Godammed SDN

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Re: Godammed SDN

#476 Post by Zod »

adr wrote:The length of Alyrium's posts makes War and Peace look like a Twitter tweet.
at least he's not as bad as dominos atheos

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Re: Godammed SDN

#477 Post by adr-admin »

or destructionator xiii

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Re: Godammed SDN

#478 Post by Phantasee »

adr wrote:or destructionator xiii
fuck that guy LOL
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Re: Godammed SDN

#479 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

On page 3 of the TPM thread:
Oni Koneko Damien wrote:There's really nothing here to address. You clearly lack even a basic understanding of plot and character development, and seem to revel in that ignorance. I've already well made my point: The prequels are an exercise in sub-mediocrity that fail on multiple fronts. What makes them special in their sub-mediocrity is the small yet religiously devoted group of fatties who engage in mental gymnastics to defend concepts they don't understand in fields of study they have no qualification to address, for a greater audience who mostly doesn't care except for amusement purposes.
How many laps around this basic point have the people with far more patience than me (I'm looking at you, Bakustra!)gone through since then?

Maybe I'm drawing connections where there are none, but something struck me today: It seems like the same kind of people who will go, "Raping the known laws of physics with FTL drives and jeep-mounted 500 juggaton cannons is fine by me, but zombies are far too implausible for my tastes!" also run with the, "You are all just fanboys who can't see the very obviously implied, subtle and complex character motivations that only me and the elite few (who just happen to damn near religiously love this movie, but I swear that's coincidence!) can see... despite none of us showing any real knowledge of basic literary/theatrical concepts," mode of thought.

I remember DW would often go on tirades about the tribalistic tendencies of anyone from religious adherents to political activists to sports fans... when some of the best examples of that sort of thinking (including fervent attempts to project the label on anyone who points it out) come up in nearly every thread that dares criticize the holy prequels.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#480 Post by Stofsk »

that thread lost me when elfdart claimed with a straight face that the blockade was illegal, despite no-one at any point in the film ever saying such

and he says the prequel haters make up shit!

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Re: Godammed SDN

#481 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

I love 'prequel haters' and other similar terms. Technically anyone who came away from those films dissatisfied could fall under that umbrella... which equates to a good majority of the people who went to see the movies. Some of us just tried to explain why. With the implied definition Elfdart and Raynor are using, I guess I'm also a 'Doom-movie hater', 'Matrix sequel hater', 'Voyager hater' and 'probably-over-half-of-Tim-Burton's-works hater' as well, among other things.

The thing is if people can admit that it's just a crappy film but still state they like it... I'd be fine with that. I can relate to it really well, I like all sorts of objectively shitty stuff. It's just how much importance they place on it, as if they're using the movie to validate their own self-esteem, and thus any attack on the movie is an attack on them, it amuses me and inspires more poking.

Maybe I should post a list of really shitty movies/books that still had better characterization and motivation than TPM:

Twilight: Edward's a sociopath, Bella's a self-absorbed bitch, they demonstrate it incredibly well throughout movies and books.
Prince of Space: The chicken-men of Krankor want to take over earth for its more efficient energy processes so they can expand their own empire and fleet.
Doom, Repercussions of Evil: John Stalvern has a childhood-created pathological hatred/fear of demons, and his actions show it (and then John was a zombie). The demons themselves need no motivation because they do nothing other than try to defend themselves (and fire the rocket missiles).

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Re: Godammed SDN

#482 Post by Flagg »

I'm convinced that the only reason most die hard Fatty Warsies love the prequels is because they got to use them to point out gigatons and other assorted nerdery.

I like them because they are mindless action movies with good special effects and passable plots. They are slightly above the level of Michael bay, really.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#483 Post by Zod »

Djinnkitty83 wrote: I remember DW would often go on tirades about the tribalistic tendencies of anyone from religious adherents to political activists to sports fans... when some of the best examples of that sort of thinking (including fervent attempts to project the label on anyone who points it out) come up in nearly every thread that dares criticize the holy prequels.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#484 Post by starku »

Stofsk wrote:that thread lost me when elfdart claimed with a straight face that the blockade was illegal, despite no-one at any point in the film ever saying such

and he says the prequel haters make up shit!
the laugh is that if the plot was built around EITHER it being legal or illegal it would have been better

but of course the blockade is just a plot device to start the movie and then hopefully the audience forgets about it

i remember when people said shit like 'trade fed ship remind me of death star' and stuff

y'know the way they do nothing and appear to serve no purpose

and tbh rots has worse acting than any michael bay movie i have ever seen

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Re: Godammed SDN

#485 Post by Zod »

starku wrote:
Stofsk wrote:that thread lost me when elfdart claimed with a straight face that the blockade was illegal, despite no-one at any point in the film ever saying such

and he says the prequel haters make up shit!
the laugh is that if the plot was built around EITHER it being legal or illegal it would have been better

but of course the blockade is just a plot device to start the movie and then hopefully the audience forgets about it

i remember when people said shit like 'trade fed ship remind me of death star' and stuff

y'know the way they do nothing and appear to serve no purpose

and tbh rots has worse acting than any michael bay movie i have ever seen
would blocking naboo even be remotely effective?

i mean you'd think an entire planet would have some sort of self sufficiency going on

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Re: Godammed SDN

#486 Post by Flagg »

You missed TF3. Don't watch it to try and prove me wrong, just accept it and move on.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#487 Post by starku »

Zod wrote:would blocking naboo even be remotely effective?

i mean you'd think an entire planet would have some sort of self sufficiency going on
the only way it makes sense is as a political demonstration; if laws were passed that harmed the federation, they could have been posturing to help repeal the laws

without any specifics about any of it at all, it's all just make shit up

but i like to think that the tf had a concession for that part of the galaxy to control or tax all trade and valorum threatened it, and they're flexing their muscles to help their paid lobbyists get them killed

and seriously rots is one of the worst movies i have ever seen, and i'm not even exaggerating

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Re: Godammed SDN

#488 Post by Flagg »

I think it's the best of the prequels, which isn't saying much. But I have no emotional attachment to SW whatsoever so I didn't get the whole "they raped my childhood!!!!" panic attacks. Plus I just have low standards for dumb action movies.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#489 Post by starku »

i dunno, like, rots acting is so terrible it makes home and away look like ian mckellan

i seriosuly can't even get through the opening battle without turning it off

ps the acting in anh wasn't that great but it pisses all over wooden mcgregor

i think the fake obi-wan in the tv shows is a way better actor than him, which is hilarious

anyway just like star trek i don't really get why people still give a shit ten years later

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Re: Godammed SDN

#490 Post by Flagg »

Yeah, the first half of that movie is painful. And it's all down to either Lucas being a shit director (the theory I'm going with as all of the actors are equally stiff in this accept for Palpantine) or the stars just not giving a fuck (I've seen Sam Jackson do much better acting in much worse movies, so I don't buy it). Then again, it's probably some of both. And I don't include Christiansen in this analysis as he's just as shitty in every other movie I've seen him in.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#491 Post by adr-admin »

TPM is the best of the prequels.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#492 Post by adr-admin »

I was forged in the intellectual crucible of this board, and have a rather extensive knowledge base upon which I operate including formal training in biology, and somewhat less extensive formal training in philosophy and the social sciences. To claim I debate poorly based on nothing but your claim that is is such, is indeed to throw stones from a glass house.


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Re: Godammed SDN

#493 Post by Flagg »

adr wrote:I was forged in the intellectual crucible of this board, and have a rather extensive knowledge base upon which I operate including formal training in biology, and somewhat less extensive formal training in philosophy and the social sciences. To claim I debate poorly based on nothing but your claim that is is such, is indeed to throw stones from a glass house.

AD again?
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Re: Godammed SDN

#494 Post by adr-admin »


"intellectual crucible"


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Re: Godammed SDN

#495 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

As Havok said in his RotS thread way back, the best bit of acting by Hayden and Portman was when they were silently brooding while looking out the window. I still think Obi Wan's YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE TO BRING BALANCE TO THE FORCE is the best bit of acting on the entire PT. That's a shame because McGregor is better than that. Fucking Lucas is such a shit director.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#496 Post by Flagg »

adr wrote:Yup.

"intellectual crucible"


I want to shoot him in the face for that. :lol:
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Re: Godammed SDN

#497 Post by Zod »

adr wrote:I was forged in the intellectual crucible of this board, and have a rather extensive knowledge base upon which I operate including formal training in biology, and somewhat less extensive formal training in philosophy and the social sciences. To claim I debate poorly based on nothing but your claim that is is such, is indeed to throw stones from a glass house.

anyone remember when he got rightly stomped on for claiming to be a biologist even though he hadn't even graduated yet? good times

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Re: Godammed SDN

#498 Post by Aaron »

Yeah, and I was born in fucking Moscow. :roll:

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Re: Godammed SDN

#499 Post by Djinnkitty83 »

TPM had wooden acting and a nonsensical, meandering plot.

AotC had slightly better acting, but the plot took a huge turn for the worse becoming blatantly self-contradictory while characterization turned everyone into either idiots or sociopaths.

RotS managed to combine the flat acting of the first with the I'M A JUGGALO WOOP WOOP plot-points and character assholishness of the second, making it the worst in my opinion. Then it cemented itself with, by far, one of the worst ending sequences I've ever seen.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#500 Post by Veef »

no the problem is AOTC and ROTS only have enough plot between the two of them for one movie

the rest is endless padding :[

I will admit the one good bit of acting in TPM is when Kidakin says goodbye to his mom

if only because little kids are very good at faking sincerity to adults :D
