Infinity Biscuit wrote:Great show all around you guys

Infinity Biscuit wrote:Great show all around you guys
this sounds like an interesting talethejester wrote:artillery fire is not conducive to study
Seriously?timmy wrote:Flagg
Stop being a cunt, mate.
Because, swearing, whatever the word, is a perfectly accepted part of Australian culture across a wide range of environments.Questor wrote:Wait, there are parts of the world where the use of that word as a descriptor by a male doesn't involve verbal (and occaisionally physical) beatings?
Edit: while I know there are funny insulting loan words in English that are perfectly acceptable in the original language, that's not one of them, though.
Further Edit: is it odd that I know more cross culture stuff from Eastern Europe, France (a bit) and the ME than I do other English speaking cultures?
Can I buy some pot from you?Questor wrote:OK, interesting.
Nolan and Bale in the Justice League.
Am I the only one who sees potential for this? It gives an opportunity to fix some (but by no means all) of what I consider the biggest narrative flaws of TDKR, jack up the threat level of the bad guys enormously, and then shut them down in a partly believable manner.
Bruce Wayne's dead, except to two people (and possibly a third if he's got any brains). Does anyone think that if a threat that shows up and takes down Supes (and there's not many ways to do that) that Batman's not going to show up?
Step 1: Threat appears.
Step 2: Supes does his bull/china shop schtick
Step 3: Supes gets beaten
Step 4: Batman's voice calls Fox and asks for some set of files.
Steps 5-n: Recruitment scenes
n+1: Big team battle
I don't know if it would be good, but it doesn't have to suck or break the Nolanverse either. The nolanverse enemies were heavily implied to be non-superhuman/magical but they didn't have to be. That flower could have been supernatural, Bane could have been. God knows Joker could have been an elemental force, and how the heck else do you even try to explain Two-Face?
For which part? Rising to the standard of "Good Comic Book Movie" is not a high bar to clear.Flagg wrote:Can I buy some pot from you?
Sorry but if I see Christian Bale as Batman in a space station or the goddamned fortress of solitude I will be most displeased. Most displeased indeed.Questor wrote:For which part? Rising to the standard of "Good Comic Book Movie" is not a high bar to clear.Flagg wrote:Can I buy some pot from you?
All I'm saying is that going "Ahhhhhh, it'll break the universe and rape my childhood" is premature.
Of course, I thought there was a chance Transformers wouldn't suck, too. That one still amazes me. How do you make giant transforming robots suck?
Ralin wrote:Finally I realized that when Walker fights the Satanic ponies I need to mention how his 'lower horn' is glowing and sparkling as it draws in and focuses Equestria's ambient magic.
Get Kevin Conroy to dub the Batman voice.Crazedwraith wrote:I had a hilarious idea. Have Christin Bale as batman in Justice League. But not Nolan verse Batman. Give him a different costume. A much more lower paid actor to cameo as Alfred. Bam. Different Batman.
It would so trolly. But cool. But then no-one likes Bale as batman anyway. Bale as Wayne works. But not with the bale batvoice.
Weirdly I never really noticed until everyone started ripping on it. Then I could never not notice.
Still not as shitty as the bane voice though.