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Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:52 am
by Darth Fanboy
starku wrote:I guess that means you have extensive experience in the change management and executive redeployment sector

Cause I don't want to be a 'hater' and assume you're just mindlessly parroting bullshit you read in a toilet cubicle
I'll admit that maybe it's more different being in HR in Oz than it is here in the US. But on a bad day it can be pretty fucking thankless and kudos to anyone who can deal with all that junk I say.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:55 am
by Questor
starku wrote:I guess that means you have extensive experience in the change management and executive redeployment sector

Cause I don't want to be a 'hater' and assume you're just mindlessly parroting bullshit you read in a toilet cubicle
My experience with HR comes from a couple union issues and having to deal with them a couple times on my own issues.

It seems like a job that would just be shitty. I hate being the guy that everyone complains too about IT, but at least I'm not (usually) messing with their livelihood. HR is another one of those cases where you just don't notice it unless there's an issue, so that would, again, contribute to the sucking. My sister does HR, and when she describes her job, I just can't even imagine doing it.

Basically, what DF said.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:43 am
by Gands
All of the HR people with whom I've had to work have been way helpful. One gave me a free work shirt.

BREAKING GANDO UPDATE: codblops2 preorder changed to asscreed3. It looks like it'll be more fun.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:07 pm
by RogueIce
Gands wrote:All of the HR people with whom I've had to work have been way helpful. One gave me a free work shirt.

BREAKING GANDO UPDATE: codblops2 preorder changed to asscreed3. It looks like it'll be more fun.
You just want to go around fucking up Redcoats, don't you?

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:49 pm
by Phantasee
I had chocolate mint cake for my birthday. It is the best cake ever.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:50 pm
by Phantasee
starku wrote:
Phantasee wrote: do you believe that people can change and improve?

do you?

ps in five years in hr you meet a lot of people who lied to get where they are :V
well yeah I've seen people change and improve

me and NUA are in that age range where we are most malleable I think

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:12 pm
by Nietzslime
i dunno if i'm supposed to take offense at stark taking me joking around in a casual discussion about the relatively unexpectedly ways i've gotten lucky breaks in employment to elliptically accuse me of being some kind of venal ladder-climbing doofus

but i don't really... care

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:49 pm
by evilsoup
lol stark you're a ray of sunshine

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:44 pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Quick question: is six years decent performance for an OEM car battery? Mine just died and got replaced after a few start failures. Now the truck fires up quite nicely. Just hope it'll start up in the morning...

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:51 pm
by Oxymoron
What I can say is that, if memory serves me right, at my old work they changed the truck's batteries roughly every two to four years or so : with roughly 400 buses, there was always at least one of them getting its batteries changed each week. [1]

So I'd say a 6 years lifespan for a consumer grade car battery is pretty decent.

But obviously I don't know anything about cars, so I wouldn't trust my words on it.

[1] : to expand on that, the store was being restocked with a palette of batteries every 4 or 6 month or so.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:34 pm
by Phantasee
Depends on your winters, but 3-5 years is normal for a battery around here.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:38 pm
by Phantasee
starku wrote:i was raised honest





and man seriously the joke is people like this actually lose the ability to separate themselves from their bullshit; if you repeat something enough times it becomes true to you, so i've heard people verifiably lie about their own career just because they've internalised a particular bit of self-aggrandising bullshit or a given example of massively inflating their own importance
when confronted they react with confusion and disorientation
i try very hard to be humble and recognize my own instances of inflating my importance

i hate people like that and i hate when i feel the need to do it

and when i do it with no need? the worst

there a lot of things where i was just the right person at the right place and time and the 'glory' could have been anyone's if they'd been there to step up (or fall in)

and i think i have plenty to be proud of that i did on my own (to whatever extent that's ever true) so i don't need to brag about those things

so i shouldn't

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:25 pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Oh ok. The truck's been in a crash before I bought it and rebuilt as (far as I can tell) good as new.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:26 pm
by Nietzslime
the fact that stark pads his hyperbolically judgemental antagonism with unnecessary preening 'DON'T WORRY I KNOW PEOPLE LIKE YOU' 'I WAS RAISED HONEST' alpha-male self-aggrandizement is maybe my favourite part of this conversation

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:29 pm
by evilsoup
Nietzslime wrote:the fact that stark pads his hyperbolically judgemental antagonism with unnecessary preening 'DON'T WORRY I KNOW PEOPLE LIKE YOU' 'I WAS RAISED HONEST' alpha-male self-aggrandizement is maybe my favourite part of this conversation
you seem upset

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:31 pm
by Gands
RogueIce wrote:You just want to go around fucking up Redcoats, don't you?
I just don't want to deal with elite multiplayer lamery.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:36 pm
by Nietzslime
evilsoup wrote:
you seem upset

as a broke phil major supporting two emotionally mal-adjusted roommates i didn't really feel i needed to actually rebut his cutting insight into a joke i made on the internet and defend my honor or whatever (until now lol)

so i decided to say the first unproductive but nasty things that came to mind

raised honest lol

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:07 am
by Phantasee
"defend your honour"

please maintain a minimum level of decorum, saskatchewan

no dropping Us, please

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:10 am
by Losonti Tokash
Gands wrote:
RogueIce wrote:You just want to go around fucking up Redcoats, don't you?
I just don't want to deal with elite multiplayer lamery.
okay so i support the switch from blops to asscreed3

but ac multiplayer is waaaaay fucking worse for this shit

at least in blops you might conceivably kill a prestige 5 million dude

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:46 am
by adr-admin
omg the clock stopping isn't just me

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:56 am
by Bakustra
i decided to check on in and read that tosh thread and oh my lord

oh my lord

fuck this bullshit, i thought

and then i realized that now was a good time for a sermon from the reverend bakustra, dds

folks, if your argument in favor of free speech is that "well, gee, if something offends you, you don't have to speak up", then why doesn't this apply to the dude saying something offensive? why can't we say, "well, if you think of something offensive, you don't have to speak up"? is that really in favor of free speech, or just pearl-clutching at the thought that somebody out there is sick of rape jokes and wants to stand up and say, "you're not funny, you youtube-dependent asshole!"

i don't think i should bother putting question marks on a rhetorical question

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:10 am
by Zod
Baks-kun wrote:i decided to check on in and read that tosh thread and oh my lord

oh my lord

fuck this bullshit, i thought

and then i realized that now was a good time for a sermon from the reverend bakustra, dds

folks, if your argument in favor of free speech is that "well, gee, if something offends you, you don't have to speak up", then why doesn't this apply to the dude saying something offensive? why can't we say, "well, if you think of something offensive, you don't have to speak up"? is that really in favor of free speech, or just pearl-clutching at the thought that somebody out there is sick of rape jokes and wants to stand up and say, "you're not funny, you youtube-dependent asshole!"

i don't think i should bother putting question marks on a rhetorical question
i'm thinking my thread title wasn't clear enough

because i meant to imply that it was offensive how unfunny he was

not that the content of his material was offensive :v

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:13 am
by Flagg
I actually found it funny.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:14 am
by Zod
Flagg wrote:I actually found it funny.
and nothing about this surprises anyone

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:17 am
by Bakustra
like, this is offensive material, but i think people trying to defend daniel tosh as being anything other than the bottom of the barrel of comedy is possibly even more offensive, because they're inflating a guy who makes halfwitty comments over youtube videos with an asshole edge into some sort of marvelous satire in order to defend the fucker who responded to a heckler with "wouldn't it be funny if you got raped by, like, five guys" and then probably drifted off into a fantasy before his agent slapped the shit out of him

it's almost as though nerds generally have some sort of congenital disability preventing them from understanding how text and subtext work

like, every single fucking slash fangirl and/or fujoshi is demonstrating a more refined understanding of literature and speech than those chucklefucks
Flagg wrote:I actually found it funny.
you are the reason american tv is a cultural wasteland

you are the reason fucking carlos mencia still has a- no wait, he's only on the standup circuit and apparently went to therapy over how terrible of a comedian and human being he is

well you're a problem flagg, get what i mean