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Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:18 am
by artemas
shes not an actual duchess???????

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:22 am
by starku
oh it's worse than that i'm afraid

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:25 am
by Stofsk
starku wrote:shit guys you got me looking in venting

'oh i could have studied management the obvious route to unlimited wealth given my situation. but y'know i'm just not any good at it so i won't make any money there'

anyone who thinks this isn't about his need to be the best to assuage his insecurity is a fucking moron\
yeah i agree, but i also agree with nua insofar as struggling with depression is something i can relate to and how the obvious solutions to problems don't always seem so obvious

but christ i wish he'd stop whining, it's gotten to the point where even the people who want to support him are getting sick of him
stofsk you are a CERTAIN CLICKER

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:31 am
by starku
remember that time hav said 'hey guys don't be so mean here death i will help you'

and over a few marathon pages of self-sabotage and whining everyone gave up

sorry turns out trying to feel like a big man by 'making your own way' doesn't cut any mustard with me buddy

there are people out there who would suffer or die if they sucked as bad as him, and he'll always have an invincible safety net of opulence

he's just a crybaby who wants to be the hero of his own life

a far more interesting subject of discussion is creepy fat nerds and film - the unholy attraction

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:41 am
by Zod
starku wrote:remember that time hav said 'hey guys don't be so mean here death i will help you'

and over a few marathon pages of self-sabotage and whining everyone gave up

sorry turns out trying to feel like a big man by 'making your own way' doesn't cut any mustard with me buddy

there are people out there who would suffer or die if they sucked as bad as him, and he'll always have an invincible safety net of opulence

he's just a crybaby who wants to be the hero of his own life

a far more interesting subject of discussion is creepy fat nerds and film - the unholy attraction
you could really just leave it at "he's just a crybaby"

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:29 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
I'd like Death to live my life as it currently is: facing the prospects of not being able to attend school next semester due to a massive staff screw up; can't see doctors because I can't pay the bills; most likely need another fissurectomy and if not performed, I could bleed out again, resulting in another visit to the CCU; hounded by collections agencies who have no empathy towards my situation. Compare that to his "Help me! I'm such a failure! I don't know what to do with my life even though I have tons of money! WAH!" nonsense.

The facial expression in my avatar is what I look like when I read his crap.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:16 am
by weemadando
Holy shit, is he having to come to grips with the idea that he can't be a fucking dilletente forever and may have to face the same realities the rest of us do and get jobs and shit that we don't like, let alone love in order to have the money to do the stuff we do love?

I cannot express how much my heart bleeds for him.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:17 am
by RedImperator
It's pretty lulzy to hear him complain about how hard it is to be a professional photographer. No shit, really? It's hard to make a living in the arts? I mean, I'm probably in the 99th percentile in creative writing ability in America, and all that means is that I'm competing with three million other people to be one of the 1500 full-time professional writers this country manages to support.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:20 am
by starku
By he thinks it makes him distinct and valuable in a way that being a manager wouldnt

Ps this is almost certainly because he takes career advice from sdn

Remember the time he wasted completely failing at technical study because ENGINEERS RULE

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:24 am
by thejester
I thought being a professional photographer was actually a decent gig if you do the wedding circuit

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:29 am
by Zod
thejester wrote:I thought being a professional photographer was actually a decent gig if you do the wedding circuit
being a wedding photographer is about the only thing you can get that's not minimum wage as a photog

unless you've got like years and years of experience and you've got a staple of published shoots

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:32 am
by starku
I know dudes who make fine money as event photographers

But they're friendly outgoing creative people who put people at ease

And not y'know death

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:33 am
by Zod
starku wrote:I know dudes who make fine money as event photographers

But they're friendly outgoing creative people who put people at ease

And not y'know death
they've probably got years of experience too

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:37 am
by adr-admin
i actually know two professional photographers

one is my landlady (my house is her former watertown studio - still has a big sign on the front, lol.).

she does weddings and whatnot and says she makes a couple hundred bucks an hour when going on location, and charges a good chunk for walk in people too.

Takes good pictures and her business has done well for a lot of years... not sure how many but I think about 10 or 15. People like her.

The other one I know works for National Geographic and they make pretty excellent money too - own two nice houses up in clayton on the water filled with antiques and shit.

They travel around and do various special nature things, all kinds of fancy photography including aerial and underwater shoots as well as more traditional thingies. I'm guessing that's all harder than it sounds which is prolly why they make the bigger money.

But they have been doing it for about 30 years and have a big portfolio.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:17 am
by RogueIce
starku wrote:a far more interesting subject of discussion is creepy fat nerds and film - the unholy attraction
But Spanky hasn't posted in years...

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:19 am
by Aaron
Good for him, I hope he found a life and moved on.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:28 am
by RogueIce
Aaron wrote:Good for him, I hope he found a life and moved on.
Or his panty stealing ways finally caught up to him.

Okay okay, that joke is older than your mom, I know. But still. I can't believe he admitted to that.

And is it bad that despite not posting for a good two years, he's still number five in overall post count? Although Stark (har har) is about to take his place.

Congrats, you fucking spammer. :geek:

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:37 am
by Director of Celestial Intelligence
strak the fatty nerd

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:51 am
by Veef
uh hello, fatty nerds are lame

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:04 am
by starku
Director of Celestial Intelligence wrote:strak the fatty nerd

I should stop posting


I can't

Ford told me my post pun was a cool number and while talking about that I absent-mindedly posted again

So y'know doom that came to etc

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:06 am
by Darth Nostril
Heh I called .303 a waste of DNA to his face and his favourite fleshlight Dalton accused me of having a vendetta.
Wonder how much of Daddys money the shit useless abortion that failed spent buying the favour of the SDN mods and admins.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:43 am
by uraniun235
Come on dude, you don't really think he's bought off the admins, do you?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:49 am
by phongn
uraniun235 wrote:Come on dude, you don't really think he's bought off the admins, do you?
I will unequivocally say that he has no allies on the SDN staff.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:49 am
by starku
nothing we like more than proclamations from above :ugeek:

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:47 pm
by Veef
we will never see orbital bombardment in ster wurz

meanwhile them animus will do it no problem