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Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:10 am
by Count Chocula
Wow, that's some great content and context Zod. I'm humbled, concession profferred not really see page header.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:12 am
by Bakustra
oh, it looks like it's time to play the reasonableness game again!
Count Chocula wrote:So I've been browsing this thread on TEO. This is really a question that's gone to 3 pages?

The best overall military in WWII is the military that WON WWII. That wasn't France, England, Germany, Japan or Russia. It was surprise surprise :america: .
wrong, it was a collaborative effort between the ussr, french, british, americans, edit: canadians and poles just as the countries that contributed large formations to the final invasion of germany, and the army that won both theaters (as opposed to some dudes pantywaisters in planes) was the red army, which actually captured berlin and, you know, crossed from the manchurian-soviet border to the yalu in 11 days :lenintear:
Shit, Einie's right, TEO's intellectual crucible has turned the landscape into a desert.
wow, this is literally right conclusion for all the wrong reasons in its native habitat
OH BTW Baks, "rich" and "poor" are measures of income and assets. Do quote unquote rich people have more opportunity for education, refinement, and so on? Yes. But those arbitrary classifications and hence opportunities for improvement are far more fungible in the US than elsewhere; IIRC, about half of today's Forbes 400 were median income earners 20 years ago.
wrong, the us is actually the worst among developed nations for economic opportunity- you are twice as likely to stay poor if born poor in the us than in sweden.

also, social classes come in all sorts, so even if this were true, it wouldn't matter to the marxist class structure or really any structure, since even if the classes are mobile they still exist
Besides, the word "treason" implies some amorphous obligation to others in the same income range. No such obligation exists.
wrong, all men are brothers and all women sisters, and all of society is engaged in class warfare, so there's two sources of general obligation right there
The light of Communism has blinded you, you fool. And of course you're absolutely serious about communism is the light, see I'm taking you Reagan Evil Empire speech seriously.

lol,lo,lol Baksie-poo. You're such a kidder.
calling me baks w/o my written permission is a crime, and you are hereby sentenced by the first galactic court of bakustra to thirty years of licking my shoes clean whenever i step in something. hop to it!

ps workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains, you have a world to win

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:23 am
by Count Chocula
"ps workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains, you have a world to win"

Yeah ol' Karl wrote that in 1848. The Jamestown settlers tried something like that when they landed in the New World, and it lasted one year. The Russians tried that in 1917. How'd that work out? 80-100 million dead? A mere trifle, the ideal is the goal amirite?

"wrong, the us is actually the worst among developed nations for economic opportunity- you are twice as likely to stay poor if born poor in the us than in sweden." Okay this is a factual assertion you're making. Do you have any proof?

Oh btw the US LET the Soviets take Berlin. Eisenhower ordered his generals to halt at the Elbe and Mulde rivers, and for other forces to concentrate in NE and SE Germany, away from Berlin. He ignored Churchill, Montgomery and Patton's recommendations. Zhukov had a gimme.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:27 am
by Phantasee
so lonestar's long facebook screencap post confirms that shep left sdn

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:33 am
by Count Chocula
Phantasee wrote:so lonestar's long facebook screencap post confirms that shep left sdn
And the fields and forests that were TEO continue to be subsumed by the creeping sands of groupthink. What a shame. Hey, maybe someone will start a Thong of The Day thread!

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:40 am
by Losonti Tokash
i would rather have you posting there than shep, nothing of value was lost

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:50 am
by Count Chocula
Losonti Tokash wrote:i would rather have you posting there than shep, nothing of value was lost
Thanks. There are times when I look at threads over there and just bang my head on the desk (oh NOW Fast&Furious and Gunwalker are a big deal, where were you assholes a year ago?) but I doubt Dalton's going to let me back on without apologizing, and fuck that. Hey, at least Shep just up and left and didn't have a Poe meltdown or mod dropkick, I did appreciate his charts and graphs and shit.

Anyway, this place seems to be turning into a good mix of silliness and F!U! with content debate. I think I'll stay a while, at least until Zab's Burrito Documentary is done and I can figure out how to send a box of Gorditas to downunder.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:51 am
by Bakustra
Count Chocula wrote:"ps workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains, you have a world to win"

Yeah ol' Karl wrote that in 1848. The Jamestown settlers tried something like that when they landed in the New World, and it lasted one year. The Russians tried that in 1917. How'd that work out? 80-100 million dead? A mere trifle, the ideal is the goal amirite?
wtf is this jamestown bullshit, it was founded on naked capitalism, and naked capitalism nearly killed every last one of them

also, guess how many people capitalism has killed, and yet you support it
"wrong, the us is actually the worst among developed nations for economic opportunity- you are twice as likely to stay poor if born poor in the us than in sweden." Okay this is a factual assertion you're making. Do you have any proof?
Oh btw the US LET the Soviets take Berlin. Eisenhower ordered his generals to halt at the Elbe and Mulde rivers, and for other forces to concentrate in NE and SE Germany, away from Berlin. He ignored Churchill, Montgomery and Patton's recommendations. Zhukov had a gimme.
you actually don't know whether patton would have been able to outrace zhukov and konev, especially since americans moving to seize berlin would have motivated the red army to move even faster, as a germany in the hands of the allies was unconscionable to stalin. so patton's vanity and churchill's ferocious anti-communism would probably have killed more soviet troops in the accelerated race, so much for the humanity of the allies, lol

but that doesn't change the fact that you're pretending that the us army alone outweighs british, aussie, new zealander, soviet, chinese, canadian, polish, and french forces somehow, despite, you know, shit like operations saturn and bagration on the eastern front alone

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:16 am
by Count Chocula
J.A.B. wrote:wtf is this jamestown bullshit, it was founded on naked capitalism, and naked capitalism nearly killed every last one of them

also, guess how many people capitalism has killed, and yet you support it
You are absolutely, completely, 100% correct on the Jamestown bullshit, I grew up in Arlington and had Jamestown on my mind when I should have cited the Plymouth colony in Massachussetts. Oops. Oh BTW a landed gentry can't get my hands dirty, eh what attitude and seemingly complet preference for defensibility over sustainability seem to be what killed 90% of the original settlers. Poor Pocahontas, she was just a pawn for Gentleman Smith.

So, how many people has capitalism killed? I can't guess or cite any sources.

EDIT that's an interesting chart. Does a higher value mean less economic mobility? Is it on a per capita basis? Do you have a link?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:55 am
by Civil War Man
Count Chocula wrote:The best overall military in WWII is the military that WON WWII. That wasn't France, England, Germany, Japan or Russia. It was surprise surprise :america: .
lol at thinking that the US's involvement was more vital to the allied victory in WWII than Russia's.

Fun fact: About half of all German combat deaths were in groups that were fighting the Soviets. And the Germans lost more troops in the Eastern front meat grinder than the US did in all theaters of the war.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:00 am
by Count Chocula
Are you saying the commissars with PPSh and Tokarev authority won WWII? Plus the hottie Stalingrad snipers? Where was Ciaphas? What about Lend-Lease?


starku, you need to find your voice. Don't live your life in lowercase; you're better than that.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:22 am
by Count Chocula
Civil War Man wrote:lol at thinking that the US's involvement was more vital to the allied victory in WWII than Russia's.
Wow. Just wow. I musta forgot about the Russians at Midway and Guadalcanal and the Flying Siberian Tigers, silly me. And gee, it must not have been the B-17s, B-24s, B-25s, B-26s, P-38s, P-51s, P-47s and P-61s that broke the back of the Luftwaffe and German industry in WWII. I should have remembered that the Poliparkov I-35s, iL-2 Sturmoviks, Avro Lancasters, Spitfires, Hurricanes and Gladiators were the aircraft that took the fight to the Germans and showed them what for over der vaterland. Those Aircobras and 2-1/2 ton trucks and supplies we sent to the Soviets had no effect at all, no sirree.

Honestly, do you think England, Europe and Russia would have beaten Germany WITHOUT American intervention? Much less the Japanese, whose only opposition besides us was the Soviets who they had trounced (as Russia) in 1905? America was the key to victory in WWII, and I can't help but suspect you're just being a trolling asshole for taking the position you posted. :wtc:

Russia's premier tanks, the T-34s, had the American designed Christie suspension which gave them superior speed and mobility over rough terrain. Of course Christie got shit for royalties off it, but hey fortunes of war and all. The Soviet Union becoming the German Army's bullet sponge, and vice versa, was Hitler's doing. It shortened the war at a terrible price in Soviet lives, but it did nothing to diminish our ability to crush the German war machine. It just made the inevitable outcome happen earlier than 1947 or 48.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:28 am
by Count Chocula
starku wrote:dude he's mr ignorant
you're not going to stop him screaming 'america' all the time
You have engaged with cockles.

100% time wasted.

You lose?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:45 am
by Sandman
Count Chocula wrote:Honestly, do you think England, Europe and Russia would have beaten Germany WITHOUT American intervention?
Yes. Germany was just one country, with an unsustainable war machine that would have collapsed anyway given enough time; the major advantage that the Nazis had was an early series of gains in their initial invasions. Japan might have been a different story, but Germany would simply not have burned out quite as quickly had America not gotten involved.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:07 am
by Count Chocula
starku wrote:its almost like ww2 was about a few guys having big successes against unprepared or weak enemies, holding briefly, and then inevitably being crushed :V

but come on he says the japanese trounced the soviets like 20 years before they existed so seriously just stop talking to him and start laughing at him
Ha ha, I concede, Steve Irwin Crocodile Dundee is the manliest man fuck Khan Mad Max is boss Australia Fuck Yeah! I'm not saying, and have not said, that other states didn't have important roles in the war; I'm just saying that America's entry was the pivotal event in the war and the reason the Axis lost.

P.S. You might benefit from actually reading books printed on paper, with hardcover bindings, about World War Two. Just sayin'. You are the Brewster Buffalo of this thread. I'd compare you to an equally obsolete Australian aircraft of the era, but you might take offense if I said you were the Boomerang or Wirraway of this topic. So I won't do that. Oh wait, I just did. Oops.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:30 am
by xon
Sorry weemadando, a significant constitutional challenge upsets how the Australia Federal government can fund anything directly and instead forces legislation to be passed to authorizie direct goverment funding rather than by apointment, and all you care about is a bitching about a chaplains/counselor program?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:39 am
by Pieman
I really should be able to tell from looking at this who's joking.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:41 pm
by Bakustra
Count Chocula wrote:
Civil War Man wrote:lol at thinking that the US's involvement was more vital to the allied victory in WWII than Russia's.
Wow. Just wow. I musta forgot about the Russians at Midway and Guadalcanal and the Flying Siberian Tigers, silly me. And gee, it must not have been the B-17s, B-24s, B-25s, B-26s, P-38s, P-51s, P-47s and P-61s that broke the back of the Luftwaffe and German industry in WWII. I should have remembered that the Poliparkov I-35s, iL-2 Sturmoviks, Avro Lancasters, Spitfires, Hurricanes and Gladiators were the aircraft that took the fight to the Germans and showed them what for over der vaterland. Those Aircobras and 2-1/2 ton trucks and supplies we sent to the Soviets had no effect at all, no sirree.
the us strategic bombing survey concluded after the war that the bombing of germany had, if anything, a negative effect on the war effort

us industry is not the same thing as the us military, since the us was and is not a fascist state
Honestly, do you think England, Europe and Russia would have beaten Germany WITHOUT American intervention? Much less the Japanese, whose only opposition besides us was the Soviets who they had trounced (as Russia) in 1905? America was the key to victory in WWII, and I can't help but suspect you're just being a trolling asshole for taking the position you posted. :wtc:
yeah, they pretty much would have with just lend-lease/the arsenal of democracy w/o any GIs setting foot in europe; it would just take longer, and lol at your entire japan thing

just lol :australia:
Russia's premier tanks, the T-34s, had the American designed Christie suspension which gave them superior speed and mobility over rough terrain. Of course Christie got shit for royalties off it, but hey fortunes of war and all. The Soviet Union becoming the German Army's bullet sponge, and vice versa, was Hitler's doing. It shortened the war at a terrible price in Soviet lives, but it did nothing to diminish our ability to crush the German war machine. It just made the inevitable outcome happen earlier than 1947 or 48.
lol without barbarossa there would be fuck-all chance of d-day, operation torch, or even an advance up italy, as even hitler could figure out how to flood an area with divisions

so actually it's more like the ussr was critical to the war effort as a whole

you win nothing

you lose

good day sir

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:10 pm
by Losonti Tokash
so basically the country that contributed more to germany's defeat than anyone else was germany

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:17 pm
by Aaron
So Border Services wants to install microphones to listen to people at the airports. What. The. Fuck.

We haven't even had a terrorist attack. Maybe I'll record myself shitting and play it on a loop next time I fly.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:27 pm
by adr-admin
the funny thing with all the airport security is it is kinda like triple locking your front door

but leaving the back door and all the windows wide open

there's more than one way to terrorize a population......

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:05 pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Count Chocula wrote:Shit, Einie's right
Whaaaaaaaat!? Well I never! Should I eat my own shotgun? Inquiring minds must know!!1 :v

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:17 pm
by Zod
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Count Chocula wrote:Shit, Einie's right
Whaaaaaaaat!? Well I never! Should I eat my own shotgun? Inquiring minds must know!!1 :v
Didn't realize you were that flexible.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:33 pm
by Count Chocula
Einie, the barrel of your 870 should have some lettering at the muzzle that says THIS END TOWARD ENEMY. Suicide's not painless, ignore the M*A*S*H song and think of the children!

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:28 pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Lulz. You know I'd never become an hero like Kurt. Got too damn much to live for!

That gun is only gonna punch paper and maybe a deer or two if some asshole burglar doesn't come along. Lame joke was lame, yes.