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Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:07 pm
by Oxymoron

Should I post my character background/fanfiction here ?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:16 pm
by Oxymoron
You said my librarian has, as well as his Ph.D in Library Science, an unrelated degree, right ?

Can I have him have a master in Theology or something along those lines ?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:29 pm
by Bakustra
Yes and yes.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:23 pm
by Oxymoron
Fanfic tiem :

Henry Bemis is in his late-twenties/early-thirties. Man of order, he's been naturally inclined, from his love of books and almost maniacal compulsion to preserve knowledge in all its forms, to pursue a career in Library Sciences.

Born and raised Catholic [edit : in a petite-bourgeoisie family], Henry has however little faith in God, his degree in theology being borne more of his intellectual curiosity and his fascination for the occult arts than from a true devotion to the Lord.

If he is undeniably an intellectual, he does not neglect his body, and practice a number of sports and martial arts - though he may not be the best or even good at it.

His physical stature, allied to his education, give him a certain charism he can use to persuade otherwise recalcitrant people.

In parallel with his duties as a librarian at his College's library [note : with his kind of qualifications, he should be highly placed, right ? Would it be possible for him to have some teaching duties ? What about him being Questor's assistant ?], Henry is currently pursuing research of his own on [Occult Arts Subject - Insert adventure hook here].

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:23 pm
by Akhlut
Joaquin needs more names, methinks.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:19 am
by Akhlut

Joaquin is an older man, appearing to be around 60 years old, though it's tough to tell if he actually looks good for his age or has aged beyond his years. He doesn't volunteer that information, either, especially to los yanquis. He's definitely got some Indian heritage to him, though he couldn't tell you which tribes exactly.

He did a lot of black ops work in the last war for Mother Cuba in the name of Che and Fidel. He may have gotten his hands a bit dirty, but Socialismo, just like gardening, requires you to work in the dirt to get it to grow properly into a beautiful flower.

Speaking of gardening, that's pretty much the only work an old Cubano with only a high school education can get. It doesn't earn much, but it is a lot easier than what he did for Cuba, and sometimes those housewives like having a real Cuban man around the house, if you know what I mean. And I think tu comprendas.

Joaquin also seems to be angry more often than not, though that's probably because he's ended up living in the midst of all these capitalists rather than anything else. Again, not that he'd tell all you yanquis about what bothers him about you yanquis.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:21 am
by Akhlut
I must say I'm happy that the guy who is most likely to be the oldest person on the team is also the most deadly.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:23 am
by Akhlut
Also, since Joaquin is such an ardent Communist, he's...not fond of religion.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:52 am
by Straha
If there's still room for me I'd like to play a fed.
Either that a veterinarian.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:10 am
by Aaron
So natural history is what?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:16 am
by evilsoup
studying plants & animals in their natural environment

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:31 am
by Questor
Baks-kun wrote:Questor: Professor Raymond Stantz is well-muscled but skinny, with fumble-fingers. He has a strong force of will and looks about average. He is of only average intelligence, getting to his position with a Ph.D in Electrical Engineering and ME in Chemical Engineering mainly through persistence and innate aptitudes. He has 65 Sanity points, a 55% chance of hunches, a 65% chance of lucky breaks, a 95% chance of knowing random facts, 11 HP, and a +1d4 damage bonus with his fists. His best skills are English, research, chemist, electronics, having money in his bank account, German, programming, bargaining, Russian, Mandarin, repairing things, and persuasion. He, along with Oxy's librarian and Nietz's oxycontin-popping lecturer, are employed at Saint Sebastian's, the local Jesuit college. :poop:

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:32 am
by Questor
Akhlut wrote:I must say I'm happy that the guy who is most likely to be the oldest person on the team is also the most deadly.
Not usually as important in this game as in some others.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:37 am
by Aaron
So how lethal and frequent is combat?

Like my guy can use a shotgun but should i worry if he doesn't have one?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:50 am
by Akhlut
Questor wrote:
Akhlut wrote:I must say I'm happy that the guy who is most likely to be the oldest person on the team is also the most deadly.
Not usually as important in this game as in some others.
Regardless, it makes me happy.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:07 pm
by Bakustra
Straha wrote:If there's still room for me I'd like to play a fed.
Either that a veterinarian.
Special Agent Dale Cooper is incredibly strong, with a hale, good-looking body, but is clumsy with thick-ass glasses and has very limited willpower. He is bright and has a master's in Criminal Science, which has aided him in his work with the [pick one:DEA, ATF, FBI, US Marshals, USDA, USPS]. He has 40 Sanity points, 12 HP, a 65% chance of hunches, a 40% chance of lucky breaks, an 85% chance of knowing random factoids, and a damage bonus of +1d4. His best skills are English, fast-talking people, shooting people, driving, research, searching, listening, bargaining, law, persuasion, the occult and dodging (10% chance).
Aaron wrote:So how lethal and frequent is combat?

Like my guy can use a shotgun but should i worry if he doesn't have one?
Aaron wrote:So natural history is what?
Combat is lethal but most monsters are going to shrug off conventional weapons unless you've found a secret weakness or something. Natural history is folklore and experiential knowledge of plants and animals- you may or may not know the Latin name, but you know how to tickle trout or what frogs eat.

In any case, our Upper Midwestern town is Saint-Germain, a good-sized town on the shores of Lake Erie in Michigan. A river runs through it. Being a fictionalized version of the town of Monroe, Michigan, it boasts, in addition to Saint Sebastian College, a small Jesuit college, a community college, a county seathood, a history dating back to the 1600s, the newest national park in the United States, a struggling mall, downtown buildings that look rather like Main Street USA at any Disney theme park, an airport mostly used for private or charter flights, and several cemeteries, abandoned industrial areas, and odd places. It is 30 minutes from Detroit, 30 minutes from the Detroit Metro Airport, 30 minutes from Toledo, and roughly 45 minutes from Ann Arbor. A crude map will be available when it's available, which should be relatively shortly. I'll be out of town from tomorrow night till Sunday, so get questions in if you want stuff answered before then.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:57 pm
by Akhlut
bump, so we're not autoexcreted.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:51 pm
by Aaron
Moved to NT

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:20 pm
by Akhlut
I would have done that, but, as I haven't moved a thread before, I was afeared that I was going to just out and out delete the thread on accident.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:26 pm
by Bakustra
Here's the map. Keys and legends will have to wait because PhpBB ate the first version of this post. Click for full-size on the map.


Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:21 am
by Phantasee

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:35 am
by Losonti Tokash
hey baks besides me who do you need profiles from

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:02 am
by Bakustra
Losonti Tokash wrote:hey baks besides me who do you need profiles from
straha's the only one who needs to clarify stuff, i think, but feel free to come up with fanfiction

anyways, i've been neglecting this (fuck u phnat), so here goes with
Baks-kun wrote:Here's the map. Keys and legends will have to wait because PhpBB ate the first version of this post. Click for full-size on the map.

The Key and Legend

Ice blue is goverment buildings- offices, courthouses, libraries.
Orange is shopping- malls, strip malls, etc.
Purple is residential areas.
Pink is downtown.
Dark green is parks.
Yellow is industrial.
Gray is a cemetery.
Red are hospitals.
Light green areas are mixed, unincorporated stuff.

Key: Black Numbers
1. US-24 Shopping- home to the majority of the big-box stores in the area, a lot of the fast-food, and a couple of other, slightly more interesting stores.
2. Saint-Germain Mall- having recently passed through several owners, several of the department stores have left, and the boutiques been shuttered. Most of the small-scale spaces are filled. Home to a chain bookstore outlet and an 8-screen theater.
3. Saint Raphael Mercy Hospital has its northern building here, focused on extended-duration care. The physical therapy department is centered here.
4. Saint Sebastian College, a private Jesuit university, is here. It has a small campus with a moderately-sized library, competently run by Dr. Henry Bemis, and Schools of Engineering and Agriculture to go with the more traditional Theology, Arts and Sciences, Nursing, and Business. About 1500 students attend Saint Sebastian, with 75% living in the dormitories.
5. Downtown Saint-Germain- this area has a private bookstore with a large collection of used and out-of-print titles, a number of decent restaurants and boutique stores, a boutique hotel, and the county newspaper and bank headquarters'. At the north end where M-125 crosses the river on the Martin Luther King Jr. Bridge, there is a statue of George Custer, who lived here briefly. The county historical museum has a definite emphasis on the man, though it includes several other aspects of Saint-Germain County in history. The big churches, Catholic, Presbyterian, and Lutheran, can all be found here.
6. Saint-Germain- this is the city proper- the residential areas that are part of the core city. Mostly small houses with small yards.
7. Saint-Germain North- these are slightly more suburban residential areas on the north side of the Raisin. Lots of small-to-medium-sized houses, good-sized yards, the odd coyote that wanders in every once in a while. 5-7 retain a lot of 1890s-1930s architecture, making Saint-Germain look unnervingly like the Main Street USA areas at Disney theme parks.
8. Continuation of 7 along the river.
9. St. Mary's Park- a city park with a bandshell, playground, and some green space.
10. Saint Raphael Mercy Hospital has its southern building here, focusing on outpatient and short-term care. The majority of laboratory equipment is kept here.
11. River Raisin National Battlefield Park is the newest member of the American National Park Service. It stands in remembrance of the day that a ragtag American army got its ass handed to it by a English, Wyandot, Shawnee, and Potawotamie army, and the day four days later when it happened again. :america: There's a visitor center here as well.
12. Heck Park- a boring city park. Little else can be said.
13. Sterling State Park- home to all the amenities of a Michigan State Park- campground, beach, boat launch, grills, and walking trails.
14. Detroit Avenue Industrial Park- home to the majority of the industry here in Saint-Germain. A number of industrial park buildings split between offices and warehouses.
15. Dixie Highway Shopping- home to the majority of motels in the Saint-Germain area.
16. Government Center, a city block containing the county clerk, city hall, and county courts all in one place.
17. Woodlawn Cemetery, where a number of people are buried. The most famous are Custer's parents.

White Numbers:
1. Paper Mill: The paper mill was closed after a fire in the mid '90s. The local and state "occult" scene believe it to be haunted. Maybe it is. In any case, the stench of the paper mill remains, and the ground is clearly poisoned for a little ways around the factory.
2. Dorsch Library- the only downtown library, this branch of the library system is built in an old house donated by a doctor to the library in his will. There's not much here, but they have the magic of speedy interlibrary loan from anywhere else in the county, and the central library, Ellis Information and Research Center, is just ten minutes away on Custer St. South.
3. River Raisin Center for the Arts- the local theater, home to a good-sized community troupe that puts on shows regularly.
4. Monroe County Sheriff- the county police have their headquarters here, in a nondescript building.

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:18 am
by Straha
Baks-kun wrote: Special Agent Dale Cooper is incredibly strong, with a hale, good-looking body, but is clumsy with thick-ass glasses and has very limited willpower. He is bright and has a master's in Criminal Science, which has aided him in his work with the [pick one:DEA, ATF, FBI, US Marshals, USDA, USPS]. He has 40 Sanity points, 12 HP, a 65% chance of hunches, a 40% chance of lucky breaks, an 85% chance of knowing random factoids, and a damage bonus of +1d4. His best skills are English, fast-talking people, shooting people, driving, research, searching, listening, bargaining, law, persuasion, the occult and dodging (10% chance).
FanFic Time!

Special Inspector Dale Cooper was one of the brightest rising stars of the United States Postal Inspection Service. In his first years he cut his bones busting major mail theft and fraud rings, apprehending mail bombers, and even getting into shootouts with the mafia. As he progressed, though, his lack of social graces, short attention span, and obsession with the paranormal turned him into more of a nuisance than an asset. As a result Dale was bumped up to special inspector and assigned to the wastelands of Michigan with the specific remit of investigating rumors of postal service assets being used to ferry in bottles from other states for the extra bottle return money. To meet this goal he has been given limited supervision and a wide berth, with his bosses back in D.C. secure in the knowledge that he'll burn out after a while and leave on his own accord. Instead Dale has worked hard to investigate, and ensure the prosecution of, other cases on the side with notable success.

Quote: "I had a line prepared for this... right! I hope you're ready, because you're about to get mailed. Wait, no. Fuck! That wasn't it."

Anything else you need?

Re: Board RPG Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:34 pm
by Oxymoron
Cue jokes of your dude going postal.