Godammed SDN

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4726 Post by starku »

what does that say about your mental state

i mean aside from being an idiot

im speakign to your deep-seated insecurities here

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4727 Post by thejester »

I actually was reading an article the other day that was discussing the American criminal justice system and why it's resulted in such high incarceration rates and is generally broken...and it talked about a book some professor had written that said the fundamental difference between the American and French justice systems is that the American system is based in Bill of Rights/Constitution which in turn enshrines procedure, whereas the French system is built on the idea of justice...so in the US the justice system is based around 'did I have a warrant to search this man's car?' rather than 'is it just that I'm going to spend a guy to prison for 15 years for having a bag of weed?', whereas in France it's the other way round

IDK all sounded a bit the grass is greener, and every legal system plays on technicalities...but interesting nonetheless

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4728 Post by RogueIce »

starku wrote:what does that say about your mental state

im speakign to your deep-seated insecurities here
I don't know. I'm waiting for an Internet psychiatrist to tell me.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4729 Post by starku »

jesty maybe the distinction is that the 'procedure' in each case has a different focus; one is a checklist that must be 100% correct in triplicate, the other is a consideration of the facts (or something). its interesting to see the way even internet smart guys talk about the judicial process in america with their emphasis on that kind of checkpointed process

ps the lol of a brony busting out 'yo momma' jokes getting defensive is pretty sweet

i can't wait for more jokes around the ar15 approach to democracy
no 100% increase in democracy? keep current system that sucks ass :zaku:

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4730 Post by Oxymoron »

RogueIce wrote:
Oxymoron wrote:
starku wrote:last i checked

you guys were on republic 1.0

not republic 5 with expansion packs :V
Actually, the current version number version would be closer to 5.3.14 or something like that : shit has been patched-up like hell in the last decades... :lol:
So the French Republic is like a Paradox Interactive game? Broken on release and patched into something that kinda sorta gets by on a daily base?
More like making superficial changes to the UI and adding/removing more or less minor features TBH.
That and also the fact that for the last fifteen years or so the upper management has fallen into the habit of meddling with the maintenance cycle of the product to please the shareholders and comply with the web of contracts and agreements binding them to Europa Llc. and its other partners.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4731 Post by starku »

post a hijackthis log plz

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4732 Post by RogueIce »

starku wrote:ps the lol of a brony busting out 'yo momma' jokes getting defensive is pretty sweet
If I have provided you with amusment, I have done my job.

Or not. Whatever, I lost track of where I was going with all this.

I'm just gonna go back to playing STO. :riker:

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4733 Post by thejester »

starku wrote:jesty maybe the distinction is that the 'procedure' in each case has a different focus; one is a checklist that must be 100% correct in triplicate, the other is a consideration of the facts (or something). its interesting to see the way even internet smart guys talk about the judicial process in america with their emphasis on that kind of checkpointed process
Yeah, I think so. It's why I kind of have a hard time when people say 'PATRIOT ACT POLICE STATE INDEFINITE DETENTION!' Fair enough, none of those things should be condoned and you absolutely should be working to get them repealed...but well before the rollback of your individual rights the US put far, far, far more people in jail than other Western democracies with far fewer enshrined rights. There's something more broken with your justice system than 'government can now put a tracking device on my car'.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4734 Post by xon »

Knubble tov wrote:My GOD that shit with Broomy was priceless. I recall someone schooling her on copyright infringement. "Bitch, I'd have to go into your house and take your work for it to be considered stealing."
The resulting 5-8 pages of bullshit sure as hell wasn't worth it.

She also reacts exceedingly poorly if you call the editorial pieces that she claims she wrote to fiction works. Because getting fucking details out of her was almost imposible.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4735 Post by starku »

in a lot of ways it seems to me that the mental tools americans have to discuss issues like law, justice, police powers etc are entirely formed by their own system and nearly useless outside it

like beowulf's constant gaping incredulity that the american way is not followed everywhere, and the implicit conclusino that those other places are inferior simply because they are not doing things right

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4736 Post by Veef »

starku wrote:we heard that there's really nothing wrong with lazy, clunky missions, low player interaction and boring combat because someone enjoyed them
well we could keep talking

I think Aly might leave

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4737 Post by starku »

look aly can change, he's not completely static like some others

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4738 Post by Veef »

he can't invert his fucking joystick

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4739 Post by starku »

well he doesn't want to spend 5s doing something to play a game hor a few hours
i'm not sure how the game would change settings after a certain mission though so meh

he shoulda just used a gamepad

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4740 Post by adr-admin »

i still want to make a first person space flight thing

i've done 2d asteroids type games and i fucking love it. simple game too

want to play with a 3d thing too eventually with the same basic idea

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4741 Post by Veef »

Xpadder man

saved my life in space 'nam

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4742 Post by starku »

you know the head of paradox says that consoles are doomed

i think he's cross that nobody lets him release anythign on consoels :V

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4743 Post by Veef »

what games do they make

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4744 Post by starku »

a bunch of totally broken strategy games supported by a generation of abused pc gamers who accept this as normal

a bunch of other strategy games by euro developers they bought out

the worst tower defence gaem on ios/android

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4745 Post by Veef »

so no robots then

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4746 Post by Losonti Tokash »

what is this thing about alyeska and joysticks

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4747 Post by Zod »

Losonti Tokash wrote:what is this thing about alyeska and joysticks
look he spent a lot of money to use a mouse and keyboard okay


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Re: Godammed SDN

#4748 Post by starku »

Losonti Tokash wrote:what is this thing about alyeska and joysticks
some game flipped his axes after 3 missions and manually flipping them back is too hard

this is the readers digest version

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4749 Post by Losonti Tokash »

less exciting than i had hoped

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Re: Godammed SDN

#4750 Post by Zod »

why is it that the dvd rom version of dead island for pc is $5 cheaper than the digital download edition on amazon? this makes no sense to me :psyduck:

also the xbox version is still liek $36

fucking hrist
