Testing Chat Thread

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Agent Bert Macklin
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2101 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Name s single accomplishment from the idiots. They couldn't even keep a dialogue for a decent period of time.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2102 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

my god. my point is that it is a manifestation of how a large segment of america's young generation holds views contrary if not hostile to the ideals of the establishment they rail against, and that this is a symptom of how when these young generation views will permeate further into society and thus gradually change it over tiem

sometiems societal change doesn't have to be quantificatory "pass XYZ bill or else gtfo concession accepted I'M A JUGGALO WOOP WOOP fuckpalmer social movement"

because sometiems social change can occur in broader less tangible less quantifiable ways

beatniks and pot smokers didnt pass bills in the 60s/70s

the previous generation's prudish stuck up racist super-inhibited views evaporated overnight

in the 1980s madonna is singing liek a virgin touched very first time oh oh oh oh oh liek a virgin

a couple of decades ago words liek that would shock scandalize infuriate hydrocephalic psycho crazy america society

yet in era of mtv people liek it and it is acceptabel why how who huh what where when?

zomg naem me one singel accomplishment from the idiots not keep dialogue decent time period lololololol!

maybe societal mores and cultural values and population demographic outlooks and perspectives and media and thoughts and hearts and minds and sheeit can evolve and metamorph in varying ways maybe perhaps possibly probably sometiems liekly could might should would ought could be?

who knows

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2103 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Do you honestly think OWS believed a word they said? Do you really think it was anything but a movement plagued by group think? They were a bunch of unemployed hipsters getting with the new thing. Kid of like getting that shiny new gadget to fit in with the popular crowd.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2104 Post by Aaron »

There were people like Brandon and Rhea that believed in what they were doing and tried to make it a success. That the movement has been ignored by the media and plagued by idiots doesn't invalidate their work or the message irrelevant.

I certainly wish it had been more successful.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2105 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Negative Knub wrote:Do you honestly think OWS believed a word they said? Do you really think it was anything but a movement plagued by group think? They were a bunch of unemployed hipsters getting with the new thing. Kid of like getting that shiny new gadget to fit in with the popular crowd.
oh you mean most of the american youth don't really care about the unfair and unjust exploitation of peoples and just want the latest materialistic gizmos?

do you mean that, for example, if hypothetically instead of bankrupting the country, the us wars in iraq and afghanistan instead increased wealth and prosperity for the usa, that those ows kids wouldn't be protesting in the streets but would instead be cheering in victory? if more murder and wealth meant more richness on their part, then they would gladly ask for even more?

liek, if reality was some grotesque version of mario bros, and with every arab waterboarded or murdered, coins would erupt from their freedomized corpses, then these ows guys would be lining up to stomp on every muslim in the world?

doubly so for muslim women and children whose freedomization would either make the americans grow larger or shoot fireballs when magic orbs sprout out of their broken carcasses?

that my view of ows representing something decent railing against a monstrous system is wrong

and that they are all like the rest a bunch of grotesque ugly disgusting monstrously fat porcine mutants suckling on the teats of world suffering and misery?

hmmm... you might be right, and i could honestly believe that

it is a most beautiful thought

thank you

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2106 Post by Aaron »

It's not like the guys running the system right now have vested interest in keeping things the way they are and will work to stomp avenues for discussion and actual change, right?

Hopefully as younger people get more involved and start to displace the current voters, things will change over time.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2107 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2108 Post by Losonti Tokash »

hey knubs what's something you did in the last year to help fix america

we're running candidates in local and state elections, doing voter registration drives, setting up community parks/gardens, running workshops to teach people sewing/appliance repair skills, free classes taught by professors from the state university

and saturday we're also going to celebrate someone's birthday with a lot of drinking and possibly a bonfire

there was also that thing where we totally shifted the national dialogue from the deficit to jobs to the point where even the republican presidential candidate is inadvertently using some of our rhetoric

ps there was a huge rally in zuccotti park YESTERDAY, clearly occupy is dead

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2109 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

idiots no single accomplishment name one didnt do anything miserable dialogue failed lololol etc. blah

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2110 Post by Losonti Tokash »

"ha, look at those IDIOTS actually going outside and doing things they believe in, now back to my important work critiquing the bluray version of titatnic"

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2111 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

i liek how they liek to measure the intangible changes in societal shits by analyzing it liek teo fatties

hopefully good shits will come out of the young generation trying to change and developing different ideals from the old fatsos in the establishment

but hey if the knubs of the world are rite and murca really is the hopelessly bankrupt unchangeable hole it is and things will only get worse as people indulge themselves in the greatest demonecrofreedomophiliac orgy of freedomization ever

then i guess it's morning again

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2112 Post by Shroom Man 777 »

We take America from the socialists, the liberals, the abortionists of generations who kept you down with myths of universal healthcare, and we give it back to you, the people. America is yours. None shall interfere, do as you please. Start by storming FEMA camps and free the oppressed. Step forward, those who would serve, for an army will be raised. The communists will be ripped from their welfare nests and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened, spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The liberals will survive as they learn to survive true justice. This great nation... it will endure. America will survive.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2113 Post by adr »

i was watching democracy now with amy goodman yesterday and one of her guests brought up something i hadnt thought of before: the ows activists meet other politically active people at these rallies and form action networks through these connections that can organize on other non-ows issues as well

it is mass movements that get things to really change. ows is one and is providing opportunity for more
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2114 Post by Bakustra »

Negative Knub wrote:
Darksi4190 wrote:To be fair they're probably right. OWS never really got anything done and even now the popular perception is that it was composed entirely of hippie english majors who were pissed that their worthless degree didn't entitle them to a job or something. It might still be around, but I doubt it's doing anything important.
Even when I supported them I found some of it hilarious. Take the entire picture thing. "I have a masters degree and I can't find a job." A LOT of those people withheld their major. Perhaps because they knew it wasn't marketable?

But yes. It is dead. I recall telling a friend that after the winter they'd disappear. They may be back momentarily, but their message is dead. No one important cares, if they cared at all outside of the brutality and arrests.
"marketability" is an abomination unto humanity and the universe, a grotesque mechanization of the human soul, a denial that there is such a thing as the life of the mind or ever can be any worth or value or beauty or joy outside the realm of the market

to hell with "marketability"

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2115 Post by Aaron »

I find it hard to reconcile Jeff's distaste for the human feces that is Mitt Romney and his distaste for OWS.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2116 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

I have better things to do than gather with a set of art major hipsters wondering why they couldn't get s job. PS OWS only back because LOL OUR FAIKED MOVENENT HAS AN ANNIVERSARY.

[ QUOTE="Aaron"]I find it hard to reconcile Jeff's distaste for the human feces that is Mitt Romney and his distaste for OWS.[/quote]

Thats because I'm bviousy trolling.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2117 Post by Aaron »

Not obvious enough.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2118 Post by Aaron »

But do try not to get contaminated with that whole superiority thing.

"Hurr hurr only hard science degrees count"

It makes you sound like a fucking tool.

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2119 Post by adr »

speaking of struggle against marketabilization did you guys hear about the chicago teacher's union? the strike is still on. i thought the union was going to cave but they are still fighting. rahm emmanuel tried to end it in court and failed so far

the teachers need to win this
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2120 Post by Losonti Tokash »

he's got better things to do, aaron, like obsess over the quality of bluray conversions

actually doing things would get in the way of his bitching about people doing things

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2121 Post by Phantasee »

Yo ADR what's some points against chrome browser plz
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2122 Post by Phantasee »

Losonti Tokash wrote:"ha, look at those IDIOTS actually going outside and doing things they believe in, now back to my important work critiquing the bluray version of titatnic"
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2123 Post by adr »

Phantasee wrote:Yo ADR what's some points against chrome browser plz
i don't like it. it is ugly, buggy, auto-updates to add even more bugs, and has evil "features" like google log in so they can track your crap to make more profit off their ads save your stuff in a totally altruistic way.

but as an end user this stuff might not bother you much at all cuz the marketshare is big enough that site devs just have to deal with the bugs, and you can opt out of most the evil.

it is still ugly but that's subjective

though it is a google product which means HELL NO even if it technically isn't that bad to end use anymore (it still sucks ass for dev!)
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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2124 Post by Agent Bert Macklin »

Aaron wrote:But do try not to get contaminated with that whole superiority thing.

"Hurr hurr only hard science degrees count"

It makes you sound like a fucking tool.
That was the point. I mirrored SDN there. I'm getting a degree classified as a bachelors of art. It would make no sense for me to denigrate them.

If I didn't have health problems, didn't spend 42 hours a week at school, didn't have homework, and owned a vehicle, I'd be out there. I guess Los can ignore the obvious trolling (every right wing talking point against OWS) and attack me for not doing anything even though I have legitimate reasons. At the moment, protesting is not a priority for me. Even as a teacher it wouldn't be wise if I teach in the South.. At least Sh room was entertaining.

What do your protests consist of, Los?

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Re: Testing Chat Thread

#2125 Post by Aaron »

Ok, fair enough, you were trolling.
