你好。 : nǐ hǎo : Like "Hello" or "How are you?"
你 : nǐ : (pronoun) 2nd person singular pronoun. Like "you" or "you're".
好 : hǎo : (adjective) Like "good".
Sounds almost playful if you get the tones right. Will have to be careful not to read too far into it.
我很好。 : wǒ hěn hǎo : Like "I'm very good."
我 : wǒ : (pronoun) 1st person pronoun. Like "I", "me", or "I'm".
很 : hěn : (adjective) Like "very" or "extremely".
你呢? : nǐ ne : Like "How about you?"
我很好。谢谢。 : wǒ hěn hǎo, xie xie. : Literally "I'm very good, thanks."
我叫RyanThunder。你叫什么名字? : wo jiao RyanThunder. ni jiao shenme mingzi? : Like "My name is RyanThunder. What's your name?" (lit. "I [be called] RyanThunder. You [be called] what name?")
我从Toronto来。你从哪里来? : wo cong Toronto lai. ni cong nali lai? : Like "I'm from Toronto. Where are you from?" (lit. "I from Toronto come. You from where come?")
晚安。 : wǎn'ān : Like "Good night."
晚 : wǎn (noun) : like "night" or "evening".
安 : ān (adjective) : like "safe", "secure", "quiet", "calm", "content", "still", or "satisfied".
我的中文还好 : wǒ de zhōngwén hái hǎo : "My Chinese is just okay."
我的中文还坏 : wǒ de zhōngwén hái huài : "My Chinese is just bad."
中文 : zhōngwén (noun) : Chinese language.
零一二三四无六七八九十 : ling yi 'er san si wu liu qi ba jiu shi : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
For numbers above ten the pronounciation is [tens digit]十[ones digit], with the exception of teens where the format is simply 十[ones digit]. For writing purposes the single digits are used like arabic numerals. i.e. 24 written as 二四, pronounced 二十四.
Also, fucking tones. I like the sound it gives the language, but its almost impossible to determine whether somebody's using the 3rd or 5th tone for some syllables.
I do wonder what effect if any it has on how easy it is to read somebody's emotional state from their speech. Anybody know any good Chinese dramas I could watch for this?