer already

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1028 Post by Darksi4190 »

Argh. I had to work through the Legend of Korra premiere and it's taking a painfully long time for it to show up on piratebay my tv's OnDemand.

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1029 Post by Infinity Biscuit »

is bad machinery a good example of real slang in britain or is it all made up

like is tupping a word

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1030 Post by timmy »

I remember seeing it in print at least once. Granted it was Footrot Flats, but the kiwis still notionally speak english.
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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1031 Post by Dooey Jo »

RogueIce wrote:So my laptop gives me a message, saying my battery capacitor rating or whatever is now "Poor". I don't remember what it called the thing, but basically it says my battery won't hold a charge as well anymore, this is a normal thing for batteries...and oh by the way here's the website to buy a new one.
man mine started saying the same thing a while back and now won't charge past 80%

however it can apparently stay at like 5% for an hour

who uses laptops without power supply nearby anyway :v
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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1032 Post by Kryten »

Infinity Biscuit wrote:like is tupping a word
I've never heard or seen it, but it could be a regional thing. Where, roughly, is it set?

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1033 Post by evilsoup »

No, it isn't real slang (though it is a real word), Allison made it up as a sort of fake cockney hardman word for use in Bobbins
in general, the speech patterns are often similar to how some people speak, but the actual slang used is made up (which is a good thing, adds to the humour and stops it from getting dated too soon)

like, in one of the latest ones there's the line 'Shauna's got a well dubious new "boy" "friend".' -- that 'well x' is a speech pattern that you'll see fairly commonly
of course, most of the characters are a bit wackier than reality and the kids specifically are a bit more eloquent than real kids, but it certainly feels British-wacky, if that makes sense

you should totally use tupping as an exclamation, though, I know I have been recently. It just rolls off the tongue so nicely.

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1034 Post by timmy »

"also it really shits my mum so it's a good way of winding her up"


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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1035 Post by Darksi4190 »

So i've decided to give the whole "creativity" thing a shot and write a fanfic. Would anyone be interested in doing some beta reading? Knowledge of the Star Wars and Macross franchises is recommended but not required.

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1036 Post by Oxymoron »

I have no knowledge of these two settings, but I could give a hand, at least tokick your ass help you on stylistic matters. Maybe. Somewhat.

Anyway, I've just been made aware that this could be a thing :


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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1037 Post by timmy »

Darksi4190 wrote:So i've decided to give the whole "creativity" thing a shot and write a fanfic. Would anyone be interested in doing some beta reading? Knowledge of the Star Wars and Macross franchises is recommended but not required.
Deal me in!
"also it really shits my mum so it's a good way of winding her up"


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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1038 Post by Veef »

Darksi4190 wrote:So i've decided to give the whole "creativity" thing a shot and write a fanfic. Would anyone be interested in doing some beta reading? Knowledge of the Star Wars and Macross franchises is recommended but not required.
i keeeeel youuuuu

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1039 Post by Darksi4190 »

So i'm guessing you don't want an advance copy then?

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1040 Post by Darksi4190 »

Actually is it ok if I just post it in the Beta testing forum for people to comment on? That seems like it'd be easier than e-mailing it to a bunch of different people.

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1041 Post by Oxymoron »

yep. sounds like the optimal solution.

Alternatively, Google Doc / Google Drive would make it easier for you to edit / correct it, and would let other people edit / correct it if you want to give them access to it.

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1042 Post by Kuja »

The Spartan wrote:
adr wrote:omg it is so fucking cold now

i miss the summer already
After a week of relatively cool temperatures it's gonna be up over a hundred for the whole week again down here in hell Arizona hell.
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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1043 Post by The Spartan »

We've been in the nineties lately (August was worse). And the humidity has been kicking our ass a lot, too.

But then, I live in a fucking swamp. (Or marsh. I'm not quite sure which.)

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1044 Post by Big Orangutan »

evilsoup wrote:SG1 was good before all the farscape people started turning up
I'm still annoyed that Carter wasn't made leader of the team
After seeing a late episode of SG-1 one recent evening ("Bounty", an episode shamelessly cribbing from Grosse Pointe Blank), I get the impression the casting of Ben Browder and Claudia Black as not the root cause for SG-1 creatively collapsing in the final reason but more of a symptom of desperate producers attempting to shake up a flagging show (IMO the creative rot was slowly setting in by the seventh season, as it usually happens).
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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1045 Post by Jung »

Ugh, somebody made a "why are women more religious than men" thread on SB (which is legit a pretty interesting question) and I'm half-way through and gross essentialism is already popping up in the answers.

It's cause women are naturally more docile than men!

It's because EVOPSYCH MEN HUNT WOMEN GATHER ON THE SAVANNAH which means women are more susceptible to emotional arguments.

Naturally no-one's yet brought up the obvious ones that popped into my mind, which are that maybe the public face of atheism isn't terribly women-friendly and it tends to be men who are more drawn to the PWNED THAT FUNDIE WITH MY RATIONAL ARGUMENT MY REASON TOTES MAKES ME SUPERIOR TO THESE EMOTION-DRIVEN FOOLS culture because of deep factors in how masculinity and feminity is constructed in our culture.

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1046 Post by Infinity Biscuit »

Religiosity is also a nice comfort when society treats you like shit

I wonder if they consider, like, people of colour to be evolutionarily more susceptable to emotional arguments too or if that's suddenly a bit too bigoted

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1047 Post by Infinity Biscuit »

So I'm reading about the takeover of Ottoman Egypt by Muhammad Ali and at an early point in the event we find ourselves with a pay dispute developing into an artillery duel between Turkish forces in the palace and Albanian mercenaries holed up in the finance minister's office with a big chunk of residences and shops in between. And the article includes this line: "The citizens of Cairo, accustomed to such occurrences, immediately closed their shops and armed themselves."

If this was a not uncommon occurrence one has to wonder how the Ottoman Empire managed to last as long as it did :L

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1048 Post by Jung »

Anyway, I got the opportunity to plug an interesting book out of it.
I wrote:Bruce Lerro's Power In Eden had some interesting commentary that kind of ties into this. It was probably women who invented and controlled early horticulture, as it was an extension of their gathering activities. As such, in these early societies, women would tend to be associated with culture and men with nature. You can see traces of this in how Enkidu is severed from nature and forced to accept civilization in Gilgamesh. But then you got plow agriculture involving heavier labor which turned food production into a more male-dominated activity, and with this you got our modern mindset that equates men with culture and women with nature. Culture was now seen to flow from man, the rational pinnacle of creation whose mission was to organize the world, while women were analogized to the earth; another irrational, natural thing that rational men had to control and impose order and utilize to enable his own higher purposes. Women are there to do icky natural stuff like have babies so the men can spend their days in the "higher" purposes of mental contemplation, philosophizing, engineering, ruling etc. This is the traditional schema of gender in Western civilization.

It's funny how well this scheme fits with the idea that men are biologically less susceptible to appeals to emotion because savannah ancestors, doesn't it? It's another re-iteration of the idea that men are superior in rationality (which historically has been used to justify the "need" for the men with their superior rationality to control the less rational and intelligent women).

I leave it as an exercise to the reader what this might have to do with why you see more men in a social group that prides itself on being "rationalist."

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1049 Post by RogueIce »

Dooey Jo wrote:man mine started saying the same thing a while back and now won't charge past 80%

however it can apparently stay at like 5% for an hour
Luckily mine still claims 100%
Dooey Jo wrote:who uses laptops without power supply nearby anyway :v

Unless the slot's thingy breaks. Had that happen to an even older laptop, so it left me with a very advanced paperweight. :(
Big Orangutan wrote:
evilsoup wrote:SG1 was good before all the farscape people started turning up
I'm still annoyed that Carter wasn't made leader of the team
After seeing a late episode of SG-1 one recent evening ("Bounty", an episode shamelessly cribbing from Grosse Pointe Blank), I get the impression the casting of Ben Browder and Claudia Black as not the root cause for SG-1 creatively collapsing in the final reason but more of a symptom of desperate producers attempting to shake up a flagging show (IMO the creative rot was slowly setting in by the seventh season, as it usually happens).
I thought the Ori seasons were pretty boss. But then maybe I was just a sucker for their whole Latin Choir theme that always played.

Still, the burning of Daniel and Vala was a very well done scene.
Infinity Biscuit wrote:So I'm reading about the takeover of Ottoman Egypt by Muhammad Ali
Did he float like a butterfly and sting like a bee? :v

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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

#1050 Post by Darksi4190 »
