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Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:51 am
by Darth Fanboy
RogueIce wrote: I think u235 was responding to this:
Oh my bad.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:23 am
by adr-admin

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:58 am
by RogueIce

look what i found

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:12 am
by uraniun235

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:15 am
by Count Chocula
I must make an irrelevant contribution. Mirror, Mirror's Fu Manchu Spock was really cool.

The Mirror Mirror galaxy was like the Gor books (I suppose that's why it doesn't show up much in TEO). Gor in space.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:38 am
by starku
i'd say 'you mean nonsensical fanservice'

but you could say that about all star trek so its redundant

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:23 am
by Count Chocula
starku wrote:i'd say 'you mean nonsensical fanservice'

but you could say that about all star trek so its redundant
Not just ST, SW episodes I-III were mucho fanserv plus moar lightning and purple lightsaber because why the fuck not if Denzel Washington (double subtle joke) can't roll with Travolta and rock a chrome .45 and quote the Bible. And of course the Sunfighter Franchise/Millennium Falcon served some famous senator - maybe ET? - before Calrissian got his hands on it.

Anyway, I disagree on TOS (Mirror, Mirror 'member) because it only ran 3 years. I can believe it influenced the scripwriting in the movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager She Who Must Not Be Named, and Enterprise. Especially with Brannon Braga as the episode source and not James Blish.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:09 am
by Questor
Did DS9 just get to Australia or something?

Seriously, it was nearly 20 years ago.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:56 am
by Stofsk
Questor wrote:Did DS9 just get to Australia or something?

Seriously, it was nearly 20 years ago.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:07 pm
by Questor
I may or may not have had a bad day doing 12 hours of work on a weekend...

I also may or may not remember what I was thinking when I posted that.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:23 pm
by uraniun235
it's okay we all have bad days and i'm not going to bag on you for taking it out on the trek thread

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:36 am
by uraniun235
Somehow I never noticed this before, but there's a neat parallel in Yesterday's Enterprise: when we meet Captain Garrett, it's right after the Enterprise-C was nearly destroyed, and we are told that her entire bridge crew was dead except for Castille. She was about to go down fighting with her ship right before the time rift snatched the ship away.

At the end of the episode, Captain Picard and Data are the last survivors on the burning bridge of the Enterprise-D. Picard is shown clearly intending to go down with his ship, fighting to the last, just like Garrett.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:04 am
by RogueIce
So DS9 "Resurrection" was kinda lame. I agree with Nana Visitor that Kira really should've been more over Bareil and not get all mopey for the guy. Plus it felt like a lame Mirror Universe episode after the others had been pretty cool.

Because apparently Bajor is an enemy of the Alliance now. I mean I guess I could see it with Emperor Worf being pissed at MU Kira and all. But still feels a little out of place.

Gotta say I have very mixed feelings on "Sacrifice of Angels" what with the whole Prophets Save The Day thing. I can get the argument for it, but it still felt a little weak. However, I must say the pew pews were nice, though TBH I think the battle of the ISS Defiant was actually better than SoA's battle. Sure it didn't have the same large scale, but it felt more cinematic and somehow epic. Just more to it, really.

Final note: "Who Mourns For Morn?" has confirmed that Morn is definately one of DS9's best supporting characters. That was an awesome plan.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:31 am
by Darth Fanboy
Damnit Janeway

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:24 am
by Stofsk
RogueIce wrote:So DS9 "Resurrection" was kinda lame. I agree with Nana Visitor that Kira really should've been more over Bareil and not get all mopey for the guy. Plus it felt like a lame Mirror Universe episode after the others had been pretty cool.

Because apparently Bajor is an enemy of the Alliance now. I mean I guess I could see it with Emperor Worf being pissed at MU Kira and all. But still feels a little out of place.
who is bareil ???
Gotta say I have very mixed feelings on "Sacrifice of Angels" what with the whole Prophets Save The Day thing. I can get the argument for it, but it still felt a little weak. However, I must say the pew pews were nice, though TBH I think the battle of the ISS Defiant was actually better than SoA's battle. Sure it didn't have the same large scale, but it felt more cinematic and somehow epic. Just more to it, really.
I used to dislike the SoA climax, but I find I like it more and more as I think about it, however it needed two things: it needed a set up for it in season five*, either in 'A Call to Arms' or earlier, and the second thing it needed was a follow up to what the Prophets said which didn't suck.

* It was of course, already set up in the first episode when it was shown that the Prophets have the ability to prevent egress through the wormhole to anyone they deem unfit to do so. But they (the writers) should have reminded us by having the characters pursue this as a strategy to counter the growing number of Dominion convoys that came through the wormhole on a weekly basis.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:38 am
by Darth Fanboy
Stofsk wrote: who is bareil ???
Kira's ex boyfriend the Vedek who was a candidate for Kai.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:46 am
by Stofsk
i knew that i was being rhetorical

i was making how you say, a leeeetle joke

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:11 am
by Darth Fanboy
Stofsk wrote:i knew that i was being rhetorical

i was making how you say, a leeeetle joke


Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:22 am
by Stofsk
i was joking because bareil is so forgettable

that's why i was pretending to ask who he was

jesus now i've gone and explained the joke, i am full of fail

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:41 am
by timmy
Alright you two, two mins in the sin bin

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:44 pm
by RogueIce
So I don't know if Bareil is forgettable, but I always hated it when he was on. The character just sucked, and his whole, uh, I dunno what to call it. Reverent-y tone of voice? Well, whatever the fuck he was doing I hated it and wanted the show to just move on already.

I wonder how much of that was the actor and how much was the producers/directors/etc. I mean, Mirror Bareil was...well, he was a little less annoying because he didn't have the whole 'spiritual' tone of voice or whatever. So I guess maybe he could have been tolerable if taken in another direction.

Maybe. I still didn't like him and was very glad when the episode was over. Because then I got to move on to "The Magnificent Ferengi" which was just such an awesome episode.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:19 pm
by Aaron
RogueIce wrote:So DS9 "Resurrection" was kinda lame. I agree with Nana Visitor that Kira really should've been more over Bareil and not get all mopey for the guy. Plus it felt like a lame Mirror Universe episode after the others had been pretty cool.

Because apparently Bajor is an enemy of the Alliance now. I mean I guess I could see it with Emperor Worf being pissed at MU Kira and all. But still feels a little out of place.

Gotta say I have very mixed feelings on "Sacrifice of Angels" what with the whole Prophets Save The Day thing. I can get the argument for it, but it still felt a little weak. However, I must say the pew pews were nice, though TBH I think the battle of the ISS Defiant was actually better than SoA's battle. Sure it didn't have the same large scale, but it felt more cinematic and somehow epic. Just more to it, really.

Final note: "Who Mourns For Morn?" has confirmed that Morn is definately one of DS9's best supporting characters. That was an awesome plan.
It's more personal?

Like those large battle can be boring because we don't know the people, we aren't invested in the characters, so what do I care that the USS Beeblebrox got torched?

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:03 pm
by Stofsk
I have to say that SoA beats Shattered Mirror for the space battles by a large margin. Nothing in Shattered Mirror really means a goddamn. First off, it's in the mirrorverse, so who gives a shit on principle. Second, Sisko was kidnapped and forced to help the Rebels so uh... they're the good guys? Ok so Mirror Worf is a gigantic cunt himself but that doesn't make the Rebels squeaky clean.

Contrast with SoA, and the Federation is desperately fighting a battle against hopeless odds to get to DS9 in time to stop them from bringing down the minefield and thus losing the war when those jem'hadar reinforcements pour out. There is actually something meaningful in that battle and something that is worth fighting (and dying) for. So when USS Beeblebrox gets hulled it matters more than the drama that comes from Shattered Mirror's 'oh noes will Sisko die in the mirrorverse' ???

I kinda wish they'd have spent more money fleshing out the battle in SoA. There are a few pacing issues, like where one scene the Defiant is fighting for its life and things are desperate and action is heating up and then they cut to Dukat having a drink of kanar, shooting the shit with Weyoun in Sisko's office. I mean that stuff is good character shit, but it should have been relegated to an earlier scene. Once battle starts I think it's a mistake to make those kind of scene shifts. The tone of the office scene was somewhat off-kilter. But more than that, I just wanted to see more of the battle. More tactics or shit, you know not just more 'splosions and space pewpews but Sisko giving orders and coordinating with the rest of the Fleet.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:56 pm
by Crazedwraith
Continuing through season 7. After the holodeck episode we get one more non war episode Chrysalis where Bashir cures one of those crazy genetic modified people and then almost drives her crazy again by hitting on her. Then the episode with a defective weyoun which introduces ark elements and is not bad. Though Apparently runabout can take out jem hadar attack ships by shooting the weak spots for massive damage.

Then there's Once More Unto The Breach. With senile old Kor conning Worf into giving one last position so he can die in the war. It's not bad but I remember it being a lot better. And I was really looking forward to seeing Kor again since his wonderful hamminess in Sword Of Khaless. He gets a good speech though and a painfully heavily forshadowed 'died a hero' scene at the end.

And there's Siege Of AR-558. Which is trying so hard to tug at the hard strings. I dunno, ground combat is still not Trek's forte. And i find it hard to care about the random extras they've introduced this episode to be killed. Nog is probably the best bit about the episode,

Blah. I don't Season 7 is pretty mediocre and I'm not sure I can figure out why that is compared to the other seasons.

Re: Trek Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:44 pm
by RogueIce
Aaron wrote:It's more personal?
Sort of.

The "Shattered Mirror" battle was more dynamic was the word I was looking for. Probably because they were focusing on one ship rather than having to deal with like 1800 ships duking it out.

Storywise and so on I'd agree with Stofsk about SoA, but on a purely eye candy level I preferred SM. There was less going on but they made it count.
Stofsk wrote:I kinda wish they'd have spent more money fleshing out the battle in SoA. There are a few pacing issues, like where one scene the Defiant is fighting for its life and things are desperate and action is heating up and then they cut to Dukat having a drink of kanar, shooting the shit with Weyoun in Sisko's office. I mean that stuff is good character shit, but it should have been relegated to an earlier scene. Once battle starts I think it's a mistake to make those kind of scene shifts. The tone of the office scene was somewhat off-kilter. But more than that, I just wanted to see more of the battle. More tactics or shit, you know not just more 'splosions and space pewpews but Sisko giving orders and coordinating with the rest of the Fleet.
There is this.

TBH I can see why they did it: it was supposed to take the Feds eight hours to get from where they were to the wormhole, so I can see those office scenes as being useful to account for the timejumps they'd need, since it was only one episode. That and in a way it does kinda give a sense of scale for the battle, both in the long amount of time it took and the distance away from the station they were at.

But yeah, it did break up the pacing some and probably made the battle less than it could have been. Still, you got to see some GCSes ruin the Dom/Cardie's shit so it's not all bad.