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Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:43 am
by Losonti Tokash
by post inflation i think he means the posts become gigantic piles of garbage

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:48 am
by Civil War Man
I personally don't have the attention span for play by post. Setting aside a block of time to play in person or over a chat works, but I inevitably lose interest when playing on a message board. There really isn't any flow to the story that way.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:55 am
by Bakustra
yeah, basically los is right- posts turn into fanfiction, and although we're probably cool enough to keep it from turning into erotic fanfiction if we turn a hose on evilsoup every once in a while, well...

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:57 am
by Aaron
I prefer to keep my posts short anyways.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:59 am
by Losonti Tokash
ironically one of the advantages to chat gaming is that it will reduce the population to a playable level

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:05 am
by Bakustra
Regardless, I'll try to have a quick thing about characters up tomorrow or later tonight, depending.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:08 am
by Losonti Tokash
hey who is willing to take the blame for a dresden files rpg suggestion

wait shit no

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:08 am
by evilsoup
Baks-kun wrote:yeah, basically los is right- posts turn into fanfiction, and although we're probably cool enough to keep it from turning into erotic fanfiction if we turn a hose on evilsoup every once in a while, well...
you might want to phrase that in a way that doesn't sound like a challenge

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:10 am
by Bakustra
Losonti Tokash wrote:hey who is willing to take the blame for a dresden files rpg suggestion

wait shit no
call of cthulhu is bad enough really

if you want much worse i have things i can dig out and we can blame it on-
evilsoup wrote:
Baks-kun wrote:yeah, basically los is right- posts turn into fanfiction, and although we're probably cool enough to keep it from turning into erotic fanfiction if we turn a hose on evilsoup every once in a while, well...
you might want to phrase that in a way that doesn't sound like a challenge
evilsoup! I have a great idea for a follow-up game! Are you with me?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:12 am
by evilsoup

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:39 am
by Akhlut
Depends on timing for me. Would this be amenable to the sort of play where players who are absent for a given session(s) are out doing research or drinking and fighting or whatever?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:47 am
by Bakustra
All right, character shit:

Your character is called an "investigator". Investigators's stats are randomly rolled. We have STRength, CONstitution, DEXterity, POWer, APPearance, SIZe, INTelligence, EDUcation, SANity, Idea, Luck, and Know. I will hereafter refer to these by their abbreviations. STR, CON, DEX, POW, and APP are generated by rolling 3d6. SIZ and INT are generated by rolling 2d6+6. EDU is generated by rolling 3d6+3. SAN is POWx5, Idea is INTx5, Luck is also POWx5, and Know is EDUx5.This is the most recent, most modern version of the rules. You guys are damn luck I am doing the math here, and the hose for evilsoup will be taking on mathematical duties. Anyways, let's generate a character, who we shall call Fred.

Fred's stats are:

STR: 5
CON: 12
DEX: 8
POW: 12
APP: 8
SIZ: 11
INT: 13
EDU: 9
SAN: 60
Idea: 65
Luck: 60
Know: 45

Fred has HP equal to the average of CON and SIZ, rounded up, giving him 12 HP. His stats are that he's physically weak, tough of body, forceful of will, with average hand-eye coordination and looks. He is of slightly below-average size, and slightly above-average intelligence. Unfortunately, he didn't complete high school, and may have only an eighth-grade education. He has average sanity points, a 60% chance of having a hunch or a lucky break, and a 45% chance of knowing any given fact. He gets no damage bonus when beating the shit out of people with his fists.

In any case, stats aren't all that important, and hey, I always thought that Fred was a bit of a dope anyhow. Skills are more important and should be up sometime tomorrow.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:54 am
by evilsoup
what so
do you want us to roll them
or are you going to give us all a spread of numbers?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:07 am
by Akhlut
Well, if we roll ourselves, my STR, CON, DEX, POW, and APP are all 18, my SIZ and INT are 18, my EDU is 21, my San, Idea, and Luck are all 90, and my KNOW is 105, while HP is 18.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:11 am
by evilsoup
well i guess that answers that question then

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:12 am
by Bakustra
evilsoup wrote:what so
do you want us to roll them
or are you going to give us all a spread of numbers?
tell me what you want to play and ill make it

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:43 am
by Zablorg
just so everyone knows i have 2d10 lying around

if anyone needs a number between 0 and 9

i am your guy

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:55 am
by Losonti Tokash
Baks-kun wrote:
evilsoup wrote:what so
do you want us to roll them
or are you going to give us all a spread of numbers?
tell me what you want to play and ill make it
i would like to be super saiyajin 3

or a medic so i can self-insert and be completely baffled by monsters with impossible biology

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:57 am
by Zablorg
i want to be an amateur pornographer

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:59 am
by Questor
I'd like to give it a shots baks. I'll let my abilities give me an idea, but I generally run more towards dex/int based characters in other ga,es.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:47 am
by Nietzslime
is the setting lovecraft's o.g. time and place or something else like the modern-day or whatever

in any event i want to play an opiate addict

specific occupation and background dependant on your answer to the above

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:50 am
by Oxymoron
I want to play a librarian who's almost blind without his glasses.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:53 am
by Zablorg
which raises the elephant in the room; can we just make ourselves Mystery Incorporated members?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:55 am
by evilsoup
that question raises further questions
can I be mr griswold, the owner of the old amusement park?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:13 pm
by Civil War Man
Zablorg wrote:which raises the elephant in the room; can we just make ourselves Mystery Incorporated members?
Dibs on playing a dog that was given the ability to talk through some dark ritual.

Barring that, I'll play a lazy stoner who thinks that the dog can talk.