HPCA does the election!

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#26 Post by Bakustra »

Aaron wrote:Rob Fox seems pretty spot on, to be honest
Yeah, I just quoted him for the setup. It's fun to see how willfully dense people can be- "There's no way that people could rationally think that Republicans are racist, sexist, or homophobic! It's all just liberal propaganda!!"

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#27 Post by Losonti Tokash »

the gop is is seen as racist and sexist because the dems successfully painted them as such, and definitely not because of their racist and sexist policies and rhetoric

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#28 Post by weemadando »

Your party has issues when if someone says "The rape guy lost" you have to ask "which one". But of course it's because women are uncontrollable lust monsters who dream about black cock that they voted against you, not because you're evil fucks who want to roll back the clock on every right they've won.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#29 Post by Bakustra »

weemadando wrote:Your party has issues when if someone says "The rape guy lost" you have to ask "which one". But of course it's because women are uncontrollable lust monsters who dream about black cock that they voted against you, not because you're evil fucks who want to roll back the clock on every right they've won.
HPCA Hero nightwatch2 would take exception to that notion.
nightwatch2 wrote:That is utter BS (says this Republican White Hispanic). Susan Martinez, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindahl, Rice, etc. We have lots of minorities and it is a vile, despicable lie of the Democrat Left to claim the Republican Party is a party of old white men. That kind of BS is playing right into the hands of the lunatic left and deranged MSNBC fringe.

Now, having said that, to some extent your prescription is correct to a point, that point being that we have to explain in much better terms and very clearly why conservative values are everyone's values. Much of the various block group values are much closer to the conservative values than to the leftist drivel articulated iin the Democrat Party Platform and it makes no sense why various groups vote against their own interests,
but they do because they've been told to. Ethnics politics is a vile dead end and belongs in the gutter from whence it came.
I would love to see how black people are voting against their own interests, or women, or gays, when they vote Democrat.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#30 Post by Bakustra »

Poohbah wrote:Last night, I went to bed thinking "let it burn."

Now I say: "Burn it down." Withdraw your labor, end your consumption, and revoke your ratification of your servitude.

If America wants to go to Hell this badly, I say shove 'em into the express elevator, weld the door shut, shoot off the emergency brakes, and cut the cable.

yessss yessss
accelerationism fy

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#31 Post by adr »

In the name of the moon, I will punish you!

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#32 Post by Aaron »

How much of the decline in quality of life, jobs and earnings for blacks are the result of disasterous policies of the past 30 years, the same policies that are still destroying those for everyone? We all know that blacks have gotten the shaft since before the USA existed. How much is actually Obama's fault?

And if the black community refuses to address these concerns, does anyone think the white elite will?

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#33 Post by Bakustra »

Aaron wrote:How much of the decline in quality of life, jobs and earnings for blacks are the result of disasterous policies of the past 30 years, the same policies that are still destroying those for everyone? We all know that blacks have gotten the shaft since before the USA existed. How much is actually Obama's fault?

And if the black community refuses to address these concerns, does anyone think the white elite will?
A pretty significant amount, and then the War on Drugs has basically become racially motivated or was so from the beginning, so that's done immense damage too. More quotes!
edgeplay_cgo wrote:It may well be. I need to decide whether there is enough hope left to continue to try to set up my business, or just fire my employees, try to sell my equipment, and find a doctor who will put me on disability.

I can work under the table, and become a leech.
Dude literally thinks that liberals never do any kind of work for anybody.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#34 Post by weemadando »

The sheer insanity of these people is amazing.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#35 Post by Aaron »

It really is to bad that Admiral Potato Head doesn’t have open membership.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#36 Post by weemadando »

I'd love to ask them if public servants have to pay tax. Or really, anything about public sector jobs.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#37 Post by Oxymoron »

Planning an old-fashioned board invasion, Aaron ?

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#38 Post by Aaron »

Nope. Not my style.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#39 Post by Bakustra »

I waver between wanting to do some TobleroneTriangular-style trolling and realizing that it would only be depressing in the end.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#40 Post by Gands »

I just like to sit and laugh.

It's the best way to deal with people who take themselves so seriously.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#41 Post by Gands »

Theodore wrote:You know, part of me would love if, just once, the Republican candidate would respond in kind. Remind the Democrats that they're the party of pot-smoking, baby-killing hippies. They want a culture war, let's have a culture war.

But then I remember that we're the adults here and we can't do that.
Quickly, someone invent Rush Limbaugh!

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#42 Post by Bakustra »

shernpotter wrote:My wife agreed with what Mourdock said, just not how he said it. I concur with her, and we both voted for him. Only people completely ignorant of the bible and how God acts would take issue with what he said. In fact, God does use bad people and things to His purposes all the time. And Mourdock never said it was "God's Will" that a woman be raped, only that the pregnancy resulting from it might have been God's will, and that person was worth keeping. That person, the child of rape, might become the person who cures cancer. We just don't know. Believe me, the Dems played that clip ad nauseum here in Indiana, so I heard it ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Joe Donnelly, the guy who won, was and is a party hack from way back, and a crook. Nearly every thing he said during the campaign was a lie. I have known Richard Mourdock personally for six years. He is a stand up guy, and quite principled.

What Akin said was indeed stupid, and showed his ignorance on an issue. However, it was one peripheral issue, but since the Dems pretty much wholly own the media, that was all it took. McCaskill is pretty much the queen of stupid, but this issue won out over real things of importance to people like taxes and jobs. Let the fates of Mourdock and Akin be a warning to GOP candidates - do not elucidate, just answer a question concisely and briefly. The media are never your friend.

I know that more than a few of you on here will take issue with what I say here about Mourdock, but devout Christians understood what he was saying. He should have just clammed up after simply saying he was pro-life. Both Mourdock and Akin were taken to task by Neal Boortz this morning on his show, and quite rightly. However, Boortz then lost me by saying as soon as he got back to Florida he was changing his party affiliation back to Libertarian. He only changed it to vote in the Florida Primary for Marco Rubio (Good choice that). It's his choice to do so, but it makes your vote irrelevant. I am sorry, but it is true. Unless and until a real, viable, useful conservative third party rises from the grass roots, a vote for third parties especially when it is Libertarian is a vote for irrelevance and in fact helps the Dems. Most Libertarians would be otherwise Repbulicans, all things being equal. All the Lib votes in the Mourdock-Donnelly smashup could have still put Mourdock over the top or closer to it.
Ahahahahahaha. Gary Johnson is the new Ralph Nader. Yessssssssssss.


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Re: HPCA does the election!

#43 Post by Glass Fort MacLeod »

Gands wrote:Quickly, someone invent Rush Limbaugh!
Funny that you mention him. I was reading up on the net today to get what his reaction to last nite was, and his conclusions seem to echo alot of HPCA - basically they just need to be more puritanical, further right, they don't have to reach out and broaden their appeal to other groups.. nope its all the Dem's problems and their dishonesty in misrepresenting the right and conservatives. Lies, I tell you!

It's also funny to laugh at all this, but its also depressing when you consider that there is a non-trivial percentage of the right that actually buys into the stuff Fox, Limbaugh and his ilk, and places like HPCA spew. and even if the rest don't buy into it wholesale, they tolerate it enough that they won't actually oppose it or drive it out, either. 48% of Americans did favor Romney after all.

Also the denial of reality and projection that goes on amongst these people is both amusing and depressing because it reminds me of just how bad things are in America.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#44 Post by RogueIce »

David Newton wrote:Another thing that boggled my mind about this election was the stories of hours of queueing to vote. We did have some problems list during the last UK general election, but previously it had not happened on a large scale. There are clearly not enough voting slots in polling stations in the US. Something that I suspect might well not help is the massive combination of things that get voted for during US general elections. Mandating that federal and state/local elections take place in different years might be a help with that, with ballot initiatives etc only allowed during state/local election years.
I could kinda get behind this. We had eleven fucking state constitutional amendments to vote on. Eleven! The ballot was six pages (well more like 5.25) and essentially 4.5 of those were the damn amendments, in part because they were stupidly huge and obtuse.

Luckily all but three were voted down. So it gives me some hope, at least.

Also the lack of voting slots thing was true where I was. They only had four booths set up, for Lord knows what reason. Well actually there were technically eight, but the other four were for the other voting precinct that apparently votes in the same gymnasium as ours for some reason. And for some God-unknown reason, they wouldn't let us use the booths for the other precinct even though one or two of those would never be filled. It took me 30 damn minutes to cast a vote even though as I sat there and waited I could see open booths but they were off-limits to me. For some reason.

And I might have been done sooner except there was literally zero organization involved in how the queue worked. You pretty much just sat in chairs to "wait your turn" except there was no order to it and a bunch of people essentially line skipped by just hopping up faster. And none of the poll workers seemed to give a shit even when they started running out of chairs and people were getting upset.

So yeah, general incompetence at my polling place. Of course when most of your volunteer poll workers are over 70 I guess it's not terribly surprising. At least it wasn't so busy (when I was there) that lines went outside the door. I can't imagine what a fuckup it would've been if that sort of crowd had shown up.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#45 Post by The Spartan »

Quackustra wrote:Dude literally thinks that liberals never do any kind of work for anybody.
He's not alone. There are more than a few that take it for granted that all liberals are lazy ne'er-do-wells who vote for the guy that will give them the most stuff so they can be lazy and smoke pot all day while the hard working folk support them.

I would guess a sizable majority around here believe that to some extent or another.

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#46 Post by Gands »

Winston Smith wrote:So the Senate elections brought you guys your first Hindu and Buddhist Senators. Thoughts?
Waarthog wrote:Yawn. So what? Is there a reason this should matter?
Nightwatch2 wrote:I find it incredibly amusing that it is only the leftists/socialists class warfare lemmings who worry about that sort of stuff, as if any of it made the slightest bit of difference.

It always seems to be the secularist defenders of freedom from religion who worry about what faith someone is in a country that (used to) has freedom of religion and seem to think that it is the conservatives who actually uphold The Constitution (rather than subvert it) who would have a problem with it.

So what?

Who cares?

Of what relevance is that to the price of tea in China?

just out of idle curiousity, who are they?
Winston Smith wrote:I'm not worried, I think it's interesting how, at long last, the US legislative branch is starting to reflect the ethno-religious make up of the USA.
The Admiral wrote:Winston, do you realize how incredibly dumb that remark is on so many levels?

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#47 Post by Zablorg »

they are not caring so hard

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#48 Post by Bakustra »

you missed rob herrick's awe-inspiring ironicattery
Rob Herrick wrote:It's Mazie Hirono and Tulsi Gabbard, both Democrats and both from Hawaii.

As for their religion, who the (expletive deleted) cares? It's like fuss about the new openly gay members of Congress. Nobody gives a damn, Winston, what box you check on the census - and it's insulting as all hell to put that in any kind of political context, because it hankers back to the tribal us vs. them crap most of us got on a boat or a plane to get away from.

What matters is what's between your ears and how you use it, and it's a major failing of this country - perpetuated by the Left - that you have to have people who look like you to admire, and that you have to elect or appoint people of group X for them to be "signs of dharmic communities being accepted in the country," to quote Anju Bhargava, founder of Hindu American Seva Charities. "It's all about inclusion and acceptance. The feeling that my faith and my people are accepted. Ultimately, politics comes down to 'how does it impact me?' or 'how am I included?' It will mean so much for the upcoming generations of Hindus and Buddhists."

It's Grade A bullhockey. You're included because your government works for you, whether they (or you) look like Admiral Togo, Colonel Sanders, or Marvin the Martian.
"tribal us vs. them crap most of us got on a boat or plane to get away from"

"perpetuated by the Left"


also, it's great that a gay dude is willing to go fuck you got mine for other gays
Rob Herrick wrote:Nah, but we could require everybody who wants to run to pass the State citizenship proficiency test. I suspect many folks now in office (including POTUS and VPOTUS) would fail.
a former editor of the harvard law review is too stupid to pass the citizenship test. fuck you herrick

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#49 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Why can't they just post "We don't want a nigger in the white house" and be done with it?

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Re: HPCA does the election!

#50 Post by Aaron »

Because they are trying to cultivate an atmosphere of faux tolerance and i dunno how to explain it...intellectualism?

Of course we all know that their racists.

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