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Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:58 pm
by Flagg
Any why allow the crazies? I don't see much difference between Obama is Hitler and Jews did 9/11. Maybe keep out the crazies?

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:02 pm
by Aaron
Because inclusion is important, not that there is anything to stop a guy from just showing up with a sign, and fucking lying, the media will interview him anyways. I'm more disturbed by sheltering rapists because they didn't trust cops.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:03 pm
by Bakustra
Flagg wrote:Any why allow the crazies? I don't see much difference between Obama is Hitler and Jews did 9/11. Maybe keep out the crazies?
How exactly are they supposed to force people out? Apart from the majority of Occupy groups trying to feed and shelter homeless people including the crazies, there's no way to force crazies out physically without committing a number of felonies, which even if you have no regard for the essential humanity of conspiracy theorists is still strategically deficient in blindingly obvious ways. And I'm not sure how many of those crazies were included within the political organization of Occupy groups. I suspect it was very small.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:05 pm
by Losonti Tokash
it turns out that's what we tried doing

of course all we can do is say we think that's a hateful message and not part of our ideals because we have zero ability to tell him "you can't come to a public park"

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:08 pm
by Oxymoron
Hey, Flagg, guess what ?

A/ Distributed movements like OWS don't need leaders because by their very nature they are horizontal networks of people cooperating toward a common goal (however vaguely defined that goal can be)

B/ they accomplish this goal not by going for a top-down approach, but through a bottom-up approach ; as in they act locally, and through their networks manage to spread these local initiatives all around the country. In short, they act through getting shit done themselves at their level and propagate horizontally, raising awareness in the immediate surroundings of their zones of actions (note these zones are not necessarily geographical in nature).

C/ movements don't need to be visible (in the national medias) to achieve something (see /B).

D/ distributed, leaderless movements are innately more resilient and less prone to sabotage/vulnerable to attacks than centralized, hierarchical ones.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:28 pm
by Phantasee
They can also be less effective and efficient. There's a reason why majority of human organizations have some sort of leadership.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:39 pm
by Oxymoron
That's true.


It all depend on ease of communication and coordination. Recent technological progresses (New Information Technologies & democratization of said technologies) are making that kind of organization easier to adopt and more efficient than ever before.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:42 pm
by Aaron
I'm discovering that Twitter is a fantastic way to follow whats going on, cause all these OWS groups use it.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:53 pm
by Losonti Tokash
it's also fairly inaccurate to ows has no leaders, people with good ideas and/or strong personalities will rise to the forefront even if they not designated as the boss

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:03 pm
by Oxymoron
AFAIK, it's not that OWS and similar movements don't have Leaders,

it's that they have lots of them, distributed at very low level, and they generally tend to be more like organizers/coordinators rather than "Leaders" in the common political sense.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:17 pm
by Aaron
This shit is hilarious, that's how local governments work. Yeah they might have a PR guy to speak for them but it's typically just a handful of people around a table.

Goddamn, people really are dumb.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:32 pm
by Aaron
And now I'm repeating myself.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:36 pm
by Aaron
If I'm not careful, I'll end up talking to myself.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:53 pm
by RyanThunder
Baks-kun wrote:They did have media tents and designated spokespeople. The media ignored them to pick out crazies and the unwashed, just like they ignored all the WWII and Vietnam vets who protested Vietnam, or invented shit outright to slander feminism... there comes a point at which engagement with the news media must be understood through the lens that the media are invested in the status quo and will do their best to destroy any challengers to it.
Because the media is owned by individuals who are part of the problem.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:59 pm
by Oxymoron
Aaron wrote:This shit is hilarious
What shit exactly ? I'm not sure I understand (I'm really tired right now, just getting back to work after REALLY long vacations).
Aaron wrote:that's how local governments work. Yeah they might have a PR guy to speak for them but it's typically just a handful of people around a table.
Exactly. They ARE doing politic, at the level they can meaningfully influence.

I don't know how it is on the other side of the Atlantic, but around here, speaking of what I know personally, my city's municipal council has a good number of people who militate and acts (through associations and other things) for diverse causes that are linked to OWS's demands.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:14 pm
by Aaron
Just the ”what do they want?" "why do they hate the rich" "they smell"

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:44 pm
by Dooey Jo
public tv news just now: "occupy failed to grow because their lack of leaders says economist at some think-tank"

that's hilarious. who better to talk about ows than an economist.

they need leaders to lead the movement so we can lead the leaders and make sure our precious system is not threatened you see

it's important that we get to them before people at large start thinking for themselves and maybe - gasp! - refuse to be led

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:52 pm
by RogueIce
I think the thing is the most obvious way to compare the success of Occupy is with, well, the Tea Party. Because whether you like it or not, they have been rather successful, and on the national stage to boot. Yes you can point out any number of reasons for this, but it is what it is.

In all fairness to OWS though, there hasn't been a major election since they formed. So I guess the way things turn out in November could be one way to see. And what happens thereafter, of course; if you take the long view and all that, even if (let's say) the GOP wins big, will they drift away or stick around? IOW, I think the jury is still out on the 'success' of Occupy.

On that note, are there any "OWS candidates" running in major elections? And I mean like legit OWS candidates, not just supporting Obama because he's not Romney, or Dems just because they're not the GOP, etc.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:36 pm
by Civil War Man
You could raise questions as to whether the Tea Party was successful at all. They've managed to have a major impact on the political narrative, but it's always been an arm of the Republican party, and these days it seems to be viewed more as a millstone than an asset. A large number of Tea Party candidates suffered defeats in the election, in some cases humiliating defeats. When the Tea Party successfully primaried a sitting Republican, the first reaction was one of disbelief because it's often viewed as decreasing the GOP's chance of holding that seat. And in this year's primary, they supported one failed candidate after another, moving on to the next one when the Tea Party flavour of the week crashed and burned.

And so the GOP's current candidate is Mitt Romney, who could only be less of a Tea Party candidate if he were a half-black half-latina lesbian with ties to the Communist party. And a large portion of his campaign staff is a Who's Who of the Bush Old Guard.

I mean, if OWS is a failure because they haven't enacted a political seachange in a non-election year, it doesn't say much for the Tea Party when a sizeable number of their political allies view them as a detriment.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:39 pm
by Aaron
They sure are loud though, like your drunk, redneck uncle at xmas.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:20 am
by Flagg
You know what's really hilarious? I start trolling like 10 minutes after Tucker admits he was, and you fuckers still took the bait. It's awesome.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:27 am
by Bakustra
Flagg wrote:You know what's really hilarious? I start trolling like 10 minutes after Tucker admits he was, and you fuckers still took the bait. It's awesome.

The Mummaries are a manner of creature largely found in the land of Aegyptera. While the Mammo-blooded that moved into the great kingdom of rivers and sand stayed faithful to Kaitlea, they also learned of the many local gods and customs. Some of these people even incorporated the native rituals into the proceedings of their own re3ligion, resulting in a curious case. Because of the influence of the secrets of Aegyptera on the immigrant population, a number of the next generations of priestesses began to practice a secret form of mummification, restoring the beauty of the dead so that they could face Kaitlea as they lived, perfectly preserving the mammo-blooded form. this was not without its complications, however, as the tombs of wealthier mammo-blooded tended to be raided for their riches, while others took... other forms of advantage of the deceased.

It was events like those that caused the priestesses of the Aegypteran mammo-blooded to sneak a curse into any further tombs, which caused some of the dead to rise again as guardians of the tomb- even if the guardians were defeated, they would most likely leave harsh reminders of the trip into the catacombs, marking all of those who broke into the tombs with outward signs of their desecration of sacred ground.

Unlike other mummies, mummaries are fully-intact, and the tailors perform the wrappings in a special way which allows the heavy linen bandages to support the weight of the often prodigious bosoms of the deceased. They are generally intelligent, stubborn opponents, a far throw from the average skeleton or zombie while also being hardy and difficult to destroy through normal means.

Mummary Template:

This is an acquired template that can be applied to any corporeal mammo-blooded humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or giant.

Size and Type: The creature's type changes to Undead and also acquires the augmented subtype- Base attack bonuses, saves, and skill points are not recalculated, and size does not change.

Hit dice: All current and future hit dice increase to d12.

Speed: Speed decreases by 10 feet, to a minimum of 10 feet.

AC: A mummary has a +10 natural AC bonus or the base creature's bonus, whichever is higher.

Attacks: A mummary retains any of its attacks, plus gains a slam attack if it did not have one. The damage of this attack depends on the creature's size as follows:

Fine: 1d2
Diminutive: 1d3
Tiny: 1d4
Small: 1d6
Medium: 1d8
large: 2d6
Huge: 2d8
Gargantuan: 2d10
Colossal: 4d8

Special attacks: Mummaries gain two special attack described below- the saves are DC 10 +1/2 HD +Charisma modifier

Bosomy presence (Su): The Mummary's presence causes all creatures capable of seeing the creature to be paralyzed with fear or desire for 1d4 rounds, depending on whether or not they're attracted to breasts. This effect is negated by a successful Will Save, and whether or not the save is successful, the same creature cannot be affected by the same Mummary's bosomy presence for 24 hours.

Mummary's curse (Su): Supernatural disease- natural weapon, Fortitude save as above. Any female struck by this disease must make a Fortitude save every hour. A successful save means that the curse is warded off for that hour, but not foiled. The first failed save adds the max possible racial starting weight to the woman's bust- a second failed save adds double the maximum, and a third failed save adds three times the maximum, with every subsequent failed save adding three times the maximum thereafter. Weight gained in this fashion counts as dead weight.

This is a powerful curse and not a natural disease, so it cannot be fended off normally. The curse must first be broken with a Break Enchantment or Remove Curse spell, and the caster must succeed against a caster level check, DC 20. Then the disease may be magically cured as normal.

Males who fall victim to the curse must make a Will save every hour or perform a randomly rolled action on the confusion table. This effect lasts until the disease is cured using the means listed above.

Special Qualities:

DR 5/- (ex): A mummary's body is tough and resistant to physical damage.

Vulnerable to fire (ex): Mummaries take 50% extra damage from fire-based attacks.

Abilities: Mummaries adjust their ability scores by the following: Str +6 Int -2 Wis +4 Cha +4. As an undead creature, mummaries have no Constitution score.

Measurements adjustment: The magical process of becoming a mummary is meant to reflect the ideal womanliness of the subject, though the end result may not exactly resemble her original form. A mummary gains the maximum starting racial weight to each breast, as well as -2 to the waist and +10 to their hips. This ritual also returns the mummary to the appearance they held in the prime of their life.

All Mummaries that use milk points as part of their class or racial features will continue to produce milk as normal. All Mummaries may also continue to take breast growth feats- any time dice are rolled for breast growth, roll an extra die, and the mummary may choose to replace the lowest die result with the result of the extra die, if it is higher. (Ex: A mammokin Mummary takes an uncontrolled growth spurt- the mummary will roll 5d8, plus an extra d8. the first five come up 7, 6, 5, 3, and 1, while the extra die comes up a seven. The mummary may replace the result of 1 with the 7 from the extra die, and choose to gain 28 pounds per breast instead of 22. also, ass +1 to any hip growth.

Alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral

CR: Same as base creature +3
LA: +4

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:28 am
by Bakustra

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:39 am
by Aaron
Flagg wrote:You know what's really hilarious? I start trolling like 10 minutes after Tucker admits he was, and you fuckers still took the bait. It's awesome.

Yeah its wonderful, silly me expecting a serious discussion. At least make your trolling amusing, you don't have to pull an adr but you can do better.

Re: Testing Chat Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:53 am
by adr

hey what happened to my admin panel link????????