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Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:57 am
by Big Orangutan
xon wrote: The ending of several major sci-fi series all at once (stargate, nbsg, etc) the community slow and painful realisation that the Starwars pre-sequals really just wheren't that good, and the Startrek they grew up with being functionally dead basicly cut out of a lot of the reason for the forums founding purpose.
The writing was on the wall when RedLetterMedia’s reviews were “broadcast” and it split people up (IMO I think Attack of the Clones was the real problem in the PT and it’s telling that SD.Net’s birth was tied into that comparative dud). And SD.Net being virtually abandoned in the last three years has exacerbated its slow death spiral (with the tiny gene pool of regular posters overseen by Dr. Raymond Cocteau style moderators making it a very stagnant place these days).

With the Galactic Empire worshiping bullcrap and how it ties into SD.Net’s fundamental tastelessness is in how this vile sci-fi regime (that has overt similarities with Nazism, Stalinism, North Korea, and the worst aspects of European Imperialism) is a faction that should, at all costs according to SD.Net dogma, completely crush the United Federation of Planets, a fairly democratic political entity that aims to explore and invite other cultures into fold, not going out of its way to ruthlessly conquer and crush people like ants (unlike the Galactic Empire). Despite its faults (like the Prime Directive) it looks like you’re much more likely to have a wonderful life as an UFP citizen, as opposed to toiling under the yoke of the Galactic Empire where there’s generally a lower quality of life and it could get violently shortened to satisfy the egos of the Empire’s megalomaniacal rulers who rule through fear. Why the heck should the UFP lose to those pathetic creeps?!

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:07 am
by Darksi4190
Is it a matter of "they should lose" or "they would lose" though?

I mean sure there were some people pulling for the empire because they preferred SW and it's the side they were arguing for, but I don't think anyone ever claimed that it would be better to live under Palpatine's rule than in the federation.

EDIT: At least not seriously. There was plenty of tongue in cheek rooting for the imps, but I don't think anyone was ever really serious about it.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:06 am
by Veef
I dunno. Anyplace where they use the phrase "curb stomp" in relation to space pew pews is already suspect to some hot nerdy dickwaving.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:14 am
by Darksi4190
Bah. You're just butthurt because Star Wars owns Gundam like a billion times over :v

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:23 am
by Straha

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:26 am
by Veef
Darksi4190 wrote:Bah. You're just butthurt because Star Wars owns Gundam like a billion times over :v
But neither can stop...

the power of love



edit: tbh i haven't watched any Gundam since the last episode of Unicorn came out like a year ago :v

Having way more fun being knee deep in Muv-Luv.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:31 am
by Darksi4190
I lost interest in Muv-Luv right around the russian base attack. Just couldn't get into it.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:33 am
by Veef
son get on my level

I'm playing the Muv-Luv VISUAL NOVELS!

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:34 am
by Darksi4190
I've never really played a visual novel.

When I buy a game it like it to actually have gameplay :v

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:36 am
by Veef
Hey you're paying for all the voice acting and the story, mister.

plus ya know

I just torrented the translated games :v :v :v

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:39 am
by Straha
Veef wrote:son get on my level

I'm playing the Muv-Luv VISUAL NOVELS!

The... fuck....

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:40 am
by Veef
Yuuko-sensei is a very skill driver.

But in the end she couldn't defeat Takahashi :zaku:

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:45 am
by Infinity Biscuit
Darksi4190 wrote:I've never really played a visual novel.

When I buy a game it like it to actually have gameplay :v
What about unnecessary grinding and minigames people hate to have to bother playing through does that count

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:51 am
by Veef
The Muv-Luv games would be really great for a tablet but since they're for XP I'd need one of them fancy Windows ones.

Now the Total Eclipse visual novel is just getting a straight PS3 release.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:00 am
by Straha
Veef wrote:Yuuko-sensei is a very skill driver.

But in the end she couldn't defeat Takahashi :zaku:
Because he drove a thirty foot limo over a cliff... :wtc:

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:03 am
by Veef
Hey that limo is repeatedly stated to be 60 meters long.

He took a shortcut through the mountain curves by driving from one cliff to the next.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:06 am
by Big Orangutan
Also, aside from its egregious moral/ethical failings, the Galactic Empire is a not very effective faction (despite its titanic military machine) when it showed itself time and time again to be a clumsy giant with feet of clay (the exaust port in the Death Star, the AT-ATs that can be tripped up, and finally the Empire proving itself relatively fragile to the core as an institution when it couldn't cope with the assassination of Palpatine).

The UFP could perhaps cope in the long run if the Borg assimilated the Earth.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:22 am
by Gands
xon wrote:Dalton already set the bar really fucking low when he threated to ban people over suggesting Fox News may have a systematic bias which has them swapping Rs to Ds consistantly when a Republican is caught doing something wrong. And got really nasty over suggesting Fox News deliberately lies, despite them going to court and winning the protected freedom of speach right to say what ever the fuck they want regardless of it's relationship to the truth.

Having an (the?) admin of a forum championing defend Fox News as a fair and balanced source of news? Not a ringing endorsement. Especially when the guy apparently hated them back in 2002-2006 or so.
I think that's part of the fact that they're conscious of being a bit of an echo chamber since the darker years of the Bush admin. One could make an argument for Bush back in 2003, but as time went on it got harder and harder. People got chased off, and the last few got too scared to voice their opinions, except for those who basically became forum "pets" with wacky niches.

Aside from the little Stuart tribe that emerged for a while, the loss of people to combat meant the slow decline of N&P into obsolescence. Today you could probably fold it back into OT.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:52 am
by timmy

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:17 am
by Straha
He sure loved that dog.

I used to love Canadian TV. Then I saw part of an episode of Kevin Spencer. Never again.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:12 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
I want to write a short essay on how the show Community is an exercise in derision, disparagement, and anti-education.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:13 am
by >:3
Here's something I whipped up just now.

Posts per day at SDN, average for each year of operation, and further by quarter.

Code: Select all

2002 Jul 02 - 2003 Jul 02	1640
Jul 2-Oct 2	865
Oct 2-Jan 2	1,758
Jan 2-Apr 2	1,945
Apr 2-Jul 2	2,085

2003 Jul 02 - 2004 Jul 02	1485
Jul 2-Oct 2	1,592
Oct 2-Jan 2	1,456
Jan 2-Apr 2	1,499
Apr 2-Jul 2	1,476

2004 Jul 02 - 2005 Jul 02	1502
Jul 2-Oct 2	1,374
Oct 2-Jan 2	1,474
Jan 2-Apr 2	1,531
Apr 2-Jul 2	1,709

2005 Jul 02 - 2006 Jul 02	1254
Jul 2-Oct 2	1,332
Oct 2-Jan 2	1,108
Jan 2-Apr 2	1,323
Apr 2-Jul 2	1,328

2006 Jul 02 - 2007 Jul 02	976
Jul 2-Oct 2	1,039
Oct 2-Jan 2	1,033
Jan 2-Apr 2	948
Apr 2-Jul 2	939

2007 Jul 02 - 2008 Jul 02	872
Jul 2-Oct 2	887
Oct 2-Jan 2	839
Jan 2-Apr 2	887
Apr 2-Jul 2	919

2008 Jul 02 - 2009 Jul 02	808
Jul 2-Oct 2	899
Oct 2-Jan 2	887
Jan 2-Apr 2	835
Apr 2-Jul 2	660

2009 Jul 02 - 2010 Jul 02	642
Jul 2-Oct 2	601
Oct 2-Jan 2	702
Jan 2-Apr 2	590
Apr 2-Jul 2	706

2010 Jul 02 - 2011 Jul 02	505
Jul 2-Oct 2	610
Oct 2-Jan 2	505
Jan 2-Apr 2	471
Apr 2-Jul 2	465

2011 Jul 02 - 2012 Jul 02	429
Jul 2-Oct 2	482
Oct 2-Jan 2	436
Jan 2-Apr 2	460
Apr 2-Jul 2	357

2012 Jul 02 - 2013 Feb 10	274
Jul 2-Oct 2	299
Oct 2-Jan 2	267
Jan 2-Feb 10	259

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:26 am
by Zablorg

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:31 am
by timmy
Peaked early, then.

Wonder how The Disappearance of Adam D. R. affected those stats?

And who is >:3 anyway, I keep thinking you're an angry teenaged girl.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:16 am
by Straha