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Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:09 am
by Phantasee
@Zod: The insult I was referring to was the one from Tucker. I am not offended by your comments.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:13 am
by Zod
Phantasee wrote:@Zod: The insult I was referring to was the one from Tucker. I am not offended by your comments.
you weren't exactly clear

still don't think you got the stones :smugdog:

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:39 am
by Phantasee
there is no reason to ban you

as it is if i banned you for an hour or whatever as a joke you'd probably retaliate with a week long ban or something

so i am going to assume you're just baiting me into that


i could just ban you indefinitely, but then someone else will unban you and we're in the same position

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:40 am
by Phantasee
or i just banned you for 30 for baiting an administrator

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:45 am
by Bakustra
Nietzslime wrote:is it a good thing or a bad thing that i had an iconic and super-frightening ghost encounter last night and as soon as it was over and i could think back on it i was just excited to have had a textbook case of sleep paralysis
man all i get are temporary auditory hallucinations caused by background noise

anyways i kinda wish we had an open banlist like somethingawful, so that we can separate the jokers from the chaff, as it were

EDIT: hot damn killed all three forums at once

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:03 am
by adr-admin
another weekend gone with no work done

at least this is a long weekend

maybe i'll work tomorrow

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:06 am
by Nietzslime
Jose Arcadio Bakendia wrote:
Nietzslime wrote:is it a good thing or a bad thing that i had an iconic and super-frightening ghost encounter last night and as soon as it was over and i could think back on it i was just excited to have had a textbook case of sleep paralysis
man all i get are temporary auditory hallucinations caused by background noise
yeah i had a spectral woman leaning over me from the side of my bed and grabbing my hands

at the end she spoke, i can't recall exactly what

it was all pretty dope

i mean at the time i was overcome by an overwhelming feeling of dread

but the qualia was worth it

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:11 am
by Zod
Phantasee wrote:or i just banned you for 30 for baiting an administrator
actually i didn't realize you could ban administrators

but turnabout's fair play

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:15 am
by Bakustra
Nietzslime wrote:
Jose Arcadio Bakendia wrote:
Nietzslime wrote:is it a good thing or a bad thing that i had an iconic and super-frightening ghost encounter last night and as soon as it was over and i could think back on it i was just excited to have had a textbook case of sleep paralysis
man all i get are temporary auditory hallucinations caused by background noise
yeah i had a spectral woman leaning over me from the side of my bed and grabbing my hands

at the end she spoke, i can't recall exactly what

it was all pretty dope

i mean at the time i was overcome by an overwhelming feeling of dread

but the qualia was worth it
man the closest i've ever got to shit like that is dreams about werewolves. damn.
Zod wrote:
Phantasee wrote:or i just banned you for 30 for baiting an administrator
actually i didn't realize you could ban administrators

but turnabout's fair play
hey, get a room or flirt less coyingly

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:17 am
by Zod
Jose Arcadio Bakendia wrote: man the closest i've ever got to shit like that is dreams about werewolves. damn.
some of my dreams are pretty fucked up

i mean one time i dreamed i was infiltrating santa's workshop at the north pole by going under the ice

but he kept a kraken down there, and had some elves waiting for me

those little guys started ripping into my spine and eating me before i woke up

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:23 am
by Nietzslime
since i'm normally an insomniac and never keep on a regular sleep schedule i take melatonin quite often

and that gives you the weirdest vivid dreams

didn't take it last night, tho, that was all just a neat wetware malfunction

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:24 am
by Bakustra
when i dream weird, the dreams tend to feel drawn-out and lengthy, like i get hours or so compressed into the minutes of REM

i don't have the faintest idea why, either

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:34 am
by Nietzslime
Jose Arcadio Bakendia wrote:when i dream weird, the dreams tend to feel drawn-out and lengthy, like i get hours or so compressed into the minutes of REM

i don't have the faintest idea why, either
the feeling of apparent time dilation in dreams has a few theories behind it

because by all indications when people are woken up suddenly from REM sleep dreaming, they recall the length of the dream accurately (ie, 5 to 10 minutes)

the theory which makes the most sense to me is that after you wake up, when sorting the dream out, the conflating together of multiple disconnected periods of rem sleep, the intense emotions, and the rapid movement between situations within any given dream make your brain fill in more elapsed time than there was

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:39 am
by Bakustra
these dreams usually are fairly static- like there are three situations/moments within the dream at most, and there's just this subjective sense of them taking forever

but cool to know- explains why these are the ones i'm most likely to remember too- confirmation biases

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:40 am
by starku
oh dear

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:46 pm
by Oxymoron
Zod wrote:
Phantasee wrote:or i just banned you for 30 for baiting an administrator
actually i didn't realize you could ban administrators

but turnabout's fair play
That's, like, the Admins' Equilibrium of Banning.


Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 1:31 pm
by adr-admin
say i wonder something

if i pretty much ever wake up in the middle of a dream, for any reason i'm left with a fucking headache from it

other ppl get dat too?

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:38 pm
by Phantasee
Oxymoron wrote:
Zod wrote:
Phantasee wrote:or i just banned you for 30 for baiting an administrator
actually i didn't realize you could ban administrators

but turnabout's fair play
That's, like, the Admins' Equilibrium of Banning.

Rabid was banned for this post. :frogs:

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:14 pm
by Stofsk
i have literally spent the last five hours tossing and turning in bed trying to get to sleep to no avail

fuck this insomnia, i have no fucking idea why i can't fall asleep because my sleep patterns have been pretty normal for the last couple of weeks.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:15 pm
by Zod
Stofsk wrote:i have literally spent the last five hours tossing and turning in bed trying to get to sleep to no avail

fuck this insomnia, i have no fucking idea why i can't fall asleep because my sleep patterns have been pretty normal for the last couple of weeks.
try melatonin supplements

failing that go for vodka

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:21 pm
by Aaron
I have a recurring dream where I'm in some disaster and either my Mosin won't feed or I load it but can't make my trigger finger move. Then Val and the kids get eaten.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:38 pm
by Flagg
You feel inadequate as a man. Sex change time!

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:08 pm
by Count Chocula
Swap the Mosin for an Enfield or Remington 700. FTF problem solved. When I'm having a nightmare, it takes a deliberate act of will, seriously more intense than 90% of the stuff I do awake, to move. Willing your body to move seems to blunt the hard edge of a bad nightmare, since you wake up fairly coherent and full of adrenaline. Still not fun.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 8:10 pm
by Count Chocula
Oh yeah and waking up once or twice a night just to make sure your son's still breathing, because he's sleeping so quietly and you just had a dream he was in trouble...well it's worth it. Probably a pretty normal fear for parents.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:48 am
by Bob the Gunslinger
Count Chocula wrote:Oh yeah and waking up once or twice a night just to make sure your son's still breathing, because he's sleeping so quietly and you just had a dream he was in trouble...well it's worth it. Probably a pretty normal fear for parents.
That still happens to me a lot, but for the first few months I could only sleep if I knew my wife was awake or if I could hear the baby snoring.