Trek Thread

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Re: Trek Thread

#751 Post by Crazedwraith »

I think the registry thing wasn't intentional. Just a result of them using stock footage. But yeah, very lazy writing.

i felt much the same thing in SG-1 when they blew up Prometheus and replaced it with Odyssey the very next episode.
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Re: Trek Thread

#752 Post by evilsoup »

the real copout on SG1 was blowing up the russian spaceship
having another nation with its own agenda flying around in the stargate universe could obviously open up pretty interesting stories and tensions

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Re: Trek Thread

#753 Post by uraniun235 »

For your enjoyment, the memos written by Gene Roddenberry concerning the nature of Ferengi. Note that, clearly, much of this was never incorporated into the actual depiction of the Ferengi on the show.



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Re: Trek Thread

#754 Post by evilsoup »

that sounds much more interesting than what the ferengi actually were

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Re: Trek Thread

#755 Post by Bounty »

That sounds pretty much like what the Ferengi were...
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Re: Trek Thread

#756 Post by RogueIce »

evilsoup wrote:the real copout on SG1 was blowing up the russian spaceship
having another nation with its own agenda flying around in the stargate universe could obviously open up pretty interesting stories and tensions
Eh, probably not. Russia was pretty cool with America by that point in the series.

Re: DS9 Season 7

I haven't really watched it, but the impression I got was that it seemes a little, I dunno, rushed in having to wrap up the Dominion War. IIRC they wanted to get it underway back in season 4 but the whole Klingon War thing kinda spoiled that. I wonder if it would have played out different if they'd had an extra half season or whatever to work it out.

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Re: Trek Thread

#757 Post by Manus Dei »

if there was one aspect of the ferengi that the shows didn't delve into enough detail about, it was their wangs
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Re: Trek Thread

#758 Post by Crazedwraith »

RogueIce wrote:
Re: DS9 Season 7

I haven't really watched it, but the impression I got was that it seemes a little, I dunno, rushed in having to wrap up the Dominion War. IIRC they wanted to get it underway back in season 4 but the whole Klingon War thing kinda spoiled that. I wonder if it would have played out different if they'd had an extra half season or whatever to work it out.
I don't really think the writers planned that fair ahead. They didn't really even have the details for the endgame until they got to it. The background sections for 'the final chapter' on memory alpha shows how they were changing stuff as they went and it was having knock on effects for all the other episodes.

Still i recall reading somewhere that a season 8 was actually considered and I think that would have been cool. Given stuff like Inter Arma Silent Legit and bajor's stalled entry into the federation and the new cardassian state rebuilting. I think there would have been opportunity for a season of dominion war aftermath.

It really makes a lot of sense that Nemesis was romulan related. Along with the federation they were the last two big powers standing after the dominion war. Of course Nemesis couldn't go too much into it because movie goes don't see DS9 but still...
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Re: Trek Thread

#759 Post by timmy »

On speed? Jesus christ, Gene

Cocaine is more like it

On Ferenginar

First you get the lat'num

Then you get the women

Then you get the pow-ah

Speaking of all that I just finished watching what you could either call the third last or penultimate episode of DS9, depending on whether you count the finale as a one or two parter. Loved the shit out of the scene where Rom is trying to buy the bar off Quark and as the latter rants Rush Limbaugh style about societal changes back home Rom calming responds to his rants with textbook lines of liberal agenda. Beautifully played.

In that same episode the crew get their new Defiant-class and take a massive shit on the people of Brazil for whom the ship was originally named.
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Re: Trek Thread

#760 Post by Bounty »

Rewatching TNG S5, up to New Ground.

I'd forgotten how good the series was with the non-SF stuff. There's a wonderful little scene here where Worf has a meeting with Picard and he keeps getting calls about his son, getting progressively more annoyed and embarrassed. Great way to show how his life is turned upside down.

Him delivering Molly was also genious. YOU MAY NOW GIVE BIRTH.
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Re: Trek Thread

#761 Post by RogueIce »

The callback to that in DS9 was pretty funny.

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Re: Trek Thread

#762 Post by timmy »

Keiko's having another baby!

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Re: Trek Thread

#763 Post by Stofsk »

uraniun235 wrote:For your enjoyment, the memos written by Gene Roddenberry concerning the nature of Ferengi. Note that, clearly, much of this was never incorporated into the actual depiction of the Ferengi on the show.
Maybe not on TNG, but certainly on DS9.

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Re: Trek Thread

#764 Post by Straha »

Hide your daughters, hide your wife, Quark is coming to town with his enjoyable techniques.
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Re: Trek Thread

#765 Post by Stofsk »

Well the whole dick thing is a bit 'crazy senile old Gene', but the whole sexual appetites stuff was played out hilariously whenever a chick started touching Quark's massive ears :lol:

Fortunately, TNG-era Trek was labeled family friendly, so there was a hard limit of what it could depict onscreen. :lol:

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Re: Trek Thread

#766 Post by timmy »

Funny story: the male human genital gland(that's the penis if you were wondering) has also been developed with human female pleasure in mind.

Rodders on the laudanum again.
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Re: Trek Thread

#767 Post by RedImperator »

Gene had a massive hard-on (ha ha) for Future Sex and wanted that to be an important theme in TNG. We got "fully functional and anatomically correct" out of it, so there's that. Unfortunately, we got the Edo out of it, too.

It's too bad early TNG directors interpreted "quick moving" as "jerking around like a ridiculous spazoid" for the Ferengi.

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Re: Trek Thread

#768 Post by Bounty »

Be glad we avoided the sex cubicles.
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Re: Trek Thread

#769 Post by Zablorg »

hey does the enterprise actually do a lot of boldly going where no-one has gone before

because i get the impression they mostly do zone diplomacy right

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Re: Trek Thread

#770 Post by Darksi4190 »

So I watched some original Star Trek last night on a local cable channel. I'd forgotten how wonderfully cheesy it was. TOS has aged much better than TNG for me. There's a lot more genuine adventure and a lot less of the annoying heavy-handed preaching I typically associate with TNG.

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Re: Trek Thread

#771 Post by Zablorg »

yesterday i only just realized that the huge sweeping 2009 Trek theme was maybe loosely based on the original trek theme?

like you know how when the lady starts weirdly singing it goes higher for one note then gets progressively lower for the next five

well the 2009 theme does something kinda similar but obviously pretty heavily adapted

a good example i think is here at around 1:14

bit of a stretch maybe???

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Re: Trek Thread

#772 Post by Sandman »

Bit of a stretch indeed, since that music was made by another group, called Two Steps from Hell, who actually make a living compusing music specifically designed for film trailers in order to make them seem epic and grandiose. There are a few groups like them, actually, with another example being Immediate Music.

The track used in the Star Trek trailer is called Freedom Fighters.

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Re: Trek Thread

#773 Post by Crazedwraith »

So I finished DS9.

The finale is so much weaker than I remember. It's not even the regilious stuff. It's the actual end of the war.

So they beam Odo down to Cardassia... at extreme long range as well considering there's a dominion fleet in Orbit and links with the female changeling and this completely changes her mind about the war. Causes her to surrender and the War to end.

Why did this happen? Why did this not happen everyother time they melded? What?!
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Re: Trek Thread

#774 Post by Aaron »

He's got the cure.

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Re: Trek Thread

#775 Post by Crazedwraith »

Yeah but he doesn't hold that over her head in anyway. He cures her quite willingly over the objection of Kira.

I guess she knows the federation won't allow him to go back to the great link if the war doesn't end but the way its presented its like the link has given her this huge change of heart about everything and the whole mistrust of solids and the federation malarky.
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