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Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:46 pm
by >:3
That PSU is bigger than you need. You could get a good 450 W like a Rosewill CAPSTONE-450 and save about $20. Gigabyte boards have been less well regarded lately after some shenanigans with voltages being misreported. You might consider ASUS or Asrock instead. Are there any particular features you need that you selected that motherboard for? If not, something like an ASUS P8Z77-M would work fine, and that one's $110 on Newegg. You could put the savings from those towards two 8 GB memory modules.

Also, what about a case?

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:17 pm
by Agent Bert Macklin
>:3 wrote:That PSU is bigger than you need. You could get a good 450 W like a Rosewill CAPSTONE-450 and save about $20. Gigabyte boards have been less well regarded lately after some shenanigans with voltages being misreported. You might consider ASUS or Asrock instead. Are there any particular features you need that you selected that motherboard for? If not, something like an ASUS P8Z77-M would work fine, and that one's $110 on Newegg. You could put the savings from those towards two 8 GB memory modules.

Also, what about a case?
Shit like this is precisely why I never build my own pc. It's too much crap to keep up with.

What is the difference between "6+2-Pin" and "6-Pin"? The Corsair PSU has 2 of those 6+2-Pin. Also, the video card requires 450w minimum, which I why I chose one higher than 450w.

The case: ... 6811119197

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:27 pm
by joviwan
I don't think you're wrong to go with the 650. I would have, too, though >:3 is probably right that you don't 'need' one. The 650 is better especially for future proofing, where you might be adding more drives, more RAM, bigger/badder GPU's, etc.

I don't know too much about PSU branding. The important thing is to have at least Bronze certified or better for reasons, and check # of reviews on a product vs. quality of reviews.

The pins thing is because Motherboards and GPU's often require extra power, and thus motherboards often have a 24pin main line and a 6 or 8 pin line, while video cards can have one or even two places to plug in a 6-pin or 8 pin line.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:33 am
by Straha
Infinity Biscuit wrote:While it's still very preliminary, I'm in the planning stages of a potential road trip to the midwest.

IIRC baks is in michigan; anyone else in the northeast?
I'm in upstate New York but I can get to anywhere important in the North East. When is this trip?

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:33 am
by >:3
Yeah, a lower power PSU isn't super important, it's just a place where you can save a bit of money if you're fine with lower headroom.

Normal 6 pin PCI-E power cables provide up to 75 watts. The 6+2's extra two pins are ground, and I think the 12 volt wires are supposed to be thicker, to let the cable go up to 150 watts. Manufacturer power supply recommendations over-estimate because they have to account for crappy no name PSUs that will explode at half their rated draw. To get a better idea of what you need you can look at reviews, like this one. Note that the numbers there are total system power, with a CPU that probably uses twice as much power as the one you're looking at.

There are also power supply calculators:

PC Part Picker gives a low end number. Here's the parts you've already chosen: You can see the power estimate in the upper right
Newegg's PSU calculator gives a higher end number.

And then there's this thing:

I'm not as familiar with cases so I'll just post the list from SA's parts picker thread and you can see if you like any of them better.

ALSO, important thing here. I was looking at G.Skill Snipers and I see some with voltage above 1.5 V. It's important that you not use >1.5 V RAM with recent Intel processors because it might burn out the memory controller built into the CPU.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:40 am
by joviwan

Jeff's friggen case in point. I have been building PC's for 15 years, and I only learn today that >1.5v RAM can burn out your goddamn Intel processor?

Isn't this 2013?

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:55 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
A have chosen a Seasonic 450w PSU.
>:3 wrote:ALSO, important thing here. I was looking at G.Skill Snipers and I see some with voltage above 1.5 V. It's important that you not use >1.5 V RAM with recent Intel processors because it might burn out the memory controller built into the CPU.
I was told that this isn't relevant since I won't be fiddling with the voltage settings.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:31 am
by Losonti Tokash
Straha wrote:
Infinity Biscuit wrote:While it's still very preliminary, I'm in the planning stages of a potential road trip to the midwest.

IIRC baks is in michigan; anyone else in the northeast?
I'm in upstate New York but I can get to anywhere important in the North East. When is this trip?
nebraska is in the midwest

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:50 am
by Infinity Biscuit
Lol Nebraska's a bit far. I meant more the old rust belt area since my best friend lives in the Indianapolis metro

No date yet but it'd be sometime in december or january probably

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:23 am
by Losonti Tokash
has the board seriously moved from accidentally quoting Nazis to deliberately quoting MacArthur

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:34 am
by Straha
I will actually be in Indianapolis for the last week and a half of March because of the debate national championships.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:39 am
by Bakustra
Losonti Tokash wrote:has the board seriously moved from accidentally quoting Nazis to deliberately quoting MacArthur
like i said, it's just a steady march towards quoting the 14 words

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:39 am
by Bob the Gunslinger
What are the 14 words?

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:56 am
by adr

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."[

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:58 am
by adr
so if my metal band was real, our debut album would be named BLOOD, FIRE, AND STEEL

the internet tells me some other band has already done that but that's exactly why it is perfect: it is so obviously and essentially metal

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:31 am
by RogueIce
So apparently this whole Google + integrated into YouTube comments thing has become another source of Internet outrage.

I don't care too much, since I pretty much never make comments on YT anyway. But seriously there was a time there where it seemed like every other fucking day they did something to change the design of the video player. And I was all, give it a fuckin' rest already Google. I know you have to justify your programmer salaries somehow but Jesus, quit fucking around with things and breaking them.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:37 am
by Infinity Biscuit
The part I find most amusing is how old screencaps show Youtube specifically saying "don't use your real name on here. it does nothing but open you up to potential problems and dangers"

Now they're trying to force you to use your real name.

It's pretty clear how moving away from traditional ad revenue as the primary source has shifted priorities here

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:44 am
by RogueIce
Didn't they also try to get you to use your real name and your real name only and threaten to delete accounts for ToS violations if you had a pseudonym? They backed down from that one though when there was enough outrage over it.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:23 am
by F.J. Prefect, Esq
So like a while ago someone posted like a parody book review of the DSM-V which more or less amounted to 'haha those silly psychologists'

And like okay there is scope for some critique of the ballooning of the DSM-VI

But having spent the day at my first real legal conference, most of which was about mental health, I am now retconning my response to that review to 'actually mad'

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:05 pm
by Agent Bert Macklin
Infinity Biscuit wrote:The part I find most amusing is how old screencaps show Youtube specifically saying "don't use your real name on here. it does nothing but open you up to potential problems and dangers"

Now they're trying to force you to use your real name.

It's pretty clear how moving away from traditional ad revenue as the primary source has shifted priorities here
I just logged out of my account and into it again and I am able to choose one of two profiles: My real name and the moniker I've used for years.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:12 pm
by evilsoup
while psychologists, psychiatrists and etc. serve a very useful and even life-saving purpose,
the most recent DSM has effectively recategorised grieving as a form of depression
(yes there are surely cases where someone would genuinely need antidepressants after a bereavement, but rather than taking a nuanced approach, the writers of the DSM-V chose to make it available to everyone -- and it isn't just psychiatrists who can prescribe these drugs, but non-expert medical professionals too)
it consistently gets closer and closer to 'drugs for everyone!' with each successive edition, medicalising common human experiences.

so it's not 'haha those silly psychologists', it's 'fuck the dsm'. Because the DSM is the TVTropes of psychology.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:29 pm
by Losonti Tokash
no they didn't, no it isn't, and that is an incredibly dumb post but i sure love it when people continue to stigmatize mental health issues and treating them with any kind of medication because that played a huge role in why i suffered without treatment for years and years

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:22 pm
by Bakustra
evilsoup wrote:while psychologists, psychiatrists and etc. serve a very useful and even life-saving purpose,
the most recent DSM has effectively recategorised grieving as a form of depression
(yes there are surely cases where someone would genuinely need antidepressants after a bereavement, but rather than taking a nuanced approach, the writers of the DSM-V chose to make it available to everyone -- and it isn't just psychiatrists who can prescribe these drugs, but non-expert medical professionals too)
it consistently gets closer and closer to 'drugs for everyone!' with each successive edition, medicalising common human experiences.

so it's not 'haha those silly psychologists', it's 'fuck the dsm'. Because the DSM is the TVTropes of psychology.
grieving was already something that clinical attention could be necessary for, and classifying it as a mood disorder when it needs clinical attention is hardly a grievous sin

in actual clinical practice, things are moving somewhat away from pure medicalization too

similarly, gps rarely prescribe psychoactive medication without psych opinions, except in emergencies or where it's relatively risk-free like buspirone

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:52 pm
by adr
Jovial Jeff wrote:I just logged out of my account and into it again and I am able to choose one of two profiles: My real name and the moniker I've used for years.
What bugs me is it keeps asking me over and over again. I've said no to the change at least ten times now.

I recently had to log into google docs for a work thing too.... and it redirected to a "sign up for google + now" page, and of course the back button on the browser doesn't actually take me back either. I hate it.

Re: Testing Chat V: The Final Mysterious Island: Miami Beach

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:12 pm
by Big Orangutan
RogueIce wrote: I don't care too much, since I pretty much never make comments on YT anyway. But seriously there was a time there where it seemed like every other fucking day they did something to change the design of the video player. And I was all, give it a fuckin' rest already Google. I know you have to justify your programmer salaries somehow but Jesus, quit fucking around with things and breaking them.
I was on Google+ anyway and I don't do a lot with it, so the merger came less of a surprise, but I'm mildly annoyed how YouTube gets chopped and changed every three to six months or so (mirroring the BBC IPlayer that hardly seems to stream properly these days).