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Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:10 pm
by Aaron
OK, so I've got the weakness, as discussed. This is for folks to recommend any B they think is worth seeing, T&A and violence is encouraged but also ones that turn out to be suprisingly deep. Like Bubba Ho-Tep.

So, seen or on the list:

Bubba Ho-Tep
From Dusk Till Dawn
Hobo With A Shotgun

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:15 pm
by Oxymoron
Do I need to watch the earlier films in the series to enjoy watching Army of Darkness ? And is it good ? I know it's a cult movie, but then a number of shitty movies have acquired a cult status, for one reason or another.

As an indication of my tastes, I've really enjoyed watching Braindead.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:18 pm
by joviwan
AoD is technically a direct sequel to Evil Dead 2. Evil Dead 2 however, is not a sequel but rather a weird remake, and you don't need to see the first one to 'get' #2 and 3.

For that matter you don't need to see #2 to 'get' #3, but it's still entertaining.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:19 pm
by adr
army of darkness is amazing and stands alone really well

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:23 pm
by Aaron
Yeah, you don't, ED2 is far better then 1, and omits the fucked up tree rape.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:39 pm
by evilsoup
From Dusk till Dawn
I watched that having never heard of it, which is the best way for that film
I recommend it to everyone but I can't explain why (because explaining beforehand would ruin the film)

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:51 pm
by Losonti Tokash
Aaron, have you watched My Name is Bruce?

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:55 pm
by Aaron
No, bruce campbell?

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:58 pm
by Agent Bert Macklin
Planet Terror and Piranha (2010) are good ones.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:58 pm
by Losonti Tokash
Bruce Campbell plays himself when a town in southern Oregon kidnaps him to help them fight an evil chinese deity who is killing them off.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:02 pm
by Aaron

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:16 pm
by Agent Bert Macklin
Watch Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. It's about hicks being mistaken as killers. It's the only movie that actually makes hicks charming and likable.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:22 pm
by Shroom Man 777

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:55 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
Hobo with a Shotgun is a fucked up movie.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:51 am
by Oxymoron
In a good or a bad way ?

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:27 pm
by Shroom Man 777
in all ways

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:14 pm
by Agent Bert Macklin
Oxymoron wrote:In a good or a bad way ?
I enjoyed it, but I can't see my self watching it again. It's too fucked up. I don't know much about exploitation films from the 70s and shit, so I don't know exactly what it was trying to do. Mimic them?

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:29 pm
by Shroom Man 777
ditto it was a awsomeng movie but i probably wouldn't watch it again the experience was very visceral

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:50 pm
by Aaron
Negative Knub wrote:
Oxymoron wrote:In a good or a bad way ?
I enjoyed it, but I can't see my self watching it again. It's too fucked up. I don't know much about exploitation films from the 70s and shit, so I don't know exactly what it was trying to do. Mimic them?
I'm not sure either. When violence is the system, only violence is the answer?

I see a guy forced to abandon his dream to tear down the system that's made his dream impossible, and to make life better for someone he cares about.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:55 pm
by Aaron
Remember that Hobos entire reason for wanting to start a lawn care business was to bring a little joy to people's lives by cleaning things up. So they might realize that life shouldn't have to be about just survival.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:10 pm
by Oxymoron
That sound interesting.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:18 pm
by Aaron
You can thank Rutger Hauer for injecting that stuff, he felt the movie lacked some essential emotion and humanity, or so I hear.

It's still an extremely brutal film, complete with mangled penis.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:24 am
by Aaron
Jesus, Death Proof was awful. Legitimately terrible, the cars were the best part. Well Stuntman Mike getting a roundhouse from Zoe Bell was pretty good.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:42 am
by Agent Bert Macklin
Aaron wrote:Jesus, Death Proof was awful. Legitimately terrible, the cars were the best part. Well Stuntman Mike getting a roundhouse from Zoe Bell was pretty good.
It's Tarantino. It's destined to be awful.

However, I liked the first half but completely hated the second. I hate it so much that I call the entire movie shit. I recall people saying positive things about the stunt work. It's bad. Very bad. The repetitiveness of that chick holding on to the hood was dreadfully boring.

Planet Terror is vastly superior.

Re: Aaron Does The "B" Movie

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:55 am
by Aaron
Yeah the first part is better, with at least some depth to the characters.