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Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:10 am
by starku
understanding tax is hard ok

most people can't get their head around progressive tax so....?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:14 am
by Ohma
woah woah woah back up a bit everyone

starglider is working on an xbla version of


Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:26 am
by Gands
Since I've got the XBox, I've not done any computer gaming. So my next laptop will just be a cheap thing for internet stuff, office and watching movies.

This Alienware thing stopped working well after a few months, and now it's way hot.

freedom is coming

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:27 am
by Zod
alienware's always been an overpriced piece of crap

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:31 am
by Gands
Luckily I managed to haggle a bit at the shop. Gouging... reduced.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:27 am
by xon
Stofsk wrote:why doesn't someone just ask him why it cost that much
The few images Starglider posts go a long way to describe why it costs that much.

6 top end gfx cards are expensive. That's about ~$5000 USD right there. +48gb of ram, and 24 cores means he is dealing with a multiprocessor Xeon with rather expensive ram. So 2-4 CPUs which likely cost north of $1500 USD each, and probably another $3000-4000 USD in ram. The motherboard capable of handling all of that is also likely to be a good +$600USD. Those 3x monitors would likely be in the range of $600USD each too.

So just a rought pricing the parts he has shown is ~$14000 USD. rounding up to ~$15000 USD for all the other misc crap when you include a nice case, PSU, and ssd would be trivial.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:31 am
by Flagg
Gands wrote:Since I've got the XBox, I've not done any computer gaming. So my next laptop will just be a cheap thing for internet stuff, office and watching movies.

This Alienware thing stopped working well after a few months, and now it's way hot.

freedom is coming
If those dumb cunts sold their cases for $200 a pop they would make double what they do on fatty nerd purchases. I base this on figures I just made up.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:32 am
by Zod
huh. turns out there's no rule34 for freedom. i am shocked.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:57 am
by Nietzslime
Zod wrote:huh. turns out there's no rule34 for freedom. i am shocked.
have you ever said anything of worth

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:34 pm
by Zod
Nietzslime wrote:
Zod wrote:huh. turns out there's no rule34 for freedom. i am shocked.
have you ever said anything of worth
have you ever tried not being a self important douche

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:53 pm
by Flagg
Zod wrote:
Nietzslime wrote:
Zod wrote:huh. turns out there's no rule34 for freedom. i am shocked.
have you ever said anything of worth
have you ever tried not being a self important douche
I hate it when mommy and daddy fight! :cry:

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:31 pm
by Phantasee
starku wrote:Who cares if you own apple products

I do t care about coca cola amatil's CEO
Or microsoft's
Or bandai's

The best kind of rage is nerd rage
So speaking of Coca Cola Amatil, SABMiller bought them out of their joint venture Pacific something Corp and bought Fosters for 10 billion. I learned this in a class, but I also learned that Fosters pretty much is Australian for beer. I thought you Aussies said you drink anything but Fosters, but it looked like Fosters makes everything else too.

Just something I've been curious about since Monday. Did fosters buy everything up recently?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:14 pm
by thejester
fosters has like 50% of the market

lion nathan has 40%

the rest is coke, coopers and the micros

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:52 pm
by RogueIce
xon wrote:
Stofsk wrote:why doesn't someone just ask him why it cost that much
6 top end gfx cards are expensive. That's about ~$5000 USD right there. +48gb of ram, and 24 cores means he is dealing with a multiprocessor Xeon with rather expensive ram. So 2-4 CPUs which likely cost north of $1500 USD each, and probably another $3000-4000 USD in ram. The motherboard capable of handling all of that is also likely to be a good +$600USD. Those 3x monitors would likely be in the range of $600USD each too.
I'm not a big computer geek, but could anyone who is tell me what you might actually need 48GB of ram and 24 cores for?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:03 pm
by Zod
RogueIce wrote:
xon wrote:
Stofsk wrote:why doesn't someone just ask him why it cost that much
6 top end gfx cards are expensive. That's about ~$5000 USD right there. +48gb of ram, and 24 cores means he is dealing with a multiprocessor Xeon with rather expensive ram. So 2-4 CPUs which likely cost north of $1500 USD each, and probably another $3000-4000 USD in ram. The motherboard capable of handling all of that is also likely to be a good +$600USD. Those 3x monitors would likely be in the range of $600USD each too.
I'm not a big computer geek, but could anyone who is tell me what you might actually need 48GB of ram and 24 cores for?
folding protein sequences? analyzing hubble telescope data?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:25 pm
by RogueIce
Zod wrote:folding protein sequences? analyzing hubble telescope data?
Okay, maybe I should have specified "normal/average" users. Because I don't think your average home PC user is analyzing raw data from Hubble; at best they probably just look at the pretty "finished" pictures that get put up later.

So something like Starglider's rig might be useful for research labs, universities and probably ILM, but in the context of your normal home PC user (which was, after all, the genesis of the OP where he posted up his super $15k computer), what is it really good for?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:28 pm
by adr-admin
generally, analyzing huge sets of data whether it's from the financial markets or a bunch of people's facebook likes to target ads or the dictionary to make ais to play jeopardy

...absolutely nothing for the typical home user. But, I recently read that thread, and he isn't really saying "buy exactly what I have", he's saying if you use a computer all day, might as well spend a little extra and get one you really like.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:36 pm
by Flagg
RogueIce wrote:
xon wrote:
Stofsk wrote:why doesn't someone just ask him why it cost that much
6 top end gfx cards are expensive. That's about ~$5000 USD right there. +48gb of ram, and 24 cores means he is dealing with a multiprocessor Xeon with rather expensive ram. So 2-4 CPUs which likely cost north of $1500 USD each, and probably another $3000-4000 USD in ram. The motherboard capable of handling all of that is also likely to be a good +$600USD. Those 3x monitors would likely be in the range of $600USD each too.
I'm not a big computer geek, but could anyone who is tell me what you might actually need 48GB of ram and 24 cores for?
Penis compensation?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:48 pm
by adr-admin
You could also use it for serving hundreds of people. I used to work with one server that had 30 GB of ram and I think 16 cpus. It ran like 60 customer's virtual machines.

Running virtual machines at home is why I got 2 gb of ram, lol.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:01 pm
by starku
How much ram does it take to make world of waterfowl

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:19 pm
by Flagg
starku wrote:How much ram does it take to make world of waterfowl

Hell, only reason I got 16gb of RAM is because it came with my mobo.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:51 pm
by darthdavid
Starglider will use it to program an AI so that something finally exists that unconditionally loves likes can sorta-maybe tolerate him for 5 minutes doesn't immediately want to punch him in the face.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:27 pm
by starku
It's no longer any fun making jokes about him

He's done it all himself

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:33 pm
by Flagg
starku wrote:It's no longer any fun making jokes about him

He's done it all himself
Compu-Tubbs! :lol:

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:39 pm
by Phantasee
darthdavid wrote:Starglider will use it to program an AI so that something finally exists that unconditionally loves likes can sorta-maybe tolerate him for 5 minutes doesn't immediately want to punch him in the face.
He's married.