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Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:30 am
by Aaron
I remember very little about my childhood, other then spending lots of time with Oma, from whom I got my love of the bush. And mom and dad working all the time.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:32 am
by Flagg
weemadando wrote:Fffffuuuuuu

That's not even counting his time in Vietnam. I imagine he was raping women over there so he wouldn't have to rape them over here. For FREEDOM.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:34 am
by weemadando
Flagg wrote:
weemadando wrote:Fffffuuuuuu

That's not even counting his time in Vietnam. I imagine he was raping women over there so he wouldn't have to rape them over here. For FREEDOM.
It's seems some of us will have much lower bars to worry about when it comes to "not repeating our parents mistakes".

I have to imagine you'll manage the "don't rape your children" part.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:08 am
by Losonti Tokash
Aaron wrote:Lol, what's the lesson?
when you said the only thing you teach a child when you spank them is that it's okay to beat on people that can't fight back

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:23 am
by Aaron
Oh. I got that from my sons doctor. Good stuff all the same.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:43 am
by timmy
Brofist and a jack and coke for everyone in this thread today.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:15 am
by Shroom Man 777
ok dad stories

a couple of weeks ago we got into an argument and he rushed at me and put me in a headlock and to get out i had to snap his pinky finger and then he pulled a gun at me and that's why i'm living in my grandmother's house and no longer working for dad's shitty family business and that's why i got a job

gotta leave the nest rite

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:21 am
by timmy
Fucking seriously. A gun.

That's like a reverse Shep.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:06 pm
by weemadando
Well Shroom, you're always welcome in STRAYA. By us that is. The rest of the country would still see you as a filthy un-white person.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:10 pm
by Aaron
What happened to nursing dude?

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:20 pm
by Shroom Man 777
two years of helping dad manage his grease monkeys happened

oh and because nuersing was in demand abroad so like everyone and their dog here in the phils took up nuersing so there's an overabundance of us while the demand by local hostipals isn't that high and so theres a hueg surplus of nuerses desperate for jobs so the hostipals can just employ nuerses whiel paying them barely above minimum wage

there are even circumstances where those truly desperate to work as nuerses can "volunteer" in a hostipal, like pay the hostipal to work there just so they can have the work experience needed to apply for a job abroad, jesus christ

the indivisibel hand

oh and to go abroads you have to pay for agencias to process your papers and find jobs there and shits it costs a fuckton of money

so there's a whole mechanism of bullshit exploitation that sprouted because everyone is like "take up nuersing to leave this shitcountry to earn dineros"

so yeah

the copywrieting job i got has a pretty great salary though my sister who works at a nuers in the operating room of the fanciest hostipal in town would haet me for it :P

anyway i figured out that i lieked wrieting and so if i do a job that involves doing something i lieked, well, that would be or something

we'll see this monday when i start

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:21 pm
by Losonti Tokash

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:25 pm
by Oxymoron

I don't know what to say, apart from cheers for everyone

You are all awesome

Stay awesome

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:51 pm
by Aaron
Best of luck man.

Cause I don't know what else to say. ;)

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:25 pm
by evilsoup
Christ, this thread makes my problems seem so small by comparison
best of luck to all you guys
also Aaron & Timmy, I don't really know you obviously or know the details of your home situations, but I suspect you're being too harsh on yourselves about being parents

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:43 pm
by Oxymoron
Isn't being parent something you learn on the go and that no amount of book l earning can really prepare you for anyway ? That you'll never be "ready" and that you'll always fuck up in one way or another, and that you can just hope to do as few damage as possible, and that the positive will outweight the negative ?

I mean, that what my parents tell me...

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:02 pm
by Shroom Man 777
so my uncle arranged a meeting between me mom him and dad

dad was all i'm sorry etc. reconciliative etc. it was his fault he snapped etc.

yeah ok

clear the water get weight off the chest get rid of the acrimony or whatever

i listened and nodded and said yeah and stuff but i didn't really reply with any sentences at all because, eh, i don't really want to exchange verbal stuff with him

but yeah i'm still staying at grandma's (where extended sane mother's side of the fam is) because it is quieter and saner here and i don't have to deal with people who snap and lose their shit and go crazy jesus christ

it will be healthier for everyone this way

god bleh

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:07 pm
by Shroom Man 777
i have to stay the course, work on this new life i've finally started, and everything

because no matter how genuinely contrite he can be, if i just go back there i know it will just result in the same old craps which nobody wants

this is the only way for change for the better to happen for everyone

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:12 pm
by evilsoup
don't lock your family out or anything, but moving on & getting a new job etc are positive steps

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:41 pm
by Agent Bert Macklin
I have been waiting a month to start differential equations and the first class is canceled.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:00 pm
by Aaron
Oxymoron wrote:Isn't being parent something you learn on the go and that no amount of book l earning can really prepare you for anyway ? That you'll never be "ready" and that you'll always fuck up in one way or another, and that you can just hope to do as few damage as possible, and that the positive will outweight the negative ?

I mean, that what my parents tell me...
Pretty much, it can be hard to apply the knowledge as well cause we're emotional creatures.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:31 pm
by Oxymoron
I see your point, and I agree that it's important to come prepared and learn stuff beforehand. I mean, that's what I'd do myself.

Maybe it's my optimistic side, but I wasn't seeing it as "you'll always get it wrong so don't even try", but as "no one is perfect, and even if you try your hardest you'll always make some mistakes so don't get discouraged and carry on".

I dunno. There's always the option to call for external help if it become too difficult. I mean... that's an option, right ?

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:39 pm
by Oxymoron
before it starts becoming difficult, or before you even have a child ?

though it's true in both cases, yeah. One thing I learned the hard way myself (not about parenting but life in general) : ask for help before it's too late (though it presuppose that you would be aware of the fact there's a problem...)

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:42 pm
by Aaron
Welcome to North America.

Re: The Testingtard's Lament: Boo-Hoo-in' Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:44 pm
by Oxymoron
what was the statistic I've seen earlier in this thread ? 50% of kids are from unwanted pregnancies ?

I think most people have kids not because they want them, but because of social inertia / stigmas / peer pressure.