Testing Chat Thread

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#601 Post by Flagg »

Jung wrote:
Flagg wrote:Apparently :duchess: thinks dead holocaust Jews are in Hell. This is hilarious to me for some reason.
No where. I misinterpreted things and fucked up. Won't be last time. Sorry :duchess: .
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#602 Post by RyanThunder »

Jung wrote:Speaking of :duchess: this thread gives me a strange feeling

I mean here we are with a massive unemployment problem and we've got a discussion about how we've apparently got to bump the retirement age up to 70 to save costs

This may be a really stupid opinion but I can't help seeing "we need people to retire only right before they die" in terms of capitalism's inherent institutional tendency to want to squeeze as much as possible out of as few employees as possible while paying them as little as possible, and wonder if this is actually the way we want to run our society

Like I wonder how much liesure time we could actually afford as a society with modern technology if the model was to try to maximize it in balance with material living standards and within bounds of practicality instead of letting capitalism set the tune with some restraints to keep it from going full dark satanic mills on us.

Is this hopelessly idealistic?
It is in a capitalist system, yeah. You need some kind of centrally-organized economy for that to work. Otherwise you get stupid economic infighting and stuff like what we have today.

What the hell are Duchess' politics anyway? It's like she wants everybody to suffer. I don't get why.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#603 Post by Flagg »

RyanThunder wrote: What the hell are Duchess' politics anyway? It's like she wants everybody to suffer. I don't get why.

She had a fucked up childhood, and like most of us with fucked up childhoods it skewers how we view people. She's like ultra-rightwing conservative.
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#604 Post by Aaron »

No she's actually not. She has dumb attitudes towards retirement but she's not Shep, or Bart Blade.

She's also Trans which makes her a non person to the right. And despite all the crazyness and shitty upbringing she's got more education, a better job and is happier then 95% of the members on there.

I'm actually happy for her now.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#605 Post by Flagg »

So she's changed?
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#606 Post by Aaron »

A fuck of a lot. You should try talking to her via pm sometime.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#607 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

sometimes people get better

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#608 Post by Aaron »


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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#609 Post by RyanThunder »

Yeah sounded kinda odd that she'd be conservative. That's good to hear that she's changed.

Oh hey, Aaron, PM me if you'd rather not discuss here, but you're up near Ottawa right? I may be up there later this month. If you're still down for it I could use the opportunity take you up on that offer to visit a shooting range to prove that I'm not a total haplophobe. :v

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#610 Post by Aaron »

Sure, that's cool

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#611 Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Now kiss (and send me the pics) :giggidy:
RyanThunder wrote:What the hell are Duchess' politics anyway? It's like she wants everybody to suffer. I don't get why.
I remember bitching up a big shitstorm at her about precisely this thing. Glad she's getting over her misanthropy.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#612 Post by Aaron »

Nah, he's not my type.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#613 Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Lulz. BTW how's Val doing?

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#614 Post by Aaron »


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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#615 Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Awesome :sun:

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#616 Post by Phantasee »

Stop being so chatty. This is the Chat Thread. Take your shit to OT.
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#617 Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I love you too Phant :sun: BTW how big is your beard?

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#618 Post by Count Chocula »

Feeding a mouse Plaster of Paris is like tossing Tums to a seagull...cruel and unusual.
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#619 Post by Straha »

The Massive cognitive schizophrenia in that thread is super irksome and makes me sincerely doubt so many people's intelligence.
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#620 Post by Darksi4190 »

"There are more people in India without power than there are in my entire fucking country. Let's crack jokes about it!"

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#621 Post by Aaron »

RyanThunder wrote:Yeah sounded kinda odd that she'd be conservative. That's good to hear that she's changed.

Oh hey, Aaron, PM me if you'd rather not discuss here, but you're up near Ottawa right? I may be up there later this month. If you're still down for it I could use the opportunity take you up on that offer to visit a shooting range to prove that I'm not a total haplophobe. :v
You mean August, right?

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#622 Post by Oxymoron »


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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#623 Post by Bakustra »

so after reading the algebra thread over on that other forum, you know the one, i have one response

possibly the reason that people fail exit exams involving algebra at such high rates is because the methods used don't encourage them to retain anything and so they only memorize for the class and let it go afterwards, rather than kids these days (or rather, younger members of one's own generational cohort, lol) being mentally handicapped universally

so this would suggest reworking the way algebra and other mathematical subjects are taught to improve retention, but of course pedagogy is a useless bit of humanities lol

besides these kind of people would then feel a sense of anger at no longer being an elite, i'm sure

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#624 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Broomstick just isn't bright. Her problem wasn't the calculus. It was the algebra. If you can't figure out that the limit as x approaches 5 of 3x is 15, you're doing something wrong. It's gets difficult when you get indeterminate limits. Don't get started on fucking integration by parts and U substitution. The algebra fucks you, not the calculus.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#625 Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

f(x) = ax² + bx + c

Maybe it's time for a GRAEPH!??!
