The Return of Testing Chat Thread

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1176 Post by Darksi4190 »

Veef wrote:

Why u so sad veef? I know you love gundams, and I thought the X-wing stuff was the one SW thing you still liked?

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1177 Post by Veef »

i don't think such a crossover would capture the essence of each series :colbert:

but srslys the highlander's comment made me :psypop:

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1178 Post by Zod »

stargate was pretty sweet from season 5-8

everything else was kinda meh

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1179 Post by Darksi4190 »

I still think they should've done "Lost City" as a movie and ended it there.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1180 Post by adr »

doc mcstuffins has an extraordinarly large head
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1181 Post by Flagg »

SG1 sucked hard.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1182 Post by adr » ... um=twitter
THE DESIRE to prevent harm to innocent civilians in Gaza will ultimately lead to harming the truly innocent: the residents of southern Israel. The residents of Gaza are not innocent, they elected Hamas. The Gazans aren’t hostages; they chose this freely, and must live with the consequences.
that's the kind of thing i'd expect to read in like the hpca thread or something
The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.
oh my
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1183 Post by Glass Fort MacLeod »

Veef wrote:i don't think such a crossover would capture the essence of each series :colbert:

but srslys the highlander's comment made me :psypop:
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1184 Post by RogueIce »

Flagg wrote:SG1 sucked hard.
Oh you. :fukyu:

Am I the only one who liked seasons 9 and 10? I admit it really wasn't the same with O'Neil almost totally absent and it could easily have ended with Lost City but didn't, but I still enjoyed the Ori. Though I feel it was a let down because the series finale, while a fairly interesting character episode, didn't tie up the Ori arc at all and they had to do a movie for that. Which of course used a dues ex machina but then when hasn't SG-1 DEMed their way to victory?

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1185 Post by Crazedwraith »

Well any time before season 6?

edit: don't get me started on season 9 and 10. Ben Browder's character for example of horrendously written. Like some weird marty stu creation. Soem guy we've never hear of! Who's super best friends with all Sg-1 already and is spoken off in awe by people in the SGC and despite having no offworld experience takes command of SG-1 for some reason. URGH.

To be generous i might assume a lot of that story line came about to accomodate Amanda Tapping's pregnancy.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1186 Post by adr »

I liked seasons 9 and 10. Though not so much as "season nine of SG-1" but more as "seasons one and two of a show that is kinda like Stargate SG-1". Some things stayed the same, but so much changed that it felt like a new show.

For example, the stargate itself became fairly rare! They were taking a starship places and beaming up and down.... that's still cool, it's just different. It's also kinda hard to believe that this is the same galaxy, with criminal syndicates, ships, guns, etc. where before... well, not so much. But the characters all entertained me and the story was fun enough that I liked it.

I've been watching some seasons 1 and 2 episodes again this last week tho, will be a long time to get to s9. I love the planets of the week.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1187 Post by adr »

so I dl'd internet explorer 10

and it has a lil bit of auto correct on capitalization

like I can't even say words like 'liek' or 'i' or 'jesus christ' without it coming out more like "I like jesus Christ"

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1188 Post by RogueIce »

I dunno, maybe I'm just a sucker for the whole ominous chanting Ori theme and stuff. And I felt the death of the Prometheus was pretty well done. That Captain Colonel is awesome and he deserved the MOH more than Mitchell probably.

And I gotta admit, that scene where Vala was getting burned was pretty damn gut wrenching, especially because she was still just at guest star status so you legit thought she could be dead. And then the Prior saved her and it was like "damn son they got game" and it was kinda in the air for that cliffhanger: are these possibly good guys or not? And the end of that arc was also damn good with Daniel and Vala going to get burned, and Mitchell showed he was useful with his idea of how to resolve things, and it was pretty sad when they did that last cut to show the original people were back and had just got burned because of the whole mess which really was a legit accident on their part and really brought back the dangers of what SGC does, and how despite their fancy space ships, victories against the System Lords and Replicators and all that clearly they still don't know everything. And I think the Ori really drove that point home.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1189 Post by evilsoup »

There were problems with S9&10, but I probably could have forgiven them if Sam had been put in charge of the team, rather than the Fuckin New Guy.
What fucking bullshit uch.

I also think they shouldn't have brought Daniel back. Not that I don't like him, but when you kill a character he should stay dead (well, ascended - I wouldn't have minded if he'd stuck around helping the team out with his glowy woo powers every once in a while).

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1190 Post by Crazedwraith »

RogueIce wrote:I dunno, maybe I'm just a sucker for the whole ominous chanting Ori theme and stuff. And I felt the death of the Prometheus was pretty well done. That Captain Colonel is awesome and he deserved the MOH more than Mitchell probably.
I duno, i felt it was underminned by the fact they clearly did so they could introduce the 304 odessey the very next episode. wasting all the story potential of them suddenly not having a ship to teleport them out at the last second.

same thing with the korolev at the end of the series. apparently russian is stargatese for redshirt.

I also think they shouldn't have brought Daniel back. Not that I don't like him, but when you kill a character he should stay dead (well, ascended - I wouldn't have minded if he'd stuck around helping the team out with his glowy woo powers every once in a while).
But then we'd be stuck with jonas quinn and the fan's woudn't accept that!

I kid. I liked Jonas Quinn. When Daniel came back they sort of treated him as an alternate protagonist to jack while RDA reduced his hours. When they had Jonas it felt like all the team got more time in the light. Especially fun is the odd friendship Jonas and Teal'c had.

I maybe slighlty rose shaded here. Because Season 6 was the first one i watched.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1191 Post by adr »

Jonas was actually pretty great.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1192 Post by evilsoup »

I didn't like him as much as Daniel, but he at least brought something different to the show.
Unlike Mitchell, who was just a cheap off-brand O'niell.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1193 Post by Darksi4190 »

So the whole thing about Hostess going under made me want to try some of their products since I haven't in a long time, and I can totally see why they're going under.

The bread tastes like cardboard and the frosting tastes like plastic. I mean I figured they'd at least be as good as the stuff I get at the Mijer's mini-bakery, but apparently I was mistaken.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1194 Post by Flagg »

Yeah, the only thing from them I like are their orange cupcakes. And I haven't had those in years and years. I'd like to try a deep fried twinkie one day.
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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1195 Post by Darksi4190 »

Their regular mini-doughnuts were alright I guess, it was just the chocolate covered ones I couldn't stand. That plastic frosting just killed the taste utterly.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1196 Post by Jung »

Following some of Straha's links in the other thread, this one caught my eye: ... y-and-man/
[For women, o]nly one standard of female beauty is sanctioned: the girl.

The great advantage men have is that our culture allows two standards of male beauty: the boy and the man. The beauty of a boy resembles the beauty of a girl. In both sexes it is a fragile kind of beauty and flourishes naturally only in the early part of the life-cycle. Happily, men are able to accept themselves under another standard of good looks — heavier, rougher, more thickly built. A man does not grieve when he loses the smooth, unlined, hairless skin of a boy. For he has only exchanged one form of attractiveness for another: the darker skin of a man’s face, roughened by daily shaving, showing the marks of emotion and the normal lines of age.

There is no equivalent of this second standard for women. The single standard of beauty for women dictates that they must go on having clear skin. Every wrinkle, every line, every gray hair, is a defeat. No wonder that no boy minds becoming a man, while even the passage from girlhood to early womanhood is experienced by many women as their downfall, for all women are trained to continue wanting to look like girls.
P sure I remember having thoughts along similar lines myself before but never quite articulated it this way.

Waits for some evopsych type to come along with a just-so story about how this is all an inevitable result of Darwin because men care about fertility and women care about resources because different sexual selection dynamics, this totally can't possibly have anything to do with a culture skewed toward the interests of men and that genders and fetishizes women by child-like traits ("innocence", "purity", vulnerability, dependency, smallness and weakness etc.).

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1197 Post by Shroom Man 777 »


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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1198 Post by Aaron »

*shrug* I for one would rather be with someone my own age, or older. As I've gotten older I've come to appreciate the "milf" or "cougar". I wish I had figured that out at 19 rather then 34.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1199 Post by RogueIce »

evilsoup wrote:There were problems with S9&10, but I probably could have forgiven them if Sam had been put in charge of the team, rather than the Fuckin New Guy.
What fucking bullshit uch.
Yeah I thought the whole "co-leader" thing the writers came up with was stupid as hell. I mean I can kinda get why Mitchell was in charge at first because the rest of SG-1 was off doing other things anyway. I guess it comes down to whether the writers/producers knew whether Amanda Tapping would really be back full time or were just hedging their bets, she came back and they'd written themselves into a corner already.
Crazedwraith wrote:I duno, i felt it was underminned by the fact they clearly did so they could introduce the 304 odessey the very next episode. wasting all the story potential of them suddenly not having a ship to teleport them out at the last second.
Yeah, probably.

I still liked the episode itself, though. Because they came in all confident like they were gonna mediate that bitch with their starship of coolness, only to get their asses utterly handed to them by a planet they never expected that from.

It went to show that while Earth was getting all of its cool toys the rest of the galaxy wasn't just sitting on their hands either, and getting cocky about their place in the universe had a price to pay. Granted that planet's weapon was provided by the Ori but it's not like SGC didn't owe most of their level up bonuses from the Asgard. So it wasn't just Earth getting outside help anymore and they would need to be more careful in the future.

I'm not gonna say S9&10 were without their problems. The whole Mitchell/Carter thing being chief among them. I mean I liked the guy well enough but he seemed like he was trying to copy O'Neill without copying him and it just didn't work as well. That and dicking Carter out of SG-1's leadership. But overall I don't think it's RUINED FOREVER like the impression I've kinda gotten from the SG-1 fanbase.

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Re: The Return of Testing Chat Thread

#1200 Post by Jung »

So I'm reading the part of Jared Diamond's Collapse dealing with Norse Greenland.

I haven't read all of it yet, but ironically for an author being known (flanderized?) as being all into determinism, it comes across as something you could use as a decent rebuttal to the geopolitical "realist"/StratFor school of thought that talks about policy all in terms of "rational" "national interests" and seems to at least implicitly think that stuff like culture makes little or only cosmetic difference to the way countries act.

Prolly can put it in my mental shelf next to BR Myers The Cleanest Race where he talks about the political considerations behind North Korean foreign policy, which as he describes it sound terrible from a "rational national interest" PoV where the country is modelled as some organic whole with the same interests, but makes sense as a tool of class warfare of the North Korean elite vs. the North Korean ppl (ironic for an ostensibly communist country).
