Crazedwraith wrote:I scoffed at people whinging about the gone Eu but honestly that's how I feel more than anything. TFA has the same tropes people were tired off in the EU but somehow people still love it.
It's been awhile since I read the old EU and TBH I gave up shortly into NJO so maybe I'm missing some things. But the only real parallels I can think of are Superweapons and Darth Han-and-Leia's Son.
For the former, well, yeah it became a bit of a punchline for the "superweapon of the week" and that was itself a bit of an issue, but on an individual level not all of them were bad. The Suncrusher was fucking ridiculous and the World Devastators get a 'meh' out of me, but the
Eclipse was kinda cool and Centerpoint Station was a neat concept but the story surrounding it wasn't that great. I don't remember the other post-Ep6 EU superweapons TBH.
Starkiller Base is just really awesome looking. And like, pretty useful. And yeah the "retread ANH" thing is there, but it was handled differently and the entire setup was based off an apparently insane and suicidal maneuver in the first place and at least Han hung a lampshade on it unlike say the Suncrusher, WDs,
Eclipse and CS which were totally played straight (although I do know Han made a "Nostril of Palpatine" crack in one of the NJO books so there's that).
And then there's Darth Han-and-Leia's Son. Now I never actually read LotJ because fuck that shit, but just what I skimmed from Wookieepedia was enough and I know a lot of people say they ripped off Anakin Skywalker but worse (lol) and I kind of agree. I mean why does he have a daughter conceived in secret? It's not like the NJO cared, he himself being offspring of a Jedi mother. And then the execution of the stories themselves rubbed a lot of people the wrong way but I never read them so whatever.
By contrast, Kylo Ren really is different in motivations to Jacen Solo and I think it was really well executed, but again I can't really directly compare the two so YMMV on the execution front. He's definitely a different setup from what the EU did, though.
I guess there's also the Fail Republic but for all we know they were pretty decent at governing for the prior 20-whatever years before getting blown up unlike the Legends version lurching from one crisis to the next.