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Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:12 pm
by Bakustra
adr wrote:so i was thinking about joining the usa communist party... but they support barack obama

what the fuck.
as dooey alluded, the CPUSA was run through the comintern by moscow up until the collapse of the soviet union and they haven't run anybody for president in almost thirty years

if you want to vote for a socialist party, the SPUSA has a NY affiliate, a democratic/libertarian approach to socialism, and actual candidates in the presidential election, though you'd probably want to write in

if you want to join a socialist party... it's actually probably better to stay a fellow-traveler to avoid the suspicions of parliamentary corruption. or yeah, the SPUSA

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:19 pm
by adr-admin
yea i actually voted SPUSA in 2008's general election. i like their platform.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:42 am
by adr-admin
i think i've been reading political theory (i guess that's what its called) and/or party materials for three days straight now and still have a gigantic backlog

worst part is i went to the grocery store and saw a sign saying "boullion steak" or something but i read it as "bourgeois steak". and then at the checkout someone said "i forgot the soda, wanna trot on over there and grab it?" and i heard "TROTSKY"

my brain is scrambled

when i go nuts

i go nuts

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:47 am
by Phantasee
you've been nuts for a while now

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:54 am
by adr-admin
i haven't had a readathon like this for a pretty long time tho. posting shit is easy. reading shit takes a long time and there's so many details to absorb and ponder

i think my record longest readathon tho is from.... 2007 or something, when i was just reading space colonization material like all day every day for like a month. everything from books to scientific papers to debate transcripts to fanfiction

that was fucking wild

i can't afford to do that again tho, eventually i'll have to get back to work now. hell i probably should tomorrow.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:27 am
by Dooey Jo
i read the party material of the self-proclaimed socialists in our parliament (yeah the social democrats used to call themselves democratic socialists but now they are "social democrats"; they like to meet other people) once

they basically said "capitalism will be an important part of socialism :sun: "

if you say so guys

makes the hatred the parties in the different "wings" can muster for each other all the more amusing

if the state owns more than 15% of gdp stalin will come to you at night and caress you with his moustache

less than 10% and friedman will buy you a cake made from children's tears

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:12 am
by adr-admin
We need to stop asking what we can do for the economy, and start asking what the economy can do for us.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:15 am
by Aaron
It can get me a llama, and I shall train it to spit at trespassers.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:17 am
by adr-admin
BTW lolers of the world rejoice

i think i'm going to actually start a blog next week

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:19 am
by Aaron
Post the link when you do.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:39 am
by adr-admin ... wanted=all

i was just looking for something else and came across that and i laughed a bit

quick summary: school test questions can have unexpected answers because the question isn't precise enough or the student thinks of a creative way to solve the problem and this trips things up

it reminds me of my WORST school test dispute of all time. the class was called "basic computing" in high school and we were using microsoft works or excel. it was a spreadsheet program anyway

the question was "there is no way to clear a cell only using the mouse true/false"

and i said false because there is a way. in fact i think there's three ways.

but i got it marked wrong. i went up and said "wtf here take a look i'll show you"

and the teacher's response: "you didn't learn that in class" and overruled my objection. no points.

fucking ridiculous. but this was just a factually wrong teacher. the link discusses a much different and more interesting problem and oyu might get a laugh reading it too.

(what i was searching for was if there's been studies on if people are reluctant to claim "none of the above" when it isn't an option, even when they know it is. For example:

1) 2+3 =

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

how many people would second guess their basic math because of the presented options? would they go ahead and make a choice of those anyway? idk)

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:25 am
by evilsoup
My chemistry teacher did something similar to me once (picked me because I was five minutes late for class).

At the beginning of each lesson we had to work out the predicted results of a reaction. I worked it out correctly, but then everyone else read out their answer, and it was different... so I actually corrected myself & used their wrong answer.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:00 pm
by Darksi4190
Ok, either someone in my neighborhood is shooting fireworks off in the middle of the day, or they're testing homemade explosive devices.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:52 pm
by timmy
Why can't it be both?

*Fill a four litre(gallon) fuel can with above
*close the hole with a party popper and some caulk
*run a 10+ metre string from the party popper

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:12 am
by adr-admin
so i have a TOS communicator toy and it is totally the best thing ever

flipping it open is just so totally boss

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:30 am
by Oxymoron


Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:38 am
by adr-admin
oh it's not the same, you can't really flop any of the so-called flip phones the same way

with the communicator it is a little wrist flick and it just swings right into your waiting fingers (impossible with a bottom open, they are really a two handed operation, though you can kinda sorta flip open a TNG tricorder if you're cool like data)

so then you can hold it half opened and talk into it in the middle of your date.

"i thought i told you never to call me"

and of course it has a speaker so she can hear it too

"they're beaming in now"

"tell them phasers on stun good luck kirk out"

and then she's all like "lol next you'll tell me they don't have money in the 23rd century"

and you can be like "WE DON'T!!!!!! LOLOLLOLOOL"

and get out of paying

btw i know they didn't even use a flip communicator in that movie but still by george it is the best film ever to gracie the screen

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:40 pm
by adr-admin

so the drainage was all fucked up again. toilet not flushing etc. through my brilliant deductive mind i determined the problem must have been a clogged vent.

not wanting to climb up onto the roof i put my thinking cap on. if i can get some water on it it can prolly be cleared up

collecting some sticks, my garden hose, and the macguver specials: ye ole swiss army knife and some duct tape i proceeded to make a HOSE ON A LONG STICK

first attempt failed, it wasn't strong enough to aim. remembering i had a long 2x4 in the garage i duct taped the thickest stick to it and the hose to the thick stick

but still it wasn't long enough to see the vent and bring it up. THINKING CAP back on

i put my long mirror up against a sawhorse and my little ladder up against the house. angle it so i can see the roof vent while standing on the ground or on my ladder

going up the ladder backwards, i could form a TRIANGLE with me, the 2x4+stick, and hte dangling hose

and using hte mirror i could actually see what was happening thus proving that math in school is just as useless now as you thought it was in 10th grade. fuck doing the math, just thrash around until its right

guess and check > analytical mind


so i tell the little baby to turn the water on

and he cries saying "i can't!!!!!!!!!!"

(but when i tell him to stop playing with the hose, he has no trouble turning it on. fucking children)

so i take a chance to do it myself and amazingly the contraption remained on the roof by itself

teh water is on. the toilet bubbles. when it stops i figure the pressure must be TO THE MAX and turn the water off


the bowl fills up but otherwise nothing happens

it refills



it refills

i flush it again


it refills

i flush it again


ditto on the other drains.

sweet this wild plan worked!!!!!11!!11!11!11!1!!111

then a little finangling (wait a minute is that actually a word or did the browser spell checker just give up on this post???) to get the hose down

mild damage to the 2x4, it scraped the roof a little but its ok

and done.



btw the complete list of symptoms here:

1) none of the drains worked at full speed

2) the kitchen sink, as the water was on and some draining, had a slight stench coming from its drain

3) the toilet wouldn't flush consistently. sometimes it'd just fill up the bowl without actually flushing, and often it wouldn't refill the bowl fully; the water level always high or low, never right

4) it'd sometimes make some strange sounds as bigger collections of water drained

if this happens to you check your vent system, it is probably clogged too. if you're afraid of heights like me use WOOD

it makes me wonder btw

what would mankind do if there were no trees (or other woody plants)? think of all the great stuff they do for us. shade, fruit, syrup, oxygen, etc.

you can climb trees to see things and get away from things. it is like nature's pre-made structure

and then of course the wood. you can burn it. if there was no wood, would humankind ever have been able to survive outside warm climates? there's other stuff to potentially burn but none as easy as wood

you can build houses with it. would we have even been able to leave the caves without wood?

and it is a great component for making all kinds of tools, and doesn't even take a big brain. sticks literally fall from the sky and can be used for a whole variety of tasks - even if you don't have any duct tape. and then you can make moar wood tools pretty easily too

i think each and every one of us should thank the next tree we see for their service to all of mankind

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:02 pm
by evilsoup

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:23 pm
by adr-admin
i knew zinc was used in batteries but i didnt know its other applications

that's awesome

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:25 pm
by Phantasee
dammit stark WHERE IS THE TUMBLR

can someone just start going through adr's posts for the gems and PM me links to the posts, i'll do the tumblr myself

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:33 pm
by adr-admin
here you go ... mit=Search

if it wasn't amazing, brilliant, genius, and very insightful, i wouldn't post it

so that whole list is worthy of praise

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:38 pm
by Aaron
Don't let your head get to big, you won't get in the door.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:50 pm
by adr-admin
+5 funny

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:31 pm
by adr-admin
aaaargh so i spend several days on this one thing for work, bringing over this whole big app

and now he tells me there was only two minor features from it i actually needed to grab. it could have been done in one day, if even!