Zod wrote:Losonti Tokash wrote:what benefit could there be to something that boosts your self control and confidence
i'm just saying martial arts isn't something you tend to bring up in casual conversation
also, it really depends on your target audience
i know i am shit in normal conversations
but around total dorks and nerds, who are glourious people, we have lots of lols
and so it's great this co-worker chick and i talk about terribel movies
and really if you manage to find peoples who are of the same interests then you won't have to force yourself to whatever is "casual"
and you'll be happies
RyanThunder wrote:My filipino buddy who taught me most of the muay thai stuff i know
he's trying to harden his shins by tapping them with arnis sticks
i tried it and instantly got hilariously large bruises. the discolouration lasted for like 3 weeks
so i said I'd start with a pool noodle and work up from there
there is a filipino martial arts called yaw yan, a mean ass kickboxing thing, that also does that
they want to deaden shin nerves to make their shin blows badasser
idk, some of the older practitioners who retire end up with really messed up legs
there's a reason "soft" martial arts like win chung aren't really into the repeatedly hit hard things to whatever nerves/harden bodyparts/whatev