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Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:02 am
by Veef
didn't Mike say really sexist things about his wife or something

or was he neglecting the kids to argue about the yottaton pew pews

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:04 am
by Aaron
I think she was pissed that the board took up too much time.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:19 am
by uraniun235
Is this from Facebook or...?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:20 am
by Aaron
From folks who talk to him.

Edit: In other words, a source I trust.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:32 am
by Veef
this "in real life" thing will never catch on

not enough mobile support

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:47 am
by zhaktronz
Man now that Wong is back Dan won't be making the most posts per day any ore :v

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:43 pm
by RedImperator
After reading the electric kettle thread, I think they sound kinda handy.

But I already have, like, eight electric kitchen gadgets, and that's enough.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:28 am
by adr-admin
avatar threads piss me off

people keep talking about the evil RDA

now i haven't seen the movie, but richard dean anderson is ok by me and i won't hear any of this shit to the contrary



i am so cool. like macgyver i own a swiss army knife

unlike macgyver i have never used it to save the world

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:57 am
by Darth Tedious
adr wrote:avatar threads piss me off

people keep talking about the evil RDA
It's not just the comic-book level of morality in the movie.
It's that the EU totally glues twirly moustaches onto the bad guys.

Movie woud have been better if there WAS an energy crisis.
At least then there would have been SOME moral grey area.

Oh yeah, and asking for citations = VANDALISM :mrgreen:

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:01 am
by Zod


Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:08 am
by Stofsk
you know you can disprove the existence of an 'energy crisis' on earth in exactly five seconds

humanity sent out an interstellar spaceship to another solar system

boom, done. the very fact you're even considering an interstellar journey means there's plenty of energy going around at Sol to devote to what would be a colossal energy and resource expenditure

indeed, the idea of an 'energy crisis' when you have that kind of space technology just beggars belief anyway - space based solar power should be cheap and plentiful

it was a land grab, pure and simple

rda should have just dropped rocks on them while quoting lines from apocalypse now/milwank

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:38 am
by Darth Tedious
Stofsk wrote:you know you can disprove the existence of an 'energy crisis' on earth in exactly five seconds

humanity sent out an interstellar spaceship to another solar system

boom, done. the very fact you're even considering an interstellar journey means there's plenty of energy going around at Sol to devote to what would be a colossal energy and resource expenditure
Wait, you've been reading the thread, right? People have been pointing that out for a while now...

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:12 pm
by The Spartan
RedImperator wrote:After reading the electric kettle thread, I think they sound kinda handy.

But I already have, like, eight electric kitchen gadgets, and that's enough.
You can never have too many widgets.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:28 pm
by Civil War Man
Maybe the land grab on Pandora was the only thing preventing a major energy crisis on Earth.

But now that they lost they're going to have bread lines within a month.


Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:16 pm
by Dooey Jo
seems you always have to state your point in at least three different ways before people get it

or maybe i'm just a horrible communicator

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:07 pm
by Stofsk
Darth Tedious wrote:Wait, you've been reading the thread, right?
no of course not, don't be silly

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:12 am
by thejester
RedImperator wrote:After reading the electric kettle thread, I think they sound kinda handy.

But I already have, like, eight electric kitchen gadgets, and that's enough.
wait, is this a serious post? you have eight electric kitchen gadgets but you don't have an electric kettle


Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:52 am
by Djinnkitty83
Darth Tedious wrote:
Cesario wrote:Like I said, it's like the entire situation is nothing more than a mysterious "god" contriving a situation to turn humans into the bad guys.
It was.
That "god" you refer to has a name.
His name is James Cameron.
He wrote Avatar.
He decided to use the humans as the villains in his story.
So he has them doing morally reprehensible things throughout the plot, and never making any effort to redeem themselves.
He did not assign them a noble cause.
He made greed their driving motivation.

Avatar is a very one-sided morality story.
Deal with it.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:57 am
by adr-admin
more like groanenberg

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:17 am
by Gands
thejester wrote:
RedImperator wrote:After reading the electric kettle thread, I think they sound kinda handy.

But I already have, like, eight electric kitchen gadgets, and that's enough.
wait, is this a serious post? you have eight electric kitchen gadgets but you don't have an electric kettle

Microwave, fridge, electrokettle, what else is there?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:19 am
by uraniun235
looks like tvtropes doesn't allow hotlinking, it's only showing up for you b/c your browser already had it cached

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:24 am
by adr-admin
i gots a

slow cooker
coffee machine (this needs to be washed btw, it's accumulating some filth where it's stored. i don't do coffee but i want to keep it in good shape for when letia comes over and wants some)
fancier coffee machine (strangely this is stored right next to the other one but is clean....)
waffle maeker
nuclear bomb
aaand a spinny knife thing. idk what it's called. ain't a blender but kinda like a mini one

and obviously a refridgerator and a stove but who doesn't have those

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:07 am
by weemadando
I've got:

Sandwich press
Electric Wok
Icecream Machine
Poffertjes Machine
Minichopper/blender thing
Full size blender
Stick mix
Hand mixer
Milk foamer/warmer

We would like to be rid of some of these.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:13 am
by starku
ando has to learn to tell his wife 'no'

life skills 402 9-10am every monday

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:17 am
by weemadando
Most of it is my wife's mum who gets a heap of these as promotional freebies from her suppliers and we get them from her. Like an espresso machine which I forgot to put on that list.