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Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:30 pm
by RogueIce
F.J. Prefect, Esq wrote:*snip games list*

The only relatively recent threads in GNC of any scale are the TOR thread (20 pages) and World of Tanks (210 pages and what the fuck)

That subforum is way past terminal. It cannot even constitute a zombie.
That doesn't mean the forum is dead so much as it means most of the people there just don't seem to care about the AAA titles.

Except for bitching about TOR and how hard it failed. But even that has gone away and it's pretty much all World of Tanks. Which is the SDN game for some reason.

Like I said you could probably make some kind of theories off that but meh.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:01 pm
by joviwan
F.J. Prefect, Esq wrote:threadlist
Thanks for that. I haven't been to SDN in months, and those threads were really interesting.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:17 pm
by Agent Bert Macklin
I'm being paid $50 to be a designated driver for a night at a club on Friday. This will be my first club experience. I expect great annoyance from every person there.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:46 pm
by Aaron
You won't be dissappointed.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:15 pm
by timmy
Yeah, if you're not one of them, you're against them.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:29 pm
by Veef
It's exactly like Night at the Roxbury.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:41 pm
by Darksi4190
So i've been watching some of Spoony's reviews, and I came across this in the darkest recesses of his web site.

I may have been permanently scarred.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:49 pm
by Zod
Negative Knub wrote:I'm being paid $50 to be a designated driver for a night at a club on Friday. This will be my first club experience. I expect great annoyance from every person there.
If you're not there for the music, to drink or hit on girls then you're almost guaranteed to wind up hating it.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:20 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
Zod wrote:
Negative Knub wrote:I'm being paid $50 to be a designated driver for a night at a club on Friday. This will be my first club experience. I expect great annoyance from every person there.
If you're not there for the music, to drink or hit on girls then you're almost guaranteed to wind up hating it.
The reviews I'm reading about the club can be summarized like this: sound system is good, music is good (highly skeptical since 99% of the new music I've heard sucks), the women are trashy, and creepy old guys stare down young women. This is not a recipe for a good time. But hey, $50 is gas money.

The plan for me is to stay for at least an hour and if I hate it, I'll go home and drive back when the friend is ready to leave. It's only a 30 minute drive. Though I'd probably have more fun by sitting down with a water and observing America's future wasting away with booze.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:23 am
by Aaron
If you have someone to people watch with you, it can be funny.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:26 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
Aaron wrote:If you have someone to people watch with you, it can be funny.
Yeah. That would be cool.

Ps. Zod, the drink "electric lemonade" rules. Crohn's hasn't acted up with that one. The club likely won't have it, though.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:38 am
by Questor
Negative Knub wrote:
Aaron wrote:If you have someone to people watch with you, it can be funny.
Yeah. That would be cool.

Ps. Zod, the drink "electric lemonade" rules. Crohn's hasn't acted up with that one. The club likely won't have it, though.
I'd be surprised if a club bartender is unable to make just about any mix drink you can ask for.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:40 am
by Zod
Negative Knub wrote:
Aaron wrote:If you have someone to people watch with you, it can be funny.
Yeah. That would be cool.

Ps. Zod, the drink "electric lemonade" rules. Crohn's hasn't acted up with that one. The club likely won't have it, though.
Is there anything in particular that triggers your Crohn's? Apparently that drink has vodka in it, so I could suggest a number of vodka-based cocktails.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:54 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
Zod wrote:Is there anything in particular that triggers your Crohn's? Apparently that drink has vodka in it, so I could suggest a number of vodka-based cocktails.
The martinis I had at Longhorns last Friday did something to me. That aforementioned California Kid gave it to me bad. I had a drink at the Tilted Kilt that was quite strong and may have had rum in it. That made me deuce like mad man too.

If you suggest vodka-based cocktails, make sure they're fruity.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:59 am
by Zod
Negative Knub wrote:
Zod wrote:Is there anything in particular that triggers your Crohn's? Apparently that drink has vodka in it, so I could suggest a number of vodka-based cocktails.
The martinis I had at Longhorns last Friday did something to me. That aforementioned California Kid gave it to me bad. I had a drink at the Tilted Kilt that was quite strong and may have had rum in it. That made me deuce like mad man too.

If you suggest vodka-based cocktails, make sure they're fruity.
My standbys are Long Islands and Bloody Marys. Have you tried anything tequila based? It's made from agave instead of grains, so it might be a bit easier on the crohn's.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:30 am
by >:3
So just for fun I did the same thing with SB, same time, plus a year earlier.

Code: Select all

2001 Jul 02 - 2002 Jul 02   1,511
Jul 2-Oct 2   1,270
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,648
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,536
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,673

2002 Jul 02 - 2003 Jul 02   1,424
Jul 2-Oct 2   1,511
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,630
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,299
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,336

2003 Jul 02 - 2004 Jul 02   1,037
Jul 2-Oct 2   995
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,062
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,049
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,101

2004 Jul 02 - 2005 Jul 02   1,480
Jul 2-Oct 2   1,281
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,382
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,596
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,744

2005 Jul 02 - 2006 Jul 02   1,506
Jul 2-Oct 2   1,383
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,521
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,641
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,564

2006 Jul 02 - 2007 Jul 02   1,389
Jul 2-Oct 2   1,357
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,587
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,456
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,234

2007 Jul 02 - 2008 Jul 02   1,198
Jul 2-Oct 2   1,306
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,263
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,099
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,189

2008 Jul 02 - 2009 Jul 02   1,298
Jul 2-Oct 2   1,226
Oct 2-Jan 2   1,143
Jan 2-Apr 2   1,300
Apr 2-Jul 2   1,594

2009 Jul 02 - 2010 Jul 02   2,166
Jul 2-Oct 2   2,043
Oct 2-Jan 2   2,025
Jan 2-Apr 2   2,212
Apr 2-Jul 2   2,504

2010 Jul 02 - 2011 Jul 02   3,492
Jul 2-Oct 2   3,027
Oct 2-Jan 2   3,064
Jan 2-Apr 2   3,850
Apr 2-Jul 2   4,223

2011 Jul 02 - 2012 Jul 02   5,100
Jul 2-Oct 2   4,660
Oct 2-Jan 2   4,706
Jan 2-Apr 2   5,652
Apr 2-Jul 2   5,666

2012 Jul 02 - 2013 Feb 10   8,042
Jul 2-Oct 2   7,333
Oct 2-Jan 2   8,545
Jan 2-Feb 10  9,310

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:04 am
by Veef
mother of god

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:20 am
by RogueIce
I wonder what caused that huge explosion.

Oh well. Now we know who really won the great Forum Wars between SDN and SB! :smugdog:

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:33 am
by Straha
May the gods have mercy on our souls.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:46 am
by timmy
RogueIce wrote:I wonder what caused that huge explosion.
Is this knowing sarcasm or do you actually wonder? 'Cause I'd like to know if you know

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:00 am
by Veef
Maybe it was all the games like Mass Effect.

And people looked at G&C on SDN and saw it was dead :engleft:

so hey this younger crowd might want to talk about the good Shep.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:16 am
by RogueIce
timmy wrote:
RogueIce wrote:I wonder what caused that huge explosion.
Is this knowing sarcasm or do you actually wonder? 'Cause I'd like to know if you know
I actually wonder. I have been posting a bit more at SB lately but I don't really know the place well. I know at least a couple people here are regulars though so I thought they might remember or have noticed something.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:21 am
by xon
>:3 wrote:So just for fun I did the same thing with SB, same time, plus a year earlier.
If you can show the member ship population by the same time, you should see a massive spike late 2009ish just preceeding the posting rate going insane.
RogueIce wrote:I wonder what caused that huge explosion.
Late 2009, the Creative Writing (CrW) and Quests/loose play-by-post(BROB) forums went nuclear and show no signs of slowing down.

Part of this happened when they closed anonymous viewing in an attempt to reduce server load due to vBulletin being crap and the server being way way unpowered. This caused a massive spike in the user-base which quickly translated into increased posts.

Why CrW got so damn populate appears to be snowball effect of popular fanfiction authors finding the site and getting crowds, people migrating to where the authors are and then the cycle repeats.

Once migrated to Xenforo they made moderators able to be moderate every forum to rebalance the load. And that Xenforo reporting system doesn't make you want to cut yourself like phpbb or vBulletin was a significant help.

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:36 am
by timmy
I'm wondering if things were exciting in NORAD or similar places yesterday

Was it like this, or was in more like some USAF NCO sitting at a computer going 'hey I've got a report of activity coming from PACOM... Uh, I'll get back to you (acronym as a job title)

Re: The Testing Chat III: The Time of Great Chatting

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:39 am
by phongn
Holy shit, no wonder they've been having server problems. And yeah, CRW has some really popular authors on it. I should take a look again...