Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread
Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:45 am
I take it you missed the bit where he hopes never to use it?
"you said you'd ban me last" "i lied"
Flagg wrote:Nope. They even demodded him on SDN a few months ago.Aaron wrote:Anything new on him?
Demodding him would be more of a security measure to prevent someone from trying to guess their way into his account. I don't know if phpBB locks users out or alerts admins after too many failed login attempts.Aaron wrote:Wow. I thought they would have left him that, as a memorial.
Yeah, actually, I did, but I assumed he didn't want to use it anyway.Aaron wrote:I take it you missed the bit where he hopes never to use it?
When you grow up in a big city you don't have the luxury of choosing who will be around you. I also travel a lot for work. Just the way it is. And since I have had to pull out my weapon a few times, my 'paranoia' has kept me safe.RyanThunder wrote:If you need the capability to severely maim and/or kill a human being in order to be calm on a regular basis, either you or the place you live in are truly, deeply fucking nuts. I'm going to be charitable and assume the latter since you actually think its lucky that you weren't mugged multiple times as a kid. Have you ever considered moving somewhere civilized?
So you haven't considered moving somewhere civilized?Count Chocula wrote:When you grow up in a big city you don't have the luxury of choosing who will be around you. I also travel a lot for work. Just the way it is. And since I have had to pull out my weapon a few times, my 'paranoia' has kept me safe.
Have you ever moved halfway across a country before?RyanThunder wrote:So you haven't considered moving somewhere civilized?Count Chocula wrote:When you grow up in a big city you don't have the luxury of choosing who will be around you. I also travel a lot for work. Just the way it is. And since I have had to pull out my weapon a few times, my 'paranoia' has kept me safe.
So you'd have to move halfway across America to get somewhere civilized?Zod wrote:Have you ever moved halfway across a country before?
Finding somewhere that's civilised in America would be a greatly impressive feat to begin with.RyanThunder wrote:So you'd have to move halfway across America to get somewhere civilized?Zod wrote:Have you ever moved halfway across a country before?
I'm just wondering if you actually have half a clue of how difficult it is to completely uproot yourself and move somewhere else.RyanThunder wrote:So you'd have to move halfway across America to get somewhere civilized?Zod wrote:Have you ever moved halfway across a country before?
I see the point has sailed right over your head.Zod wrote:I'm just wondering if you actually have half a clue of how difficult it is to completely uproot yourself and move somewhere else.
As promised, this has been posted on TEO. Read it here, if you're interested.RedImperator wrote:OTOH, I may as well announce this now: a couple of you probably remember I was working off-and-on on a Voyager rewrite a few years ago. Well, I did a page one rewrite of it and I'm posting it on TEO as a weekly serial starting December 1.
So? The point is that Chocula is so scared from something that happened to him as a child, that he has to carry a weapon to feel secure and tough. He's an illogical shitheel. If he's that scarred, perhaps he should seek medical attention instead of carrying a weapon like reactionary morons.Aaron wrote:I take it you missed the bit where he hopes never to use it?
CoolRedImperator wrote:As promised, this has been posted on TEO. Read it here, if you're interested.RedImperator wrote:OTOH, I may as well announce this now: a couple of you probably remember I was working off-and-on on a Voyager rewrite a few years ago. Well, I did a page one rewrite of it and I'm posting it on TEO as a weekly serial starting December 1.
Negative Knub wrote:So? The point is that Chocula is so scared from something that happened to him as a child, that he has to carry a weapon to feel secure and tough. He's an illogical shitheel. If he's that scarred, perhaps he should seek medical attention instead of carrying a weapon like reactionary morons.Aaron wrote:I take it you missed the bit where he hopes never to use it?
Lol. If that isn't a common occurrence in your area, then you don't need to carry a gun. You remind me of the fucktards who have weapons in their house for protection when the crime statistics in their area are low.Count Chocula wrote:EDIT NK, have you ever had a knife held at your throat? Ever had a gun pointed at your face? I'm guessing no. Run along and go play in the street, little boy. Come back when you have some life experience under your belt.
He's a tryhard. We all know that he likes to prove his manhood.RyanThunder wrote:It's kinda sad that he seems to think that having one's life threatened is a requirement for adulthood.
I think I'll go to the bad areas in Atlanta for that home grown adult experience. Perhaps I'll have a gun pointed at me and have a knife at my throat. That will make me a man. Hell yeah!Count Chocula wrote:RT go get a room with KN, you scamp. Oh yeah doing things and going places out of your comfort zone, whatever that is, and handling them successfully, pretty much defines adulthood. Maybe you should give it a whirl.
That you're a idiot?RyanThunder wrote:I see the point has sailed right over your head.Zod wrote:I'm just wondering if you actually have half a clue of how difficult it is to completely uproot yourself and move somewhere else.
Mulan? Really?Sandman wrote:This seems oddly appropriate now...