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Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:28 am
by starku
look i saw a game 15 years ago

that had a robit get some kind of three-part coffin closed around it (REARMING TRUCKS or whatev) and then reloaded etc for mid-mission ammo replacement

what's sad is that since it's a high-level tabletop game heaps of stuff is abstracted, which is fine in princple

but then they are so terrible at maintaining balance and constantly introducing more mechanics

like if they want a tabletop mech simulator, that's a different style of game

and your high level 'move half a dozen robits' game shouldn't be this slow

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:35 am
by Veef
oh the Mobile Field Base from Mechwarrior 3

yeah i heard there were path finding issues they had to patch. and yet it did turn a chunk of the game into an escort mission.

my strongest memory of that game was playing online vs. people who all used laser boats if you dared play with custom 'Mechs

so oh man talk about slow. one time i played Megamek with my roommate and I was a Tomahawk Warhammer and he played its battle value (which is algebra) in these needless to say we stopped after two turns

anything other than 4 vs 4 is glacial

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:53 am
by starku
it was doomed to be that way when it used so many stupid trackers and invovled so much partial missing

i bet i could make a better system

replacing the heat tracker with a lower-res more input thing and doing hit/hit location/damage effects in one roll seems pretty basic stuff

but the seven fans they have won't let them change anything

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:09 am
by Veef
could be worse

could be Palladium

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:12 am
by starku
tbh i think even palladium is faster

even if you are rolling 5 different soaks

ps i seriosuly don't get why rpgs in general include so much fiddly minuatae that slows the game down for little benefit

seriosuly just give out a free phone app if you want that shit, pen and paper shuld be fast

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:20 am
by Zod
starku wrote:tbh i think even palladium is faster

even if you are rolling 5 different soaks

ps i seriosuly don't get why rpgs in general include so much fiddly minuatae that slows the game down for little benefit

seriosuly just give out a free phone app if you want that shit, pen and paper shuld be fast
hey guyz i hear FATAL is a pretty cool rpg /trollface

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:23 am
by Bakustra
VF5SS wrote:could be worse

could be Palladium
why is it that pretty much every mecha TTRPG is awful? I've heard good things about Heavy Gear and Bliss Stage, but that's about it. GURPS Mecha is overcomplex, Mekton Zeta and BESM have terrible systems, Battletech is a lol, Palladium is a bigger lol, and I can't think of any more.
starku wrote:tbh i think even palladium is faster

even if you are rolling 5 different soaks

ps i seriosuly don't get why rpgs in general include so much fiddly minuatae that slows the game down for little benefit

seriosuly just give out a free phone app if you want that shit, pen and paper shuld be fast
hey stark i should really introduce you to fiasco.

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:26 am
by starku
maybe you SHOULD

ps when FFG released an arkham horror app that replaced maybe 900 cards it made arkham horror 40% faster

they even charged a few bucks for it

net result - BIG SUCCESS

people should learn from shit like that

speed first

edit - the heavy gear video games were better than mechwarrior
i have no idea about the tt game, but their anime one is a bit rubbsih

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:39 am
by Veef
Macross, Dougram, Gundam, and every other 80's mecha show got at least one table top game. Even Megazone 23 has one. I've heard some even have English instructions but I dunno how they play.

The Dougrams ones are kind of funny looking. They have plastic trees and a little periscope for determining line of sight.

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:54 am
by Bakustra
add me on fb and I'll think about it. :armscrossed:

seriously if I can find a roller that can handle its needs I'd set up an IRC game or something

but basically fiasco is a game that's all about doing something like No Country for Old Men or O Brother Wherefore Art Thou where you've got a cast of characters in close contact that all want something that they're going to have to screw over another character to get. So you have a choice on your turn as to whether you want to set the stage for the scene or control what happens to your character, and then the other characters get to do the other thing. then you get a die for the outcome. You need two colors of dice. Let's go with black and white. If the outcome was bad, you get a black die, good, a white die. In the first half of the game, you pass these to another player. When half the dice are gone, you then pick the Tilt- a sudden event from out of nowhere. Then you do the same thing for the second half, keeping your outcome dice this time. Then comes the Aftermath. The Tilt and Aftermath are set up so that if you have a lot of one or the other, good things happen, and if you have even numbers of both, bad things happen. It's a pretty slick game and it has a number of different setups you can go with- called playsets. The playsets are all free and there are a couple third-party ones online too.

You can buy it here if you want, US12 for a pdf.

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:27 am
by Veef

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:32 am
by Bakustra
VF5SS wrote:here's some of the Macross table top games

hey look, cardboard
description:RPG game of UN Spacy vs. Zentraedi


how can i live out my fantasies of being chief maintenance officer on the destroids

siembieda save me

seriously, that looks pretty cool, even if it reminds me of avalon hill.

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:15 am
by Bakustra
doublepost: i found a pretty good mecha wargame where you make everything out of legos and fight it out. It's called Mechaton: Giant Fighty Robots.

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:18 am
by uraniun235
VF5SS wrote:here's some of the Macross table top games

hey look, cardboard
for a moment i thought that one picture said "DOG FART"

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:03 am
by Veef
macross is above that kind of thing

panty chase is okay though

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:41 pm
by Bakustra
getting back to Palladium, I just realized that I live like 40 minutes away from their office wtf

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:42 pm
by starku
they still exist? that's the real crazy

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:04 pm
by Veef
I heard from a buddy that back when they were doing the Shadow Chronicles book (lawl) they still laid out elements for printing physically like in pre-computer days

like nothing changed since the 80's

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:15 pm
by Bakustra
VF5SS wrote:I heard from a buddy that back when they were doing the Shadow Chronicles book (lawl) they still laid out elements for printing physically like in pre-computer days

like nothing changed since the 80's
according to an ex-palladium employee,
Not anymore! In fact, the full sized hardback edition of Robotech: Shadow Chronicles was the first Palladium book laid out on a computer. Using a layout program that was at least seven or eight years old.
He'll be the first one to admit that he sucks at technology. Hell, Wayne has to do everything computer related around there because he's the only on in the office that understands how to attach files to emails, let alone anything really complicated. As for why? Well, he (and Al and Julius) are middle-aged white dudes with little formal education who grew up with typewriters, reel-to-reel tape machines, and things with vacuum tubes in them. Their understanding of technology comes from comics and shows on the history channel, and they're largely indimidated by it, just like everybody's dad.

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:17 pm
by starku
Y mum is better with photoshop than me

Maybe Erik wujick was the brains of the operation

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:19 pm
by Veef
I guess they were making their games using slide rules or something

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:50 pm
by Veef
back on topic
The Targeting Computer was introduced by Clan Mongoose in 2860.[1] Targeting Computers are sophisticated pieces of electronics that, unlike normal targeting systems, physically help MechWarriors target their opponents. Recoil compensators and gyroscopic stabilizers are used to prevent normal weapon drift from factors such as recoil and movement while the computer accounts for atmospheric and other conditions to present an accurate "lead" on the target. This allows for more surgical precision of weapons fire, especially with naturally accurate systems, allowing for the user to hit specific parts on the target vehicle.
so were Battlemechs less advanced than a P-51 Gunsight

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:56 pm
by starku
ww2 bmobers were obviously more advanced than mechs

btech wrote:Despite the wide differences in underlining technology, with internal combustion engine superchargers injecting chemicals that boost combustion while Fusion Engine superchargers temporarily drop the limiters that keep the engine output from damaging the shielding, both produce almost identical end-results.
this is exactly hwo superchargers work

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:58 pm
by Aaron
Man that's worse then 40K, Mech's lack technology that we've had since WWII, yet manage to walk around without falling over.

Re: btech

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:01 pm
by Veef

no that's not right at all