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Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:27 pm
by adr-admin
this cesario fellow is my kind of newb

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:24 am
by starku
right up until he posts his terrible fanfic

but still top end of the bell curve i gyuess

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:02 am
by Aaron
Zod wrote:
Aaron wrote:Jesus, an Honour Harrington movie?
can't be any worse than the novels
I only read the first one iirc, which was ok. I hear it goes down significantly from there.

But penis ships, make the nerds happy.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:30 am
by RogueIce
VF5SS wrote:wat


Yes. I fucking hate TFU for that.

TFU2 was even worse, story-wise. Never played the games, so dunno if entertainment will make up for it or not. But yeah.

Darth Vader gets captured by the Rebel Alliance at the end of TFU2, thanks to the mighty and awesome Starkiller. lolz

EDIT: And this is before ANH, mind you. I guess they were trying to redefine (yet again) that "first victory against the Galactic Empire" or something. I think. IIRC it's supposed to be Toprawa, but who knows.

Also, for added lolz: They were transferring him to Dantooine to hold him. You know, that place Leia uses as a decoy in the movie?

To be fair, the end of the game has Fett chasing after the ship holding Vader, so maybe they never got there. But if they did, man, Vader is the biggest dumbass in ANH if he didn't immediately call Leia's bluff there. Oh, and she's stupid for making it since it was her idea to hold him Dantooine. So basically the only way to not ruin ANH is for them to have had Vader escape before reaching the base. Otherwise...yeah.

Frankly, I place TFU on the same level as Traviss for "introducing stupid ass shit into the EU".

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:32 am
by starku
nerds hate new story because it is new??

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:36 am
by RogueIce
starku wrote:nerds hate new story because it is new??
Not really. It's just dumb. I mean really. Look at the edit I made expanding on the capture of Vader.

Seriously, that was just...bizarre. Fine, whatever, Starkiller is the Most Important Person Ever to the Rebellion (despite never being mentioned again, ever). Okay, standard EU garbage. But capturing Vader and holding him on Dantooine prior to ANH? Really?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:53 am
by Zod
Aaron wrote:
Zod wrote:
Aaron wrote:Jesus, an Honour Harrington movie?
can't be any worse than the novels
I only read the first one iirc, which was ok. I hear it goes down significantly from there.

But penis ships, make the nerds happy.
i tried reading the first book but it was more like an infodump of stats than a book

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:53 am
by RogueIce
So kinda like reading TBOverse?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:24 am
by Veef
it's just like

why does everything in star wars have to be important

even ice cream maker guy

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:26 am
by Aaron
I maintain that he was rescuing his ice cream maker, fuck the EU.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:30 am
by RogueIce
VF5SS wrote:it's just like

why does everything in star wars have to be important

even ice cream maker guy
I dunno. One thing I will say about that tendency though.

I remember they gave backstory to that "Y-head corvette" that Robert Brown "discovered" (I put in quotes because he may have been the first to notice, I honestly don't know) and tied it in with that General guy from Black Fleet Crisis. Oh and it like killed two Star Destroyers single-handedly or something. I could be misremembering that last part, though.

Anyway, point is it was a lame made up backstory submitted by some jerkoff fan that LFL went and made canon. And I wish I could be there when/if Mister Brown ever sees that, and hopefully his reaction would be hella lolz at how his "discovery" got utterly raped with a backstory that would fit in with some of the lamest of the crap the EU has given us.
Aaron wrote:I maintain that he was rescuing his ice cream maker, fuck the EU.
Ice cream is serious business in the GFFA.

I just think it's funny that guy actually got an action figure. Unless it was a joke product somebody made and posted on the Internet.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:46 am
by Zod
VF5SS wrote:it's just like

why does everything in star wars have to be important

even ice cream maker guy
look yoda's bowel movements are very important for the balance of the force okay

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:08 am
by starku
RogueIce wrote:
starku wrote:nerds hate new story because it is new??
Not really. It's just dumb. I mean really. Look at the edit I made expanding on the capture of Vader.

Seriously, that was just...bizarre. Fine, whatever, Starkiller is the Most Important Person Ever to the Rebellion (despite never being mentioned again, ever). Okay, standard EU garbage. But capturing Vader and holding him on Dantooine prior to ANH? Really?
are you seriously saying you didn't know it's an alternate universe

like seriously you played the whole game and thought it fitted in with the movies

are you 100% serious

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:46 pm
by Veef
does it have the infinities label

if not then canon

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:53 pm
by Aaron
Look man, non of that shit matters, cause Lucas can come in and squish it when he wants. The canon system is bullshit and useless.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:13 pm
by Bakustra
TheHammer wrote:If the details are accurate - that this was a plot to blow up a restaurant on American soil, and if they actually have hard evidence the government of Iran is behind this, I would suggest something a bit stronger than "sanctions". Maybe sinking half their navy and destroying what airforce they have will teach them the appropriate lesson...
what a political genius

edit: also i am a bbcode genius

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:19 pm
by adr-admin
i was arguing with some friends last night (well kinda trolling irl actually) but i was saying

AL QUAEYDA has done more POLITICAL CHANGE in america recently than any protest has

so if the occupy wall street fellers want to be listened to they should be blowing shit up and killing ppl

basically what i'm saying is violence is always the answer regardless of the question

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:20 pm
by Flagg
Yeah he's fucking brilliant. :lol:

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:21 pm
by Flagg
adr wrote:i was arguing with some friends last night (well kinda trolling irl actually) but i was saying

AL QUAEYDA has done more POLITICAL CHANGE in america recently than any protest has

so if the occupy wall street fellers want to be listened to they should be blowing shit up and killing ppl

basically what i'm saying is violence is always the answer regardless of the question
Targeted assassinations of bankers and ceo's would work better. [/hpca]

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:14 pm
by adr-admin
the tpm thread among others make me believe that a lot of people have a hard time seeing even just slightly abstract patterns

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:39 pm
by Civil War Man
VF5SS wrote:it's just like

why does everything in star wars have to be important

even ice cream maker guy
Not too long ago, a few of my friends were talking about EVE Online.

Apparently some of them like to do pirate hunting, and were trying to come up with a good name for a decoy vessel to draw them out.

Obviously names like the USS Ackbar or the Kobayashi Maru were way too obvious.

And then someone said "What about that guy who told Ackbar about the enemy ships? What's his name?"

I cracked open Wookiepedia on my phone and looked it up. The guy's name is apparently Verrack.

I guess you could say that it's okay if he has a name. He's more important than ice cream maker guy, since he has a line of dialog and works on the bridge with Ackbar.

But still, why bother?

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:45 pm
by Bakustra
Got to have a name when you've got a card, and you've got to have a card because they've got to have enough character cards available to compete with Magic for their CCG. Really, like 90% of the really dumb stuff like this comes from the needs of a game or toy.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:53 pm
by Aaron
B-A-K-U-S-T-R-A wrote:lol
TheHammer wrote:If the details are accurate - that this was a plot to blow up a restaurant on American soil, and if they actually have hard evidence the government of Iran is behind this, I would suggest something a bit stronger than "sanctions". Maybe sinking half their navy and destroying what airforce they have will teach them the appropriate lesson...
what a political genius

edit: also i am a bbcode genius
Brilliant! Then Iran can retaliate against American bases in Iraq, via all those missiles they own. Prompting America into another war Freedom Export.

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:28 pm
by Veef
the TPM thread taught me that when your movie has really ineffectual, weak villains it's kind of shit

Re: Godammed SDN

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:34 pm
by Flagg
TPM itself taught me that SW fans will lie to themselves about racist stereotypes being used for comedy.