Godammed SDN

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11076 Post by Count Chocula »

Zod wrote:
Count Chocula wrote:Good job Stark, you're capitalizing the beginning of each sentence. Maybe we can work on spelling and punctuation when you're not being all E.E. Cummings for the lulz.

You tell me, or guess: was GS do goddamn good at obfuscating Greek debt and deficit ratios that the ECB, BNP Paribas, Generali, Societe General, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland, all of which have billions of Euros in Greek bonds, had NO FUCKING IDEA the Greek government was lying about their position? GS is the bad guy in your mind, and if I were running GS (yes complete fantasy) I would have stayed away from a client seeking to mislead investors; have you considered the possibility that GS was the low bidder for what the Greek government wanted done? The whole Greek episode strikes me as a three monkeys see, hear and speak no evil scenario that worked for a while until it inevitably fell apart under the weight of too many obligations. Of course this is all just a thought exercise, I don't have any links. And I'm frothing at the mouth right now, yes I am. Just rabid.
I'm sure everyone that invested in the Facebook IPO would vouch for GS' trustworthiness.
ITT we discover that Zod is Stark's bitch. Or, alternatively, we discover that the investors in Facebook's IPO had no fucking clue how to do a market valuation or read a balance sheet, or just pinned all their hopes on the bigger fool theory only to have it blow up in their face(books)s.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11077 Post by Zod »

Count Chocula wrote:
Zod wrote:
Count Chocula wrote:Good job Stark, you're capitalizing the beginning of each sentence. Maybe we can work on spelling and punctuation when you're not being all E.E. Cummings for the lulz.

You tell me, or guess: was GS do goddamn good at obfuscating Greek debt and deficit ratios that the ECB, BNP Paribas, Generali, Societe General, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland, all of which have billions of Euros in Greek bonds, had NO FUCKING IDEA the Greek government was lying about their position? GS is the bad guy in your mind, and if I were running GS (yes complete fantasy) I would have stayed away from a client seeking to mislead investors; have you considered the possibility that GS was the low bidder for what the Greek government wanted done? The whole Greek episode strikes me as a three monkeys see, hear and speak no evil scenario that worked for a while until it inevitably fell apart under the weight of too many obligations. Of course this is all just a thought exercise, I don't have any links. And I'm frothing at the mouth right now, yes I am. Just rabid.
I'm sure everyone that invested in the Facebook IPO would vouch for GS' trustworthiness.
ITT we discover that Zod is Stark's bitch. Or, alternatively, we discover that the investors in Facebook's IPO had no fucking clue how to do a market valuation or read a balance sheet, or just pinned all their hopes on the bigger fool theory only to have it blow up in their face(books)s.
itt chock doesn't understand the concept behind bait & switch

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11078 Post by Count Chocula »

itt chock doesn't understand the concept behind bait & switch
Uhh Zod, that pretty much sums up the "Greater Fool" theory. Thanks for the redundancy, I thank you thanks a lot.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11079 Post by Zod »

Count Chocula wrote:
itt chock doesn't understand the concept behind bait & switch
Uhh Zod, that pretty much sums up the "Greater Fool" theory. Thanks for the redundancy, I thank you thanks a lot.
except not

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11080 Post by Director of Celestial Intelligence »

Hey guys can it be my turn to shitpost?

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11081 Post by Zod »

feel free

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11082 Post by Director of Celestial Intelligence »

Zod wrote:feel free
too fuckin late, y'all ruined my mojo :colbert:

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11083 Post by Pieman »


Therefore, it follows by inspection that everyone is wrong. Yes, you lurkers who aren't posting are wrong too. It's obvious.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11084 Post by Gands »

weemadando wrote:From a post on Shep's FB:
Dennis Novak wrote:You can continue your love fest of North Korea, Iran, and others. The false glamor of evil is strong, and Liberals and other undesirables are easily seduced by it.
Oh mang. And people wonder why the US is treated by other countries like an severely mentally impaired 300lb man-baby with rage issues and a gun pointed at everyone.
I think that guy is edgeplay from HPCA. The one who goes on about hanging people.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11085 Post by weemadando »

Ryan Crierie
Friday at 23:19 via Mobile ·
God Bless JDAMbama!
Drone strikes threaten 50 years of international law, says UN rapporteur
US policy of using drone strikes to carry out targeted killings 'may encourage other states to flout international law'
Like · · Unfollow post
Bill Martin likes this.

Dennis Novak
No they don't. Gunboat diplomacy is as old as guns and boats. There is a simple International Law that these scum need to understand. Don't piss off someone who can hurt you. If they want to wage war on us through terrorists, then be prepared for a constant rain of bombs. They're lucky we're not doing punitive raids. We need to burn a couple of cities to get their attention.
Friday at 23:36 · Like · 1

Anders Russell
Because that'll in no way cause more problems... But hey, I guess you can keep on burning cities until theta nothing left. As long as you feel like making excuses for why people need to be killed, the excuses will be found. Can't wait to see what historians a hundred years from now think of it.
Yesterday at 00:44 · Like

Michael Wong
Gotta love Dennis Novak's caveman reasoning: "it does not break international law, because the only international law is the law of the jungle". News flash: the law of the jungle is no law at all.
Yesterday at 01:26 · Like · 1

Dennis Novak
News Flash Wong. There is no International Law.

Have you spit on a Pacifist today?
20 hours ago · Edited · Like

Michael Wong Of course there's international law. The fact that your country habitually IGNORES it does not magically make it go away. It just makes you a rogue nation. You know, "rogue nation"? That term you always sling around when you're explaining what makes OTHER countries bad?
18 hours ago · Like

Dennis Novak
You can continue your love fest of North Korea, Iran, and others. The false glamor of evil is strong, and Liberals and other undesirables are easily seduced by it.
16 hours ago · Like

Anders Russell
You see, it's that kind of stupid comment that highlights your idiocy. Just because we call the US out on inane, counterproductive and questionably legal practices, doesn't mean that we automatically want to go and cuddle with the Kim clan. But hey, I guess anything but a super simple black and white world view just makes life too complex for you and your ilk. Guess what, you aren't the world's policeman anymore. Well, you are. But now you're the world's power-crazed, corrupt policeman. Congratulations.
15 hours ago · Like

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11086 Post by adr-admin »

did you guys hear about israel following our lead?

they've added their own random drone executions to kill innocent people in palestine



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Re: Godammed SDN

#11087 Post by Pieman »

I thought they'd already been doing it for a while only with helicopters instead of drones because they didn't have any robot minions.

I wonder how many countries would do this kind of thing if they had drones, instead of having to send actual soldiers or spies out in force to go kill people for them.

Power corrupts, y'know? Power to send robot assassins after people corrupts too.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11088 Post by RogueIce »

Pieman wrote:Yes, you lurkers who aren't posting are wrong too. It's obvious.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11089 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11090 Post by Darth Fanboy »

The Intellectual Crucible STRIKES AGAIN
Skywalker T_65 wrote:
Also creepy that if she is 32...wouldn't that mean she had the kid when she was 13? So I would say that this mom never really had much control in that regard...

Oh and it is a good thing she's in prison...moral problems aside, the kid is 16 so the mom really shouldn't have been doing that.

From the creepy incesty mom thread over there.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11091 Post by The Spartan »

To be fair, if he was using the number pad the 6 and the 3 are right next to each other.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11092 Post by Oxymoron »

@ Shroom : Roger that. Just did a bit of gardening and went out thursday with my friends.

But how am I supposed to dance under the monsoon rain around here ? :v
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Skywalker T_65 wrote:
Also creepy that if she is 32...wouldn't that mean she had the kid when she was 13? So I would say that this mom never really had much control in that regard...

Oh and it is a good thing she's in prison...moral problems aside, the kid is 16 so the mom really shouldn't have been doing that.
Even without the bad math and excluding the icky incest bits, it's as if these guys had never heard of teen pregnancy as a phenomenon.

I suppose that's what happen when you don't teach Sex-Ed to young adolescent aside from abstinence, have a culture that strongly discourage abortion against all odds, and have no social safety net that could allow people with problems (mental or otherwise) to get help without putting them in debt or in an institution, right ?

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11093 Post by Darth Fanboy »

I don't think at this point anyone is going to accuse her of violating her track record of good life decisions, but I do agree with you. Unfortunately her time in prison, which in theory could be a time (albeit far from an ideal time) to get said help but given the way US prisons work I'm not so optimistic.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11094 Post by Count Chocula »

On the F&F thread: has Nit always been a Democrat apologist by knee-jerk reflex, just because, or is his asshattery unique to the topic? God forbid someone with an (R) to the right of their name actually see that something very very wrong was done and try to get to the bottom of it.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11095 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

He's always been an apologist and his posts over the years regarding Obama offer no insight and have no sign of critical thought.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11096 Post by Count Chocula »

But, but, he's TROLLHUNTER!1!1 Surely he's the best of the best.

(looks at the TEO mod roster)

Oh never mind, over there he IS the 1%.
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Re: Godammed SDN

#11097 Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Director of Celestial Intelligence wrote:Hey guys can it be my turn to shitpost?
Dunno if it'll matter. I detonated a Sheridan's Nuke in Ryan's face, and noooobody blinked.

Fire at will! :troll:

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11098 Post by Darth Fanboy »

Count Chocula wrote:On the F&F thread: has Nit always been a Democrat apologist by knee-jerk reflex, just because, or is his asshattery unique to the topic? God forbid someone with an (R) to the right of their name actually see that something very very wrong was done and try to get to the bottom of it.
To the point where it is detrimental to the left wing argument, but Nitram is practically the architect of the reactionary echo chamber in N&P and nobody does shit about it.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11099 Post by RogueIce »

Darth Fanboy wrote:The Intellectual Crucible STRIKES AGAIN
Skywalker T_65 wrote:
Also creepy that if she is 32...wouldn't that mean she had the kid when she was 13? So I would say that this mom never really had much control in that regard...

Oh and it is a good thing she's in prison...moral problems aside, the kid is 16 so the mom really shouldn't have been doing that.

From the creepy incesty mom thread over there.
I'm less baffled at the math mistake than the notion that if you have sex as a teenager you're going to keep lusting after teenagers even into adulthood.

Instead of, you know, having sex with other teens because you're a teenager yourself and growing out of that into adulthood. But I
guess teenage sex = must forever resist urge to statutory rape?

Not so much from that quote as from this one:
I was just pointing out that if she had the kid as a teen ... then she would be less adverse to her kid being a teen while having sex with him.

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Re: Godammed SDN

#11100 Post by Phantasee »

oh wow

i just assumed he thought that she just had no control over her sex drive generally

but nope, just a retard
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