Dark Heresy

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Re: Dark Heresy

#76 Post by Aaron »

One of those emergency blanket things, like a casuality blanket (keeps you warm). An emergency shelter, you could zip them together. Some long burning candles, a tube of gel fuel. Some rope and water tablets.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#77 Post by Oxymoron »

So no medical supplies ? Okay.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#78 Post by RyanThunder »

Hey Aaron, since its still kinda early on, do you mind if I join in?

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Re: Dark Heresy

#79 Post by Aaron »

Yeah sure.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#80 Post by RyanThunder »

Name: Chloe
Homeworld: Schola Progenium
Career: Sororitas
Rank: Novice
Gender: Female
Build: Fit
Skin Color: Fair
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Age: 26
Quirk: You have an electoo
Family's Fate: Never to Return
Divination: Only in death does duty end.
Starting XP: 400
Starting Package: None

WS: 34
BS: 23
S: 37
T: 30
Ag: 32
Int: 35
Per: 34
WP: 31
Fel: 39
Wounds: 13
Fate Points: 2
Insanity Points: 0
Corruption Points: 0
Thrones: 84

Traits: Schola Education, Skill at Arms, Sheltered Upbringing, Tempered Will

Basic Skills: Common Lore (Administratum) (Int) (Sch. Ed.), Common Lore (Ecclesarchy) (Int) (Sch. Ed.), Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int) (Sch. Ed.), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int) (Sch. Ed.), Common Lore (War) (Int) (Sch. Ed.), Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) (Int) (Sch. Ed.)

Advanced Skills: Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int), Literacy (Int), Performer (Singer) (Fel), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (Copyist) (Int)

Talents: Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Las), Pistol Training (Las), Basic Weapons Training (Primitive), Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Las), Pure Faith

Gear: las pistol and charge pack, aquila necklace, chaplet Ecclesiasticus, vestments (Good Quality Clothing), 4 candles, writing kit, copy of the Rules of the Sororitas, Ring of Suffrage, club, carapace chest plate and mesh cowl, metal lho-stick case (memento)

Special Qualities: None

Family: Your mother's name is Drustilla. She walks the path of the Arbitrator. Your father's name is Stern. He walks the path of the Adept. Your sister's name was Salomis. She walked the path of the Cleric. She is deceased.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#81 Post by RyanThunder »

So I just noticed I have Literacy and Speak Language (Low Gothic) in there twice. Does that mean I get Literacy (+10) and Speak Language (Low Gothic) (+10) or do I have to pick something else? I just used the generator so I'm not entirely sure if that's valid without picking through the rulebook.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#82 Post by Aaron »

Ill check the book.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#83 Post by RyanThunder »

Actually I'll just assume I have some sort of bag or pack. Else I can't possibly carry even the stuff I start with. Cool?

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Re: Dark Heresy

#84 Post by Aaron »

Yes. You can all assume that you have the means to carry your gear. Pockets, bags, whatever.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#85 Post by Karza »

Okay, I'll put this here to avoid cluttering the main game thread.
RyanThunder wrote:Chloe snuffs out the ashen husk of her last lho-stick on the side of the shuttle and flicks the remains away into the wind. She pulls her Sororitas vestments tight around her and shivers slightly, attempting to suppress the involuntary response if anybody looks. "Emperor's balls, this place is cold." Retrieving her box from the guide, she examines the contents. She packs away everything except the rifle, which she examines more closely.
Do you have any idea what sort of a group Adeptus Sororitas is? "Emperor's balls" is not something that a member of them would ever say. In fact, it's the kind of a comment that'll get you burned at the stake by them.

This is why the books specifically caution against playing a Sororitas character unless you really know what you're doing, and the GM agrees that it's okay for whatever he has in mind. It's the one career that puts severe restrictions on how your character can react in many situations.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#86 Post by Aaron »

Yeah, we may have issues. Your character is a member of a very, very, very pious branch of the Imperium. Some of the stuff we may be doing would be at odds with her beliefs and stuff. So...to avoid lots of sitting in the truck, consider a new PC.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#87 Post by Aaron »

Hey Karza, shotguns still require a BS check, right?

This book isn't the easiest to navigate.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#88 Post by Oxymoron »

"BS" = bullshit ???

What does BS mean ?

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Re: Dark Heresy

#89 Post by evilsoup »

ballistic skill

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Re: Dark Heresy

#90 Post by Karza »

Background time:

Marcus hails from house Haas, which is based somewhere in the Malfian subsector. The family has a tradition of putting its sons and daughters through imperial service of some sort, as a means of acquiring the skills and contacts necessary for whatever position the family has planned for them.

The family heads consider Marcus more of an investigator and enforcer than a schemer, so he was sent to the Arbites. Typically a stint like this would last about 10 years, and Marcus was nearing the end of that when one particular case of violent murder turned out to be more than just juvies messing with 'slaught and knives. Sorting out that particular mess drew the attention of the Inquisition.

For GM's eyes only:
For starters, Marcus isn't from house Haas. He's from house Van Raders, a banking family from Malfi proper. Malfian politics and society in general being what they are, Marcus doesn't trust anyone in the group nearly enough to reveal his actual heritage. One must take certain precautions when outside your family's area of influence. Of course the inquisitor pulling our strings undoubtedly knows Marcus's true identity. Eventually the other acolytes might also start deducing things. Maybe someone realizes from his mannerisms that he's from Malfi proper, and it's not a long leap from there to assume that he's not telling the truth about his origins.

The story of him ending up in inquisitorial service is somewhat inaccurate too. He did show talent in trying to figure out the murder that turned out to be a part of the Calixian pattern killings, but secondment to the inquisition isn't so much a reward as it is a way to keep an eye on him.

Marcus is seriously out of his comfort zone. While the day to day process of hunting heretics isn't terribly different from tracking normal criminals, the fact is for the first time in his life he's in a situation that his family can't pull him out of. Also, at this point he's starting to suspect leaving inquisitorial service isn't going to be as easy as retiring from the Arbites, so his long-term plan of returning to deal with family business is in shambles. The reality of this hasn't quite sunk in yet though, so he still hopes he can deal with this quickly and return to his old life. This'll probably make a good character arc, as he slowly realizes and comes to terms with the fact that he really can't return home.

At the moment his family thinks he's just temporarily seconded to some special arbites unit. Eventually they'll discover more about the true situation. This will affect their plans, but if they ever find out just what Marcus has got himself into, they'll probably be more delighted than annoyed. Inconvenient requests will start arriving shortly afterwards.

Regarding the Vendetta trait: being a Malfian noble house, you can't really say house Van Raders has a single nemesis. On Malfi everyone is at war with everyone, and everyone is allied with everyone. So whenever you feel like inconveniencing Marcus via this trait, running into operations of any other Malfian noble house will do. Marcus of course tries to be circumspect about his origins, but he's not much of a schemer (at least not yet, and not by Malfian standards), so occasionally someone is going to recognize him. Of course Marcus might also recognize some family foe, which could cause trouble for the whole party as he's more interested in giving him grief than working towards the team's goal.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#91 Post by Karza »

Aaron wrote:Hey Karza, shotguns still require a BS check, right?

This book isn't the easiest to navigate.
Yeah. The scatter special quality just means that at point-blank range, every two degrees of success on the test means an extra hit on the target. Also at long or extreme range armor points are doubled against scatter attacks.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#92 Post by RyanThunder »

Karza wrote:Do you have any idea what sort of a group Adeptus Sororitas is?
Yeah. Fervently pious zealots. That's what the group wants their Battle Sisters to be like, of course, but I'm sure the United States would love it if every marine had a perfectly balanced personality and incorruptible sense of justice, too.
"Emperor's balls" is not something that a member of them would ever say. In fact, it's the kind of a comment that'll get you burned at the stake by them.
Good thing none of the them are around to hear it, then, eh? Put her in a room with some other Sisters and see what happens to her demeanor.

There are reasons why she's still a Novice at 26, lol.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#93 Post by Darksi4190 »

Look, that kind of impiousness doesn't get you not promoted in the Soritas. It get's you assigned to one of those fucked up squads where all you have is a chainsword and some chick chases you with a whip.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#94 Post by Karza »

Yeah. The thing is, Sororitas is about the only organization where the Imperium's exalted demands of piety are actually met. Furthermore, typically only the higher ranking proven veterans are allowed any contact with outsiders at all. So the hypothetical one-in-a-million low-ranking problem child is never going to be seconded to an inquisitorial investigator team. Even showing exemplary devotion during training and early service probably wouldn't be enough on its own.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#95 Post by joviwan »

If you aren't a pure, perfect example of fervent, worshipful piety--or aren't young enough that you couldn't possibly know any better--you aren't recruited into the Sisters of Battle.

If you lose any one of those aspects, you're booted, burned, or striped down into a red sash and given a sword and told to charge tanks--and that's only if you're really extremely sorry for what you did.

If you're really lucky, they crucify you--with nails--into a blessed war engine and give the same instructions.

There was a rules question earlier. I'm not 100% positive, but I'm *reasonably* certain that if Character Generation grants you two skills at +0, you do *not* get the +10 rank upgrade for free. Those can only be purchased with earned XP.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#96 Post by RyanThunder »

Well, that sounds hideously boring, so I'll just roll another one.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#97 Post by Aaron »

So, you gonna roll another?

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Re: Dark Heresy

#98 Post by joviwan »

Also, I didn't mean to sound like a character archetype crushing rules lawyering canon-only douchebag. It's just that it's the kind of thing that would need serious vetting and could break SOD for others and what not.

You might be able to get closer to your idea of gruff warrior holy-type toeing-the-line with the Cleric.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#99 Post by RyanThunder »

EDIT: Oddly enough I kind of had my conception of the two reversed, with the Clerics being the generally more fucked up ones and the Sisters being less so by virtue of being conscripted.

But hey, whatever works. I'll just take those characteristics and attach them to a cleric if everybody's cool with that.

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Re: Dark Heresy

#100 Post by joviwan »

you may want to consider what sort of folks are appropriate working for an Inquisitor tasked with burning all the heretics

EDIT: n/m, you edited your post

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