Armored core 5 get out of those threads

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Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#1 Post by starku »

So ford why's up with all the boosts

Lb tuna your boosters on to skate
Ls click blows your whole charge on a forward boost
A jumps
X boosts forward
Hold x boots forward with a ninja flip

I am a tank so I can't be very agile but I want to know how to most efficiently use my 150,000 energy lol

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#2 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

Okay basically it works like this. You have four modalities of rocketing: boost, hi-boost, glide boost and boost drive (boost boost boost boost).

You obviously already understand boosting. It's free on the ground and water and improves your mobility generally. The standard settings have jump set so it activates boost, so typically if you get airborne you will automatically fly, but this takes energy. If you need to get to the ground faster you can switch off boost by hitting LB. Also if you switch off boost while over a body of water you will immediately drop beneath the surface. This can protect you from missiles and beams and it has even faster energy regen than scan modo.

Hi-boost is triggered with X and is similar to quick boosting from For Answer. You can hi-boost in any direction much as in that game, but it has a larger energy drain and slower refresh. As you know if you hold down X you'll execute a boost charge, which is melee attack which determines its power based on your leg type. Tanks have the strongest boost charge, followed by heavy bipeds.

Glide boost is activated by clicking the left stick and is similar to Overboost from For Answer. It has a couple of difference: first, it can only be activated while you're on the ground. Second, you can activate it in any direction, including backwards. This is something you should probably learn how to do because tanks can't boost drive so being able to reverse at triple speed can be handy if you get into a tight spot.

Boost drive is wall kicks. It's the core of agility but not available to tanks. You can apparently combine boost drive and hi-boost for crazy speed, but I'm not good enough to get the timing right. Reverse joint types have the best boost drives, bipeds and quads are about even.

There's something else you need to know though: as you're landing after being in the air, you get a turning bonus so you can drift and shit. Tanks get the best bonus, but otherwise have inferior turning radii. You need to work out how to use that drift bonus. Also you might want to think about investing in a high acceleration booster over a top speed booster, so that you can hi-boost better if you need to avoid some fools with chainsaw arrays or laser blades.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#3 Post by Veef »

man i need this shit

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#4 Post by starku »

man i got one-hit killed by a chainsaw array

very embarassing

ok so when you say you get a turning bonus when landing, is that when landing from a jump into a skate, or when landing into boosters-off? cause my speed in actual tank tread mode is apalling and i want to avoid using it... althought the 'repaired' basic tank legs have way better boost performance than the junk ones.

to get out of that canal in story mission 00 i had to go under the water, jump out of it, then glide boost out

so i learned all the buttons but no idea how to use them

veef i only played 4 and fa briefly (they sucked lol) but this seems to have almost all the actual abilities with like a third the buttons and button combos to use them

i am thinking of experimenting with really narrow fcs to see if i can play like a shooter with a bit of auto aim; my fcs window atm is ridiculous (which realy helps with the arcing guns i use)

ps even the gatling has a range defined by ballistic paths, its awesome, pick a guy off way outside fcs range = lol

also may switch thermal cannon to regular cannon because it apparently has much better range and i have no real range options atm

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#5 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

In the prologue mission right? The first time he missed me and I was all 'haha got you know' then he just zipped up out of nowhere and trashed me lol

I still need to experiment with the drifting to understand how it works. All my robot control is pretty amateurish at the moment, but I wasn't Char when I first started playing For Answer, either. Just play around with it in a mobility test in the workshop to get a feel for how your turning radius changes when you land. It might be that it triggers when your boosters are off, which will be important so you can catch guys with your cannons and boost charges.

I use a narrow high-speed FCS much like I did in For Answer because I am obsessed with chopping guys up, and I found I had to aim pretty close to get a lock. I'm not sure what the other FCS are like relative to that, though.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#6 Post by starku »

i like that there are different swords these days

cause i gotta save my energy for boosting lol

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#7 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

I want to unlock some piledrivers.

Apparently there's one with a HEAT charge strapped to the spike which is kind of cool lol.

I'm interested to see how many different laser blades there are and their properties. For Answer had a handful and they were generally the most differentiated weapon parts, but there were only a handful. ACV has shitloads more parts so you know. Also the effect is crazy, like it's on fire.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#8 Post by starku »

i'm blown away by the changes to quads

they used to be high agility, moderate load, wierd-boosting

ow they're great at hovering, have great directional manouvrability, and the stability bonuses (which increase rof) when crouched are IN SANE

insane in the BRAIN

they are captian overwatch and captain deploy and snipe

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#9 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that quads are now flight kings. Previously it was reverse joints which had the superior flying characteristics, but they've changed things up. Admittedly flight is quite expensive, but I think quads have less energy drain for hovering.

Good to see their pro-snipe qualities have been emphasised lol

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#10 Post by starku »

quads don't lose altitude while in boost mode (or lose it really slowly)
so they can jump up and chill out up there pew pewing

the r-js have extra boost when boosting though, they are the agility boosting kings

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#11 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

I had a bit of a lol when I first saw them because they have huge boosters strapped to their knees

But you know it makes their agility pretty understandable.

But man I love the deploying knee-shields on bipeds. I almost want to play sniper just for that.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#12 Post by starku »

yeah the huge saturn fives on their knees are great

the bipeds seem pretty boring though, but i guess they're the regular middle-road stuff

i'm glad that the l/m/h breakdown isn't really aggressive like in older games; h-rjs aren't super-slow with still crap load, they're just heavier than the mediums


gotta find the subquests to unlock more tanks

i unlocked a battle rifle by 'finding' a 'wreck' but i don't remember actually doing that

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#13 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

Oh shit I didn't realise that subquests could give you parts. That's really cool, I'll have to keep a sharp eye out on story missions.

And yeah bipeds are pretty vanilla. I mostly just use them because I like the silhouette lol.

Also they have pretty good boost charges and I know that inevitably I'll just end up swording all the time.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#14 Post by starku »

I think the colour and number of bullets is important

Bronze bullets are for kills etc

Silver ones seem to be conditionals

The last lot seem to be for mission specific stuff like 'dot lose much health' or 'kill the helicopter real fast'

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#15 Post by starku »

Hy ford are you going to be on tonightz

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#16 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

Yeah, I can plug the ol' box in and hop online. I've got that pass from Zod, after all. You'll need to add me again, as due to shenanigans I can no longer access Live using my usual account. It's D FIREFISISTERS.

Ugh, I just realised that my save game is associated with my other live thing so ... hopefully it's not a problem.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#17 Post by starku »

Did u lose your password????

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#18 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

I forgot it

And I also deleted the email associated with it.

So now I can't be logged into my Lau Richards profile while connected to the internet. So I made a new account (D FIRESISTERS) to use with Live, but I still play games on Lau Richards when I'm disconnected (gamer points yo). I hadn't really thought about this at all lol

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#19 Post by starku »

You can copy the file to the other profile
But I Think there are problems with doing so

You should be able to recover your account using payment details tho

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#20 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

The only payment I ever made with my main profile was with one of those cards I got with my headset, so I never put any real info into the account, probably. I'll just have to fuck around with customer support at some point.

It'd be really annoying if I have to start over just to play online lol but I'll just deal with it.

Also what time will you be on this evening?

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#21 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

Okay with a great deal of rigmarole I have connected to Live properly, have a headset etc

I'll be on after dinner.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#22 Post by starku »

I'll do an install then

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#23 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

I need to wait for someone to get off the phone, so maybe ten minutes.

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#24 Post by starku »

it says you joined hte team but... you didn't

fuckin ODD

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Re: Armored core 5 get out of those threads

#25 Post by F.J. Prefect, Esq »

Yeah it was kind of weird. I think it might just have been my end. If you're not busy we should try again tomorrow night lol

PS. dual blading = holy shit ridiculous flaming cross slash

I feel like the son of the sun

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