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Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:04 pm
by RogueIce
Zod wrote:Also, fuck google for putting paid ads into the maps on my phone.
Seriously? That fucking sucks.

*starts up Maps*

Hm, not there. For now.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:23 pm
by weemadando
It strikes me that the Superbowl is the closest thing to a May Day Parade nowadays. "and now, TO HONOR AMERICA..." What was the last 10mins?

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:26 pm
by RogueIce
They always say that, they just don't always show it on TV.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:28 pm
by Darksi4190
So I just did my laundry, and the washing machine has just ruined my favorite pair of shorts. The pigmentation from a red shirt leaked out and turned them completely pink, so I can no longer wear them.

It's not much of a thing, especially when compared to my difficulties with my car. On any other day I would brush it of and say "oh well." But today? Today is a very different day.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:30 pm
by Darksi4190
You know what? Who cares if I have class at 9:30 tomorrow. I am going to go downstairs, watch the superbowl with my father, and get very, very drunk.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:37 pm
by Gands
Just turned on the superbowl. I'm supporting the 49ers, because I like their colour scheme.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:39 am
by Darksi4190
So I've been thinking about the car all day, and for something I placed so little value on while I had it, I find i'm surprisingly upset about losing it.

All sorts of little memories have been coming back. I remember going out in the summer of 2005 to the local Miijers, and buying Star Wars Battlefront II and the Episode III dvd. Hardly a momentous occasion, but it's the first time I can remember going to the store by myself and actually buying something with my own money, without having anyone else with me.

I remember driving it up to Red Robin to have lunch with my father what has to be a hundred times. I remember the time I drove out to my dad's house at 10:00 at night and I actually got it over 100 because there was no one on the road.

Just little things, you know?

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:55 am
by RogueIce
Way to fuck up the Super Bowl, New Orleans. :v

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:58 am
by weemadando
Dude, offloading the car won't automatically remove your memory of it and the good times associated. Appreciate that it was a noble steed, pour out a 40 and sell that shit to a wrecker.

Sentimental is a nice way of saying for apprentice hoarder.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:59 am
by weemadando
RogueIce wrote:Way to fuck up the Super Bowl, New Orleans. :v
I hope you like Bane jokes. Because the internet has filled with them.

I prefer this one:
“@Puddinstrip cutting the power is exactly what Hans Gruber wanted to happen! #SuperBowl47””

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:03 am
by RogueIce
weemadando wrote:
RogueIce wrote:Way to fuck up the Super Bowl, New Orleans. :v
I hope you like Bane jokes. Because the internet has filled with them.

I prefer this one:
“@Puddinstrip cutting the power is exactly what Hans Gruber wanted to happen! #SuperBowl47””
If the lights don't come on soon, they'll need to go with the backup plan:

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:07 am
by Darksi4190
So they're saying it was a line into the stadium that blew out, wonder how long it'll take them to fix.

BTW Rogue. What is your username for AIM again? I forgot to add you to my friends list the last time we talked, and for some reason you don't show up in my "recent conversations."

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:08 am
by weemadando
“@nealpollack This time, it's the rich people trapped in the Superdome.”

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:25 am
by RogueIce
Stolen from another forum:

"Ray Lewis didn't kill the lights, he was just there when it happened!!"

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:31 am
by Count Chocula
The Superdome apparently didn't have generators in 2005. 8 years later, nothing's changed. I hope New Orleans enjoys the last Super Bowl they will ever host.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:37 am
by Darksi4190
Holy shit Kahlua is awesome!

How have I never had this before

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:39 am
by Zod
If you like Kahlua you'll love Bailey's.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:45 am
by timmy
Insists that children stay at her place because it's first day back at school tomorrow. Then says she has a meeting that finishes at 9pm and can I watch them until then. Currently 9:45pm and still waiting in car with children outside an office in the city. Don't know whether to be angry at her or ashamed of self for enabling her.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:52 am
by weemadando
Oh that fucking blows. And angry at her. She gives a time, especially fucking 9pm on the night before school, then she should fucking well stick to it.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:15 am
by timmy
10:15pm. Still waiting.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:20 am
by Stofsk

I would have left after half an hour.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:20 am
by weemadando
Eff that B.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:20 am
by weemadando
Get your kids home for as much of night's sleep as you can. She clearly doesn't want them.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:31 am
by Stofsk
I am sure that meetings can sometimes go over the expected end-time, but by over an hour? And no word being sent?

She's obviously playing games with you, and Ando is right.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:38 am
by Aaron
Go home, put them to bed.

And dude, go for full custody.