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Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:16 am
by Bakustra
Hey Duchess, interestingly enough, Ripley and Lambert were supposed to have had a conversation implying they'd fucked in one of the earlier drafts of Alien. I think parts of it survived into the novelization. So the series opened and closed with homoerotic subtext, kinda sorta!
Losonti Tokash wrote:this one time i had a bacon cheeseburger when i ate lunch with a couple friends who are jewish and muslim and as soon as they realized what i was eating they burst into flame
i once had mutton with a hindu lady

and suddenly she was going all kali on me, slicing through an army of asuras that popped up out of nowhere

thankfully i was actually rex mundi, malevolent creator of the world in catharism, and promptly reconfigured the scene into a rave and we partied it down

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:23 am
by magic princess
Baks-kun wrote:Hey Duchess, interestingly enough, Ripley and Lambert were supposed to have had a conversation implying they'd fucked in one of the earlier drafts of Alien. I think parts of it survived into the novelization. So the series opened and closed with homoerotic subtext, kinda sorta!
I'd heard about that. It's cute. The movies to me have always had a feminist angle which was why I liked them.
Losonti Tokash wrote:this one time i had a bacon cheeseburger when i ate lunch with a couple friends who are jewish and muslim and as soon as they realized what i was eating they burst into flame
i once had mutton with a hindu lady

and suddenly she was going all kali on me, slicing through an army of asuras that popped up out of nowhere

thankfully i was actually rex mundi, malevolent creator of the world in catharism, and promptly reconfigured the scene into a rave and we partied it down
Hindis can in fact usually eat mutton. Or at least some. Only direct cattle species are universally forbidden, though this varies by caste; I know because functionally it's my practicing religion at the moment.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:25 am
by Bakustra
Let's pretend that I meant to say Jain and fucked up and ignore that that makes the joke not work anymore.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:30 am
by magic princess
Baks-kun wrote:Let's pretend that I meant to say Jain and fucked up and ignore that that makes the joke not work anymore.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:37 am
by Shroom Man 777

the mention of feminism in the aliens series interests me, and really yeah come to think of it, ripley and her exploits ought to make her a huge feministic icon

perhaps even more so than sarah connor, since in aliens we see her metamorphosis from coping shellshocked survivor into struggling badass, whereas in T2 sarah already starts off as a ruthless psycho badass, so aliens has more development in that front

and, uh, i'd usually go on bart blade hydrocephalic platypus cuckolding animals etc. but i think gigerianoid xenomorph gormangs is funer to talk about than depressing hpca psycho blergs

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:55 am
by Jung
Baks-kun wrote:
MikeKozlowski wrote:...You know, we could put a pig on EVERY flight. Might not completely stop the Islamic threat to airliners, but it would sure be fun watching the Sheikhs and Imams twist themselves into knots finding a way that a splodeydope could combine his atoms with those of a pig and still go to Paradise.

Don't they already have that covered? I seem to remember once hearing something about how the body of a martyr is considered so holy that desecrating it won't have any spiritual effect.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:34 am
by Gands
I've periodically thought of using a sock puppet to pop up on HPCA and point out the highlight threads.

The comedy would write itself.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:53 am
by evilsoup
do it

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:58 am
by Zablorg
sockpuppeting would take too long

you've already got an account there right?

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:05 am
by Gands
Yeah, and if I blow that I lose my access to some subforums and the search function.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:13 am
by evilsoup
if you linked to these threads which you post in, they'll probably ban you otherwise
unless you pretend to be a SECRET TRIPLE AGENT subtly trolling us

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:08 pm
by Akhlut
magic princess wrote:
Baks-kun wrote:Hey, Duchess, my sympathies that you ended up in a situation where you had to justify genocide to keep from being banned.

HPCA doesn't see it as genocide, they see the colonization of the New World as a brutal war in which large numbers of settler massacres meant "no quarter given, none taken" for both sides. This viewpoint is emphatically wrong, but it's what necessitates statements like that. You'll note that my point was immediately dismissed on the grounds that reducing the numbering of hunting spots for a white guy with a rifle was a sufficient counterpoint to by itself justify refusing to return lands to Native Americans on the basis of lawfully signed treaties. I think that speaks enough to the attitude I was trying to reason with.
Uh...there weren't large numbers of massacres of settlers.

Unless we're calling the Indians the settlers and the Europeans the wandering, bloodthirsty savages.

Plus, aren't the majority of these assholes the sorts of people who have no problem saying they'd shoot someone even stepping on their property so full of holes they'd be rendered unrecognizable?

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:10 pm
by Akhlut
Baks-kun wrote:Yes, indeedy, pigs are Muslim Kryptonite! Without the presence of members of genus sus, Muslims could use heat vision to melt planes in mid-air!
Someone forgot that the 9/11 hijackers went crazy at strip clubs and drank a shitload of booze before flying themselves into buildings. I'm pretty sure a little pig on board would bother them about as much as going to a strip club. :engleft:

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:10 pm
by Oxymoron
Do not let these "facts" and "logic" clutter your judgment

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:43 am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Baks-kun wrote:I get it- basically, anything that might inconvenience white dudes is bad.
It goes far beyond that with HPCA. Anything that has a potential to inconvenience rich white men and their corporations deserves to be preemptively arrested and slowly tortured to death by sodomizing with white-phosphorus-coated nuclear reentry vehicles in the public square, with mandatory attendance by the whole population.

tl;dr they want to be the new world order so they can go Bashar Al-Assad on everyone who isn't them. :godwin:

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:18 am
by Bakustra
shermpotter wrote:The problem is Islam itself, which means 'submission.' Their favorite phrase is "inshallah" which roughly means 'as God wills.' They don't take responsibility for their actions and many of this hateful religion who may not agree with the hot heads still don't do anything about them. A pox be perpetually upon them!!
Bart Blade wrote:There have already been a number of mysterious fires at various museums and the L'Institute d'Egypte with its library of 200,000 texts has been destroyed by fire. In the case of L'Institute d'Egypte, it is apparent that the arson was state-sanctioned.
So if Bart were to source his posts, would he be using the Bruce Tinsley "sources gained from 90 hours of weekly Jack Daniels-aided research", or the Andrew Schafly "This actually happened" citation method? You decide.
Rob Herrick wrote:The question is this: what do those who are not supposed to do to those who are?

With every Arab Spring event in every Middle Eastern country, the folks who want to run things on religious lines come out on top. In most other Middle East countries, the people generally seem quite content to support (or ignore) the Fundamentalists in whatever mayhem they cause abroad, though the jury is out on whether they want to live that way themselves. Very few Islamic nations have any real interest in more than face-saving crackdowns on Ali Q and the Fundies, unless said nuts threaten their political power.

So how long are we supposed to make fine distinction between "good guys" who don't believe what the bad people believe, but can't be bothered to deal with the bad guys themselves, and "bad guys?" What's the point where the "good guys" silence and unwillingness to get their hands dirty becomes support for the "bad guys?"

Neither are flip questions, because that's the existential dilemma
The answer, Robby, is to just start killing. I'll tell you when to stop.
Rob Herrick wrote:It's not just governments. We're facing - especially in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, but we had it in Egypt too - a government that is well disposed toward us (or at least says it is) that is riding herd on potentially restive populations with sizable support for organizations we consider to be terrorists. The question is, at what point to the people have to stop saying they're against these bad things, and start working on their own to control them. What do we do when the terrorist extremists - such as the Muslim Brotherhood - become the Government. What do we do about a population where 80% of the people say they despise Al Quaeda and the Taliban, but a large chunk of those support HAMAS and Hizbollah and want an Islamic state like Erodagan's Turkey?

At what point do we conclude they do support the stated goals of extremist organizations, but want the killing done elsewhere or the imposition of a Fundamentalist state to happen differently? Is disapproval of Al Quaeda disapproval of method or disapproval of results?

I don't know.
Herrick, the Muslim Brotherhood is a pacifistic organization and has been that way for decades! In fact, just come out and start shrieking about how terrible Muslims are, you sad, pathetic shell of a xenophobe! You'll feel much better once you stop trying to pretend you're a decent person.
Sukhoiman wrote:One need not look further than India to see what the islamic hordes are capable of.

They completely destroyed numerous temples all across the name of their god. The largest was likely the Somnath temple which was from all accounts similar in size to angkor wat...

They ransacked and burned the nalanda university to the ground as well...a university that attracted scholars from all over asia and the world at large. One can only imagine the dearth of cultural knowledge, historical texts and other works of note (similar to the alexandria library) that were lost in this one act of iconoclast.

This is the reason why the suspicion and sometimes outright hate towards muslims is still perpetuated in India today....their attempt at iconoclasm and attitude of intolerance is hard to forget.

The whole concept of the value of diversity, tolerance and the right to have other cultures exist is completely alien to them.

Not to mention the millions of people they butchered (but this was not limited to only them but was a feature of human history in general).

Their descendants today also do not like for people to read about what their ancestors the guise that they cannot be held responsible for the deeds of their forefathers (fair enough)....but the underlying root cause of why their forefathers did what they did still exists in their society....and thats why we have this cultural genocide whenever they are in the majority or even near majority in a society (examples are to be found not only in Pakistan, Egypt and Iran....but also in countries like Malaysia and India).
Lololol literally blood guilt in the guise of "cultural inferiority".

Anyways, Gands, supposedly Alyrium Denryle posted on HPCA for some unfathomable reason. Do you have any links or anything?

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:07 pm
by Gands
A quick search of the website for the word Alyrium reveals nothing. So... I've got nothing else.

But here's a little gem. There was a discussion on capital punishment. Amongst the expected circlejerk came this:
edgeplay_cgo wrote:
pdf27 wrote:Possible deterrent effects are a whole other kettle of fish, and I'm far from convinced anybody has any good data either way on those...
The lack deterrent effect of short prison sentences definitely affected my decision to commit murder. I figured I'd probably be out in ten years, which coupled with the relatively low probability of being caught and convicted, was an acceptable tradeoff. Fortunately, the act proved unnecessary, and the plans were abandoned.
I was totally gonna kill this dude... believe me.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:41 pm
by Shroom Man 777
bunch of fatsos

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:52 pm
by Djinnkitty83
Shroom Man 777 wrote:the mention of feminism in the aliens series interests me, and really yeah come to think of it, ripley and her exploits ought to make her a huge feministic icon
It's not just Ripley. The entire concept behind the 'xenomorphs' is a symbolized form of traumatic rape and subsequent forced pregnancy that could equally be applied to males. Geiger's design was essentially 'clawed, mobile penises that could rape and impregnate you with no regard to gender'.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:24 pm
by Jung
Baks-kun wrote:
Rob Herrick wrote:So how long are we supposed to make fine distinction between "good guys" who don't believe what the bad people believe, but can't be bothered to deal with the bad guys themselves, and "bad guys?" What's the point where the "good guys" silence and unwillingness to get their hands dirty becomes support for the "bad guys?"

Neither are flip questions, because that's the existential dilemma
Sukhoiman wrote:Their descendants today also do not like for people to read about what their ancestors the guise that they cannot be held responsible for the deeds of their forefathers (fair enough)....but the underlying root cause of why their forefathers did what they did still exists in their society....
It's funny because these two statements immediately made me think of similar trends I percieve in American culture, especially among conservatives.

Acceptance or support of dubious policies even if you aren't personally getting your hands dirty.
Reluctance to fully confront the fact our ancestors did terrible things, or the possibility that the cultural features that made those terrible things morally acceptable to them might still be operating.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:06 am
by Gands
A small update relating to recent events:
shermpotter wrote:What if this is a put up? Another Fast and Furious type move against the 2nd Amendment? I wouldn't put anything past anyone anymore...
Eric wrote:"This is a very good example of the fact that, were law-abiding Americans allowed to carry their handguns in many privately-owned establishments such as this theater, provided they have the proper permit, all of this carnage could have been avoided."
MikeKozlowski wrote:As much as I STRONGLY agree with must-grant CCW laws, I have to take exception with one thing here. The ONLY people with the proper training and mindset to have dealt with this monster in a darkened, crowded movie theatre would have been an experienced police officer/FBI agent/SWAT team member/US military special forces member. Anyone else might very well have simply raised the body count of innocent victims.

Eric wrote:Mike, many times "civilians" are better shots then those you listed. Plenty of combat vets would be just as potent. If out at night a flashlight or laser attachment can be used.

Noticed how this member of the Militia closed with and engaged the "enemy." ... 7866652001
The Admiral wrote:With the greatest respect, Mike, I have to disagree on this. Most civilians are much better shots that the average police officer (and I mean no disrespect to the latter). Also, these days, a lot of people in the cimemas would be military veterans or even active duty. This, I fear, is another case of defenseless people being herded into a killing zone and abandoned.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:50 am
by Gands
Yeah. He is no longer THE SEER.


Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:20 am
by Flagg
I love how they are so set in their fucking seige mentality that they have to invent shit out of wholecloth about Obama wanting their guns when he's not done or said a single thing regarding them. Ever.

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:43 am
by Dooey Jo
Do police officers receive some sort of reverse training to make them shoot worse than the average civilian?

kinda like how game writers have to take special courses to make them write worse stories than they would have otherwise

Re: HPCAlarity!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:39 pm
by Aaron
They really don't have time to practice enough, I shoot more often the the local cops. And handguns are inherently inaccurate.

But hey, do these former Spec Ops soldiers carry a gas mask around with them? No?

Get fucked then. Guys like those are the best anti-ccw argument there is.