Share your favorite Star Wars memories

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#601 Post by Ralin »

Maybe there will be, like, terrorists. And one of the terrorists will suicide bomb Luke and he'll be all injured and near death.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#602 Post by Darksi4190 »

Luke's max power level is definitely something i'm worried about as it was an issue with pretty much every EU work that took place post 1999. They had to keep coming up with increasingly annoying excuses as to why Luke didn't just smack down whichever villain they were using and call it a day. I mean hell, in LotF, he actually beats the piss out of Jacen when he goes full sith, completely overpowering him, but stops short of finishing him off because of a vision that him killing Jacen will turn Ben to the dark side. Then in FotJ the villains come off as a complete non-threat because Luke literally stomps their asses in every encounter. The big dark side eldritch horror that they came up with? The biggest problem is that it can "absorb" people to have multiple bodies, almost all of which Luke destroys as if he's playing a particularly bothersome game of whack a mole.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#603 Post by Ralin »

Darksi4190 wrote:Then in FotJ the villains come off as a complete non-threat because Luke literally stomps their asses in every encounter. The big dark side eldritch horror that they came up with? The biggest problem is that it can "absorb" people to have multiple bodies, almost all of which Luke destroys as if he's playing a particularly bothersome game of whack a mole.
I need to finish reading the first novel then because that sounds hilarious

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#604 Post by adr »

wait why would luke be like a level 100 jedi? is that an EU thing?

luke in the films was never all that spectacular of a wizard, his fight with darth vader wasn't won with the force powers and the emperor was easily frying him to death if not for vader's decision

i don't think they should be doing much with the character because his story is already told and they should try something new, but if he wasn't a strong enough wizard or knight to beat someone in a fight i think that would be perfectly ok. or hell they could even write it such that a physical fight isn't what matters kinda like the end of rotj
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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#605 Post by Civil War Man »

I still think Episode VII should be like RED, in that it's the old characters from Star Wars kicking ass while also being old people. Maybe Han and Leia have settled down and had kids, when one of the big names from the days of the rebellion (let's say Admiral Ackbar) dies under mysterious circumstances. They and Chewbacca go to the funeral and meet up with some people they had lost contact with like Lando or Wedge. But the funeral is a trap, and they all have to fight their way out and uncover the sinister conspiracy that is trying to get rid of them so they can take over the Republic unopposed.

In this version of events, Luke is an eccentric recluse who retired from public life after teaching the next generation of Jedi, and he doesn't get involved in the story until the others can track him down to whatever cave he's living in.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#606 Post by RogueIce »

Stofsk wrote:I don't know what they can do with Luke's character but the options are limited. He'll either pass the torch on to the next generation and pull an Obi-wan, or he'll become the bad guy and will need to be redeemed. Any other alternative risks cheapening the plot tension because at that age Luke should be like a level 100 Jedi Master who could carve up any wannabe Sith or who-knows-what they're going for with the Big Bad.

So either he becomes the Big Bad or he gets taken out by the Big Bad to let us know that Shit Just Got Real.
So either he dies a hero, or lives long enough to see himself become the Vader?

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#607 Post by Manus Dei »

Civil War Man wrote:I still think Episode VII should be like RED, in that it's the old characters from Star Wars kicking ass while also being old people. Maybe Han and Leia have settled down and had kids, when one of the big names from the days of the rebellion (let's say Admiral Ackbar) dies under mysterious circumstances. They and Chewbacca go to the funeral and meet up with some people they had lost contact with like Lando or Wedge. But the funeral is a trap, and they all have to fight their way out and uncover the sinister conspiracy that is trying to get rid of them so they can take over the Republic unopposed.

In this version of events, Luke is an eccentric recluse who retired from public life after teaching the next generation of Jedi, and he doesn't get involved in the story until the others can track him down to whatever cave he's living in.
This would only be acceptable if Ackbar's body was springloaded with explosives and a voice recorder, so when it goes off the body leaps out of the coffin and yells IT'S A TRAP before exploding.
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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#608 Post by Darksi4190 »

So so far it looks like the crucial changes between the EU and the ST will be

1. No new generation. Supposedly Luke is going to be a hermit like Yoda or obi-wan, and Mara Jade doesn't exist, so Ben's out. It isn't even certain that Han and Leia will be married, let alone have three kids.

2. No new Jedi order. See the bit above about Luke being a hermit.

3. No New Republic. Abrams has been very public about wanting to go back to the "feel" of the OT. To do that you kind of need a plucky band of rebel heroes fighting the empire. It just doesn't work if they have the backing and resources of a galactic government behind them.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#609 Post by RogueIce »

Wonder what the New Empire will be like, then. Also the explanation for why Luke retreated from the galaxy.

It's an interesting premise, I'll grant, and has me intrigued. Don't know about the Empire thing, but if they get a competent enough actor to play a convincing villain I can roll with it. It was a Galactic Empire, after all. And avoiding the whole "collapses into warlordism 20 seconds after Palpatine died" aspect, it'll be a refreshing new take for the new post-RoTJ EU that will inevitably follow. I can't imagine them not filling in the 30 years or so of history at some point, TBH, so I expect there'll be books or whatever.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#610 Post by Stofsk »

I actually really liked the collapse into Warlordism that the post-RotJ EU had.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#611 Post by thejester »

Stofsk wrote:I actually really liked the collapse into Warlordism that the post-RotJ EU had.
yeah seems a pretty logical extrapolation of what we see onscreen in the OT

ps gotta say I'm pretty excited

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#612 Post by evilsoup »

I'm liking the look of this!

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#613 Post by Dude »

Shoddy work, look how far away the corkscrew is! Totally useless.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#614 Post by RogueIce »

Stofsk wrote:I actually really liked the collapse into Warlordism that the post-RotJ EU had.
I didn't say it was a bad concept (except for y'know shitty EU authors :v) but it'll be nice to see a different concept play out now that they have a blank canvas to work with.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#615 Post by Darksi4190 »

I'd be more excited if they hadn't gotten that blank canvas by erasing a picture I was still interested in.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#616 Post by Bakustra »




Darksi4190 wrote:I'd be more excited if they hadn't gotten that blank canvas by erasing a picture I was still interested in.
The picture hasn't been erased. I, personally, am glad that it's been set free to be the alternate universe where the Rebellion fails it was always meant to be. And that the first thing we got from NuEU (NuU?) is that the Emperor is Sheev Palpatine.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#617 Post by Dude »

Maybe Luke retreated from public life or whatever is because the Empire didn't fall like a house of cards and it's been two decades of guerrilla war and he burned out.

Or bounty jointers. Bet it's that.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#618 Post by Stofsk »

I can't believe I'm defending JJ but... let's wait for the movie before we all condemn it

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#619 Post by Bakustra »

Stofsk wrote:I can't believe I'm defending JJ but... let's wait for the movie before we all condemn it
I'm actually incredibly excited for The Force Awakens.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#620 Post by Stofsk »

I am ambivalent

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#621 Post by Dude »

Stofsk wrote:I can't believe I'm defending JJ but... let's wait for the movie before we all condemn it
Despite my sarcasm (I think it's ingrained now) I'm actually looking forward to this. My daughter is a closet SW fan and it's rekindled my interest and it gives us something to share.

Not sure if we'll be able to go see it in theatre though.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#622 Post by Bakustra »

Man, if only Connor posted here anymore ( :ironicat:), then I could annoy him with my interpretation of the old "Otherspace" adventure from WEG to fit into Saxtonian hyperspace.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#623 Post by Glass Fort MacLeod »

I'm still semi-around places, just not actively posting because I have limited time to spend on browisng forums (and most of that is devoted to moderating SB, or otherwise keeping sci fi vs debate nerds in line) If anyone needs me they can still pm me here, on SB, or SDN or SV because I've got accounts on all of them and my email lets me know when someone has sent me a message (useful when that one BL writer contacted me via SDN... LMAO)

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#624 Post by Bakustra »

Glass Fort MacLeod wrote:I'm still semi-around places, just not actively posting because I have limited time to spend on browisng forums (and most of that is devoted to moderating SB, or otherwise keeping sci fi vs debate nerds in line) If anyone needs me they can still pm me here, on SB, or SDN or SV because I've got accounts on all of them and my email lets me know when someone has sent me a message (useful when that one BL writer contacted me via SDN... LMAO)
I considered editing in that I had abused admin powers to send you email directly, but I thought better of it.

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Re: Share your favorite Star Wars memories

#625 Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

Glass Fort MacLeod wrote:I'm still semi-around places, just not actively posting because I have limited time to spend on browisng forums (and most of that is devoted to moderating SB, or otherwise keeping sci fi vs debate nerds in line) If anyone needs me they can still pm me here, on SB, or SDN or SV because I've got accounts on all of them and my email lets me know when someone has sent me a message (useful when that one BL writer contacted me via SDN... LMAO)

Wait, what? Which BL author?

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