Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1626 Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

So... there are pictures of naked guys on the phone she gave to the kids?

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1627 Post by timmy »

Yeah, it pinged a notification and bam, dicks.

Not real happy about that.
"also it really shits my mum so it's a good way of winding her up"


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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1628 Post by Zablorg »

tumblr allows you to automatically gif your webcam up and i have been enjoying myself enormously



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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1629 Post by timmy »

Oh shit that is the best ever
"also it really shits my mum so it's a good way of winding her up"


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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1630 Post by Civil War Man »

Bakustra wrote:one part is that a lot of people that have been raped are pretty offended by rape jokes, so you shouldn't say them, in general, because you're being an asshole to no gain.
I find it generally assholish to joke about a crime to a victim of that crime (except murder victims, since they've never been offended by murder jokes :v ). But I do agree that special care should be taken to avoid rape jokes in particular, just due to the level of victim shaming that goes on.

It's actually quite unique. The only other crime that comes to mind that anywhere near the level of victim blaming as rape is grifting, and that's usually not as traumatizing unless the money stolen prevents the victim from being able to make ends meet.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1631 Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

timmy wrote:Yeah, it pinged a notification and bam, dicks.

Not real happy about that.

Seems like leverage you could use.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1632 Post by RyanThunder »

Civil War Man wrote:The only other crime that comes to mind that anywhere near the level of victim blaming as rape is grifting, and that's usually not as traumatizing unless the money stolen prevents the victim from being able to make ends meet.
I totally read that as "regifting"

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1633 Post by Questor »

A question or two:

Do I recall that you're in a custody fight?

If so, would this type of behavior (leaving the phone with the link, not necessarily the sexual behavior) be valuable in Australian norms?

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1634 Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

Just to be clear, I'm only talking about the penis picture + children = serious questions dynamic. I am not advocating using her personal life against her in any way, except for the times when it results in your children suffering (for example, from penis pictures).

My understanding is that he is in some kind of custody or legal battle with her and that she has been constantly using the children as pawns against him.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1635 Post by timmy »

If I actually wanted to get full custody, I already had enough evidence before this.
"also it really shits my mum so it's a good way of winding her up"


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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1636 Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

Why don't you? From what you've told us, she puts the kids' well being well behind her own interests.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1637 Post by Oxymoron »

How am I supposed to answer that ?

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the other guy wrote:Not to be 'that guy', but that entire article is bullshit.

It consistently argues that hearing rape jokes and finding them funny leads to putting more blame on rape victims and being more lenient on rapists because "studies have proven".
I laugh at 99% of rape jokes I ever hear and find them absolutely hilarious, but that doesn't mean I think rape is less bad. I'm the guy who thinks all rapists should have their giblets cauterized with a blowtorch.
This is another one of those wonderful scare-campaigns that always has to show up that suddenly exploded in the last month, and nothing else. It's never going to change anything no matter how hard it tries; it's arguing something that can never be proven, only theorized; and it's starting to turn into an attack on certain people (in this case 'offensive' comedians).
On top of that, what the hell was up with that comparison at the beginning? "If you sell something that people use to hurt others, it's your fault too". This is one of the things I can't stand, and honestly it pisses me off more than just about anything else in the world. Let's all blame a horrible action on someone who "enabled" it by providing x-item to the one who did it. Someone rapes a girl/guy and we blame a dirty comedian for telling a joke. Someone shoots a kid and we blame a gunshop owner for selling him the gun or the company for making the gun. Someone dies from lung cancer after smoking for 40 years and we blame tobbacco companies for making cigarrettes. A jackass teenager shoots up a school and everyone blames videogames and the people who make them. All of these are the result of someone's CHOICE, and for some reason our culture blames someone who just did their job. It's like trying to blame a doctor if he couldn't save a kid who put a gun in his mouth.
Have we really fallen into this mindset where we just assume everyone is so impressionable that whenever they do something, the blame has to be put on someone else who must have influenced them or forced them to make that choice? Because that's what it's starting to seem like to me nowadays, and I'm fuckin' sick of it.

Yes, I get that actions of others and media does have some influence on how people act and how they think, but it's not to the point that it controls our fuckin' actions. People can still be held responsible for their own actions, no matter how hard it is to believe that humans are capable of doing some things. This is where I can agree with some of the article, that the jokes do somewhat desensitize us to the issue and make it seem smaller, but that doesn't mean everyone is starting to think it's okay! And those who do don't think so because of a few jokes; that kind of mindset has to be learned and ingrained over a long period of time, from someone you trust and emulate.

And to finish up my rant; Rape Culture.
I fucking hate that phrase now, because it DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST!!!
'Rape Culture' is a concept, an idea that was conceived but has never actually existed, so fucking stop saying that it does. It's the concept of a culture that condones rape and supports it in a completely non-joking way: as if nobody in said culture would give 2 shits if they were raped or if someone they loved was raped. It's the idea of rape becoming status-quo, something that is so normal we don't even care anymore, or even praise rapists.
So either I live in the wrong area, know the wrong people, or am just absolutely blind and deaf, but I have yet to experience any time when someone was raped and I actually heard the words "that's awesome" in a non-joking manner (remember, joking is not always acceptance, joking can be a method of coping with an uncomfortable situation). Last year there was a big case here and I heard at least 200 people talking about how much they would love to torture the rapist involved. Doesn't sound like acceptance to me, in fact it sounds like the exact opposite.
So yeah, Rape Culture is a lie told by people trying to get their point across and sound legitimate and serious, even if they don't know what the phrase truly means.

So yeah, congrats to this article for hitting one of my hot-buttons.
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I hate it when people become over-emotional over an issue and lose capacity for rational thought.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1638 Post by Infinity Biscuit »


wait are you on reddit or something because that would be your problem right there

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1639 Post by RyanThunder »

What's wrong with reddit?

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1640 Post by Oxymoron »

No, it's not Reddit, it's just a forum where posts can be upvoted or downvoted. It's actually relatively rare for posts to be upvoted (even once), and rarer yet for them to be downvoted.

The fact that my post was upvoted twice (which is relatively rare), and his thrice, is in this context noteworthy on its own.

@ Ryan : There's a whole sub-reddit dedicated to Men's Rights, and the place in general is a known haven to the Homo Sapiens Fedora sub-genus and a whole host of other nasty critters.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1641 Post by Infinity Biscuit »

There's a whole sub-reddit dedicated to spreading sexualised pictures of minors taken without their consent, too. If you're gonna talk about the bad subreddits, that's one to go to :L

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1642 Post by evilsoup »

I thought that one got shut down? The guy running it got exposed and lost his job or something?

anyway mang every few months we get a judge over here saying something like 'that twelve year old was totally asking for it' and giving the perp a reduced sentence, so saying that rape culture doesn't exist is just :psyduck:

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1643 Post by Oxymoron »

But, listen, he doesn't know anyone who consciously say that rape is a good thing so obviously there isn't a thing named "rape culture".

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1644 Post by evilsoup »

it's almost like he's never paid attention to the actual definition of that term and is instead arguing in bad faith because you're making him feel bad about his shitty rape jokes
or something

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1645 Post by RyanThunder »

Oxymoron wrote:No, it's not Reddit, it's just a forum where posts can be upvoted or downvoted. It's actually relatively rare for posts to be upvoted (even once), and rarer yet for them to be downvoted.

The fact that my post was upvoted twice (which is relatively rare), and his thrice, is in this context noteworthy on its own.

@ Ryan : There's a whole sub-reddit dedicated to Men's Rights, and the place in general is a known haven to the Homo Sapiens Fedora sub-genus and a whole host of other nasty critters.
Yeah I used to visit seddit before I got tired of it.

AFAIK you can start a subreddit for anything without having to notify anybody. So I figure a few bad subreddits doesn't really reflect badly on the whole of reddit.

Of course i could be wrong.

EDIT: otoh the fedoras are just unforgiveable so i don't know what to think now ???

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1646 Post by Oxymoron »

The funny thing is

he's the writer of this Fallout Equestria story.

Why is that funny ? Read the first two chapters.
The defining "trait" of the main female character is to have been raped for years by her father, imprisoned in the family home while never being allowed to go out.

He's just suffering from misplaced priorities, placing free speech over social engineering efforts aiming at changing a culture he negates the existence of.

Efforts should be directed at proving the existence of this culture to him, but I don't know what arguments to use.

Which is why I ask of you people your help in this struggle.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1647 Post by Infinity Biscuit »

It's not even a free speech issue; no one's asking for censorship. What he's prioritising is his ability to say whatever he wants regardless of consequences and avoid all criticism for it.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1648 Post by Jung »

Infinity Biscuit wrote:It's not even a free speech issue; no one's asking for censorship. What he's prioritising is his ability to say whatever he wants regardless of consequences and avoid all criticism for it.
I've noticed this trend of thinking negative social consequences for saying stuff is evil infringement of your liberty equivalent to censorship.

I find it one of the most odious parts of the "but ... muh freedom!" mentality.

Also deeply ironic because a hugbox isn't what actual free speech looks like.

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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1649 Post by Flagg »

Is this person under the age of 25? Because they are unreachable.
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Re: Lament 3: Cry Hard With A Vengeance

#1650 Post by Oxymoron »

Flagg wrote:Is this person under the age of 25? Because they are unreachable.
What do you mean by that ?
