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Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:12 pm
by Oxymoron
Maybe, yeah. Was more thinking of a Fallout 2 total conversion, though.

I am not a fan of the 3d they used in Van Buren. Also, I don't really like the story they were going with (it would have ended with a new holocaust).

Some people don't like it, but I like the approach we've been seeing since the first Fallout of seeing the New World slowly rebuild upon the ashes of the Old World.

Like, New Vegas was more of a post-apoc' Western story, with all the Frontier vibes, rather than a "proper" survivalist post-apocalypse.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:05 pm
by Manus Dei
Granddad's funeral today. He wasn't religious, but he did go once a year with my grandmother - who's a Jehovah's Witness - to their easter memorial service, so she asked one of the elders of the congregation who knew him well to give the service. And it was really nice, y'know, to have it being read by someone who really knew him and meant everything he said about him. A lot of people turned up as well, the chapel was pretty much full front to back.

It was a good send off, I think. Still gonna miss him.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:12 pm
by Oxymoron
My condolences. Hope you take it as well as you can.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:20 pm
by Losonti Tokash
My condolences as well. Glad the service went well.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:26 am
by Phantasee
RyanThunder wrote:I may have finally found an avatar that neatly encapsulates all my fabulous qualities. :v
do you think it might bother gands

because i think it might bother gands

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:33 am
by RyanThunder
Oh, well if it bothers him at all I'll get rid of it.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:34 am
by Darksi4190
Aaron wrote:Thats fallout on a good day though. It crashes constantly on 360.
Ok, I'll give devs the occasional PC error or glitch because the market has all kinds of different hardware and software the program needs to interact with, but how in the hell do you design a bugged-as-shit game for a console? Everything is completely standardized. you literally know all of that stuff beforehand.

Man Bethesda really does expect nerds to do all their patching for them don't they. Too bad you can't mod shit on consoles, so they should've actually done their job.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:03 pm
by Gands
Phantasee wrote:
RyanThunder wrote:I may have finally found an avatar that neatly encapsulates all my fabulous qualities. :v
do you think it might bother gands

because i think it might bother gands
no bother here

i think the contrast with the forum colours helps

on another serious note, i like when you guys show concern. :sun:

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:38 pm
by Aaron
Is it just the ridiculous strobing shit Einy used to post that bothers you?

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:32 pm
by Bounty
I never thought I'd complain about this, but no bra + deep cleavage + bending over turns off the head brain and switches on the other one, and that doesn't really help when you're trying to concentrate.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:45 pm
by RyanThunder
Reminds me of this one time--see, my project manager has these huge, perfect tits, and, well, normally its okay, but this one day she decided she'd wear this bright orange tee that actually curved around them and stuff, and fuck was I ever happy that we were in cubicles so I could actually be at all productive. :psypop:

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:19 pm
by Zod
So, piss test tomorrow. Been about twelve years since I've had to do one for a job and I doubt they've stopped being awful in the meantime.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:22 pm
by joviwan
what's awful about the piss test? Last time I did one, i went to the piss test place, they gave me a cup, I peed in it, then gave it back.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:24 pm
by Zod
Timing it so that I actually can take a piss before I go in, mostly.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:36 pm
by RyanThunder
joviwan wrote:what's awful about the piss test?
I assume you mean besides it being a flagrant and obnoxious invasion of your privacy?

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:42 pm
by Zod
RyanThunder wrote:
joviwan wrote:what's awful about the piss test?
I assume you mean besides it being a flagrant and obnoxious invasion of your privacy?
So how do you feel about background checks?

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:42 pm
by Bounty
RyanThunder wrote:
joviwan wrote:what's awful about the piss test?
I assume you mean besides it being a flagrant and obnoxious invasion of your privacy?
Fight the power, eat asparagus!

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:58 pm
by Oxymoron
Urine check = invasion of privacy ?

Interesting perspective.

What makes you think or makes you feel it constitute an invasion of your privacy ?

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:00 pm
by Flagg
Oxymoron wrote:Urine check = invasion of privacy ?

Interesting perspective.

What makes you think or makes you feel it constitute an invasion of your privacy ?
What business does an employer have knowing about what substances you use as long as it's off the clock and doesn't effect your work?

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:05 pm
by Oxymoron
The thing is :

How does the employer know if you take things that might affect your work during clock hours ?

Also, where I work urine check aren't primarily done for illicit drug checks, but as a general analysis of the employee's physical condition. If they check drugs, they also check traces of medical drugs.

Basically, it's part of a complete medical checkup (spent half a day getting examined).

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:06 pm
by RyanThunder
How the fuck is any of that any of their concern?

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:08 pm
by Zod
RyanThunder wrote:How the fuck is any of that any of their concern?
Do you want someone having withdrawal symptoms while they're operating heavy machinery? How about trusting a meth user with people's bank information?

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:10 pm
by Oxymoron
There's a time to to stick it up to the man, and there's a time to realize that the state of your own health can have very real effect on the life of other people.

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:23 pm
by Losonti Tokash
Zod wrote:
RyanThunder wrote:How the fuck is any of that any of their concern?
Do you want someone having withdrawal symptoms while they're operating heavy machinery? How about trusting a meth user with people's bank information?
hey those are actually good examples of jobs where it makes sense to test for drugs, now give a good reason why the usher at the local movie theater needs to be marijuana free

Re: Lament 2: Cry Harder

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:26 pm
by Oxymoron
Corporate image.

You don't want people to associate the services you offer with the image of a stoned guy.