The Last Jedi (spoilers)

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The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#1 Post by Bounty »

yeah i'm not sold on this movie.

All the parts were there. It's competently made, the acting's A+, there's big setpieces and small character moments.

But... what's it about? What are people fighting for? What's a rebellion that can fit on the Falcon? If the First Order will control most systems in weeks, who is doing the resisting?

The whole movie felt weirdly small, like a party that's winding down and you don't know where everyone went.

If it had just been the Luke/Rey bits and the Snoke/Rey/Ren scene, I'd have been happy. Now it just left me a bit empty and a lot confused about what this universe is supposed to be.

I'll reserve final judgment until XI wraps up the story, but for me it's a 6/10. Rogue One did this story better.
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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#2 Post by Big Orangutan »

Well Rogue One had the stable framework of the PT and OT to work, while The Last Jedi pulling the carpet out from beneath the audience and subverting the formula doesn't have that. I still liked it.
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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#3 Post by Big Orangutan »

Rian Johnson was OK with the Rey/Luke/Kylo/Snoke segments, but essentially fucks up with the First Order's conquest of the galaxy - we could've had Leia' s fleet be chased by the FO Imperial fleet but then join forces with other warships from the remaining New Republic worlds (or even less extreme Imperial faction rivals to the FO) and this builds up the wider setting (with the stunned, unbalanced New Republic implied to be slowly regrouping to launch hit and run hyper jump attacks on the mightier FO fleet).

But no, we get the massive FO flotilla leisurely drift after the couple of Resistance frigates, lobbing turbo laser rounds at Leia's ship like they're darn cannon balls and it's the age of sail, rendering the segment almost as uninvolving as the Trade Federation blockade of Naboo (salvaged somewhat by Snoke's maginificant B2 shaped Star Dreadnought and watching it being kamikazee rammed).

And Rian Johnson, do you know about combined fleet tactics?!
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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#4 Post by Crazedwraith »

The Last Jedi was... okay. Mostly it was uninteresting and boring. I'd read spoilers before hand which is a double edged sword, I wasn't as pissed by some of the stupidity but I wasn't blown away by any twists and lack of revelations as either.

The final scenes actually make up a lot of ground in the actually being good department.

Luke's arc works sort of, in the context of this film and the sequel trilogy as established but it's not what I wanted and not particular good for the character either. Like Han in TFA, it works om paper. Not particularly satisfying.

Likewise the end of the Ren/Rey/Snoke, it's clever. It's not satisfying.

There are basically no characters I care about anymore though, and no obvious direction for IX to go in, other than a straight up war plot and an Rey/Ren showdown. (Maybe they can go full RotJ and have starkiller ii? Idek)
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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#5 Post by Big Orangutan »

I didn't find The Last Jedi, despite its faults, quite as dull as longish stretches of TPM and the opening stretch of Rogue One, with even Planet Monte Carlo being OK on first viewing.
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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#6 Post by adr-admin »

I've actually heard a lot of things about this movie that make it interesting to me. TFA I thought was quite dull. Boring to watch, uninteresting to talk about. But the simple fact that I see analyses of the last jedi character development that I find interesting means there might legit be something to it...

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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#7 Post by Big Orangutan »

My mum saw the blu rays of the relatively recent SW films - she loved the shit out of TFA (Rogue, however, bored the shit out of her).
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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#8 Post by adr-admin »

sooooo I just watched it... and I quite liked it, actually.
Bounty wrote:But... what's it about? What are people fighting for? What's a rebellion that can fit on the Falcon? If the First Order will control most systems in weeks, who is doing the resisting?
I saw the movie as being a three act structure about the idea of heroic legends.

In act 1, we kinda have the triumph of the idea: Poe destroys that big ship, Rey finds Luke. In act 2, we have the disillusionment in legend as reality strikes. Poe's actions was a tactical victory but a strategic loss. Luke is explicitly shown to have disconnected, giving up on the Jedi idea, because his reality couldn't live up the legend about him. Similarly, the legendary code breaker plan fails because the reality is the enemy were the higher bidder. But then, act three is a rebirth of the idea of legends, with Luke taking up the mantle again and the Rebel survivors inspiring the next generation to believe in their own thing.

Is it a new hope or all this has happened before and it will all happen again? well i think saying "both" fits in pretty well too.

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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#9 Post by Stofsk »

i hated this film and i now hate star wars plz shoot me

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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#10 Post by Ralin »

Stofsk wrote:i hated this film and i now hate star wars plz shoot me
That's sad. I thought it was choppy, but I liked it.

Have you tried looking up the misogynist edit? That might help you enjoy it more.

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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#11 Post by Stofsk »

What if i hate all the male characters as well

Is there an equal opportunity hater cut

oh wait thats the entire movie nm

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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#12 Post by Big Orangutan »

Eh, I thought Poe, Hux, and Holdo were fighting over the idiot ball in a slightly ponderous space chase/siege.

The casino world, Canto Bight, I like coming back to with concept art book.

Snoke was a jumped up Palpatine wannabe who refreshingly got what was coming to him.
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Re: The Last Jedi (spoilers)

#13 Post by Ralin »

Big Orangutan wrote:Snoke was a jumped up Palpatine wannabe who refreshingly got what was coming to him.
I like that they recognized they don't really need to give more background to Snoke beyond "Evil wizard who started amassing power in the void left after the Empire was defeated."

I mean yeah, you can probably come up with a good story about where he came from, but he doesn't have to be a former student or lieutenant of Palpatine or whatever. It's a big galaxy. Shit pops up.

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